Sin and 3D decisions

Sin and 3D decisions

Monday, January 22, 2018

6 a.m. “Inability to forgive.” I awaken to these words as part of a sentence, the rest of which I do not retain. They are an example of something, or a symptom, or something. But whatever the context, the three words are clear. Today’s text?

It was connected with the sin of Pride. It is Pride that leads to inability to forgive, a cause and effect relationship that should be easy enough to trace for yourselves. And inability to forgive will serve as an example of sin as cause and effect, both, of separation

Yes, looking back, today’s departure point was to be seen as the separation of soul and spirit, though that isn’t expressed clearly.

That’s because not yet understood clearly, so let’s go into it. We were saying that you (i.e. 3D humans) function as interfaces between vast impersonal forces and localized constructs, that is, individual minds. To compress the discussion to manageable length, we will ignore all the careful caveats that we hope by now you know well—that individuals are really communities; replication of scale (“as above, so below”), 3D as subset of All-D, etc. None of that ceases to apply, but we can’t be repeating it carefully every time we use words colloquially. You have to read this in at least that state of alertness, if you are going to move with us.

And speaking of moving with us, remember to sink into your most reflective self, so you do not skate over things or, to use a space-age analogy, skip out of your glide path when attempting to re-enter.

As interfaces, you experience forces in a unique way. This is another example of why 3D was precipitated out of non-3D: to make it possible to shape the result of these forces interacting with preexisting structures.

Just so you know, this is not yet clear.

No, of course. Remember, as you read this, our current strategy is to begin with the lives you lead but don’t much think about in this context – the difficult, conflicted, passionate, complicated, confusing emotional lives you live – and connect to the universals from that end. In other words, now that you have been given extensive theoreticals, we are attempting to thoroughly ground them practically, so that you may truly connect the two ends and allow yourselves the level of transformation you may decide upon. Sin as commonly experienced, regardless whether commonly conceived of, may serve as spring point.

So, inability to forgive. What is it but being stuck? The person who cannot forgive is trapped, quicksanded, held in a spider’s web beyond hope of extrication. Logic won’t extricate him or her. Determination won’t do it; resolute forgetting won’t. Attempting to take revenge certainly won’t – though it will add interesting complications. So what is the way out?

Deciding to forgive? I mean, choosing to be a different way in respect to whatever it is that happened?

Yes, if you are able. But what if you want to make such a decision but just can’t? What if it is beyond your ability? That, after all, is being trapped: to know what you need to do but be unable to do it.

I get: the Alcoholics Anonymous way. Recognize that you at your level can’t do it, and put your reliance in a higher power to assist you to do what you can’t do yourself.

A higher power. Do they say – do we say – God? Do we spell out what that higher power is? Do we insist or even suggest that you must see it our way or be unable to rely upon it? No. we say, merely, you as 3D portion of a larger being that is itself part of a larger being have resources available to you that make what is impossible possible, what is difficult easy, what is seemingly an absolute barrier not only permeable but in effect almost nonexistent. As one example, communication with your non-3D component as an easy practical taken-for-granted fact of life is mostly a matter of having some way of conceptualizing it that works for you, something that smooths the way. Well, as it is for communication, so it is for all the other aspects of life, as you discover various applications.

So what interferes with that process? What more effectively than pride? It may not seem so at first glance, but there it is. Work it out for yourselves – it shouldn’t be difficult, in light of your own experiences with it – and it will be more real to you. What is behind inability to forgive, but pride? You might at first think anger, but the root will be found to be pride.

Now we will leave you to do that work of tracing the relationship, and will proceed to the generalization it may serve to illustrate. Pride as sin (rather than as legitimate enjoyment) tends to invert the proper relationship between 3D self and All-D self, by putting 3D self as if it were to

Got tangled.

Yes. We’ll start again at a different angle. The 3D self’s purpose is to choose its reaction to seemingly external stimuli, and thereby create what it wants to be, in the sense of how it wishes to function as continuing habit-pattern. That is its legitimate function. But it is not meant to do so as if it were the only factor in its own existence – much less as if it were the only one in the universe who counts. Cells that function without regard to the organism they are a part of are cancer.

Your non-3D component is the part of you that always holds a larger perspective on your life. Willfully disregarding it amounts to choosing to be less than you are, and amounts to willfully half-blinding yourself for the purpose of having what seems like your own will. An enraged person is said to be “beside himself.” Well, anyone operating as if the 3D portion is all that is real is doing just that, operating beside himself, or herself.

In the middle of that, I got that that’s why the evilest person sometimes will unexpectedly be converted into what seems an entirely different person – they break through to connection with other parts of themselves.

Sometimes. Not always, sometimes. That’s much too sweeping a generalization, but it does have a certain illustrative value.

What is assumed but perhaps has not yet been clearly expressed is this: You in 3D have the ability and the charge to choose, but in the context of a broader orientation. It is not strictly true that your non-3D component (and still less the Sam from which you were created) do not care what you choose.

All choices are not equally good, they don’t lead in the same direction, they do not enable the same results and the same springboards for further exploration and development. That is to say, we do have a bias, and we do hope to influence you to walk on firm ground rather than quicksand, to choose health over evil (we are not talking about physical health here, so we do not say “over sickness” though evil might be described that way, accurately enough). But it must be your choice, or it is meaningless.

Action per se is meaningless, I get, in that it is part of the first-tier reality that in effect passes away. But action as it affects who we are is what action is for.

Action is dramatization, call it; it is crystallization for the moment of who and what you are. Another action may contradict or modify or reinforce it, but any action is, in itself, a decision for the moment to be a certain way. And that is the opportunity that 3D provides.

Now, if your entire self inclines a certain way, and its inclinations can be altered mostly or entirely only by 3D decisions, that’s the importance of the 3D. But that doesn’t mean your larger self does not have preferences as to what you choose to enable or disable; it means only that it can’t stop you from doing what you determine to do. At best, it can whisper, or shout, in your ear, “Stop!” or “You really can be better than this.” But it can’t and wouldn’t make you do what it wanted rather than what you wanted. What does that is sin.

I take it you mean, habit-patterns functioning as if they were autonomous within us.

That is one way to conceptualize them.

Anything unconscious to us has powers over us. [I meant, anything of which we are unconscious.]

And it may seem very foreign to you, very “other.” Let’s resume here.

Okay, thanks as always.


4 thoughts on “Sin and 3D decisions

  1. These recent smaller, but incremental steps (a concept at a time) have been helpful to my absorption of the overall content. And, I am grateful that we have progressed enough that Nathaniel is not repeating content unnecessarily today. It brings a clarity (pointed-ness) to the daily presentation or message.

    I continue to work with my own community, as the material progresses. I recently have returned to the beginning with Nathaniel to review their comments about Soul and Spirit. I was having a difficult time understanding their distinctions, inter-relationship, etc. And yesterday, Nathaniel’s discourse about human perceptions about NDE’s, OBE’s and past life regression was especially validating to me.

    So, thank you again for continuing to share your personal conversations with these unitary beings! It is not only inspiring, but it is changing trajectories.

  2. I think I’m getting the thread here. Nathaniel uses the inability to forgive as an example of pride, and that got me to thinking. When I’m angry and holding a grudge, I am into my ego and seeking to keep myself from being further damaged. I think I know exactly what caused the problem, and I won’t let go until I get my restitution, whatever that might be. I have inverted the relationship between 3-D and All-D self, focusing solely on my ego reasoning. Is this not pride?
    Thinking that I know it all and have the full truth of a matter? I am trapped until I do something different.

    Wishing it away doesn’t help. I have found relief with acknowledging my hurt feelings. Right or wrong, I do feel hurt. Then I move those feelings outside of myself into my energy conversion box, which is filled with beautiful colors of love and healing. The lid of the box remains open. I am not shutting my feelings away. Once I am no longer snared by the immediacy of these feelings, I am more able to step out of my ego and connect to my greater self. I get a higher perspective on the issue. At this point, it gets easier. It’s like a tight little ball of string suddenly unravels, and I am able to move towards forgiveness. Sometimes it takes a while to get there, and I often have to work on another layer of it later, but at least I’m moving in the right direction.

    (The energy conversion box is Robert Monroe’s technique, a place to put worries and concerns while doing a meditation or exercise. It’s also a good way to quiet the monkey mind.)

    1. Thank you very much for telling Jane C, beautifully told indeed.

      I have TRIED once upon a time, step by step, when to study the ACIM lessons, working upon myself about forgiveness – ACIM, where it is told “on a higher level” it IS NOTHING TO FORGIVE, because TIME in perspective as A OBJECT and a IDEA Construcion cannot (when us to realize I AM), “stand still” as a specific emotion/feeling, and therefore, as IT IS already done and accomplished(the inner knowing according to ACIM). Plainly explained by ACIM: When us TO REALIZE forgiveness is Love – It is done. But it MUST BECOME AN INNER “Knowledge” or forever working upon it into the eternity.

      As Nathaniel & Co, and many others telling – E.C. and Seth: We are the very same whether we are existent now(simultaneous) within all other D`s, among all worlds at all time.
      I`m into The Seth Material again and quote; “But everything in the universe exists at one time, simultaneiusly. The first words ever spoken still ring through the universe, and in your terms, the last words ever spoeken have already been said, for there is no beginning. It is only your perception that is limited.
      There is no past. present, and future. When I tell you that you lived, for example, in 1836, I say this because it makes sense to you now. You live all your incarnations at oce, but you find it difficult to undestand within the context of three-dimensional reality.”

      Well, all of us knowing that by now thanks to all the splendid material by Franks`….
      Seth says about cause and effect: “Since all events occur at once in actuality, there is little to be gained by saying that a past event causes a present one. Past experiences does NOT(underlined)cause present experience, You are forming past, present, and future – simultaneously.
      The whole Self is aware of ALL(underlined)of the experiences of ALL(underlined)of the egos, and since identity forms them, there are bound to be similarities between them and shared characteristics.”

      Okay, so when we at last, after all those years/eons, to believe in Forgiveness and Love – it IS ALREADY DONE….(my comment: Hopefully)Smiling.

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