Internal barriers and “past life” memories

I was surprised to have this communication this morning. Every so often the non-3D gets the bit in its teeth, and we’re off to the races! I note, particularly, “If you see the value of greater access to “past life” memories now that you realize that the past is still alive – how much closer is your “past life” in the life you are still leading!”

Friday, October 7, 2016

[The best intro to this is this graf from yesterday’s journal: “Having finished The Patriarch [the life of Joseph P. Kennedy] again, I think, what does all this striving come to? OT1H, an interesting life, high drama, lived full-tilt, and leaving a record. OTOH is it any more significant than dong nothing? At first you say obviously then you wonder.”]

2:35 a.m. I didn’t say what I was feeling. Don’t quite know if I can. So instead, let me ask Joseph P. Kennedy to comment on my reactions to seeing his life’s story again.

But the problem with the way you see another person’s life is that you tend to see it sequentially, which means, it always winds up with the person dead! It’s a pretty limited view.

We on the other side, the non-3D side, the spiritual world, call it what you will, are freer than that. We see our lives not as a sequence but as a totality, and believe me, it makes a difference. If you were remembering a football game, you wouldn’t remember the final moments as the important thing, unless there was a dramatic finish. You would remember the big moments, the highs and the lows. The shape of the game, call it.

Well, I can see that.

You if you are Jack Kennedy and you come out of that short, tumultuous life, or if you are Robert Kennedy with an even shorter life, do you sit around thinking, “but the game was ended at the second quarter”? do you say, “wow, what a tragedy” because you were exploded out of that life in one instant? If you are a Joseph P. Kennedy, do you say “none of it was worth anything” because of your final years in a wheelchair and in bed, as if that was the point of your life? Surely you can see that only somebody trapped in a 3D way of seeing things would imagine it that way.

Well, that’s a more cheerful way of seeing things. It’s true, following lives sequentially can be pretty grim.

In practice, you don’t. You read about somebody’s life and you get the idea, but then when you think about it afterward or when you re-read, you don’t obsess over the fact that the biography must end with somebody dying, any more than you concentrate on every day the person is sick, or gets fired, or loses a contest, or something.

I have thought that our way of reading biography suffers from our tacit assumption that this life is all that matters. No, that isn’t what I mean. I mean, Adomnan’s life of Columba, say, leaves out many things we would consider important and concentrates on what he and his times thought was important. It makes a difference. Ours looks like almost obsessive concern with detail, in an attempt to recreate the world the subject lived in. It is the difference between Baker’s Hemingway and that of Reynolds, say. Each excellent, but for different characteristics.

So as you look at your life, what stands out to you?

Can you feel what’s happening, as you pause?

I can feel that something is happening, but I don’t know what. It feels like my brain is moving around, so to speak.

It is a having to reach for new arrangements. What I want to say is far away from what your expectations would have been, and so rearrangement is necessary, not between you and me, but between conscious-you and your own deeper extension into non-3D space.

The idea being, I guess, that my unconscious mind, my non-3D mind, knows things that are not obvious to my 3D mind, and there are obstacles between the layers.

Yes, and I’m moving you along to “someone else,” you might say, who is closer to that kind of information. I mention this not because I am “going” anywhere, but because the very fluidity of response on our end of things is important to the subject at hand.

I could vaguely feel the difference.

That’s why we underlined it, to help you recognize it more readily and to fold it into the discussion.

I have noticed recently – the past few weeks in particular, I suppose – that my memories of things in my life seem to be obtruding themselves more, as I do crossword puzzles, say, or even as I read. It is (I suspect) because some internal barriers have lowered, and I am more willing to remember things painful or embarrassing, of which my life has no shortage.

The effort involved in suppressing painful memories can be considerable, and besides that, the barrier you raise in the process is a barrier, restricting access not only to what hurts but to what would be pleasant.

And I suppose my practice of talking to people on “the other side” is a way of opening up to our own suppressed or neglected memories. [I was surprised, typing this up, to notice that “our.”]

Not just memories, but active potential allies. If you see the value of greater access to “past life” memories now that you realize that the past is still alive – how much closer is your “past life” in the life you are still leading!

This goes back to The Division of Consciousness again, that our separation into conscious versus unconscious is the fall of man, so to speak, and is the cause of a lot of problems in the next life as well as this one.

Remember – and obviously this refers to anybody who reads this, not just to you – nothing in your life is without meaning. This means nothing in your life is without the potential to act for you, to act upon you. Good memory or bad, the stronger the flavor, the greater the potential.

I get it, and I’m sure others will too.

This needs spelling out, and there is another whole book in it, once you are ready to go.

I want to write my novel first! I have put it off too long, and it is coming well, and I don’t want to lose it.

Who is going to stop you? And your novels will eventually be an accessible way for people to find their own way, just as you found Dion Fortune’s. So it isn’t like we think you are wasting your time. Only, be aware that there is more to be done in other realms.

Could I do both at the same time? I’m afraid of losing focus.

Don’t force anything. Just work.

So give us a little more of a preview of coming attractions.

Surely you can feel that the subject od changing your inner life to extend to other parts of yourself – which changes your perspective on the life you are leading – has religious ramifications. It will be productive for you to explore them, with a little help from your friends.

By “religious ramifications,” I assume you mean, greater insight into religious ways of seeing the world?

Don’t assume. Wait for clarification when it comes.

One thing it has to touch on – Jesus saying he came that we might have life more abundantly. If that means nothing more than, “living this way, nurturing these habits, will free you internally,” it is worthwhile.

Well, when the time comes, you’ll see.

I suppose there isn’t any reason we can’t do this every so often while I’m still working on the novel, in the same way that Charles and I will spend a couple of days on his work of summarizing and codifying Rita’s message.

It is up to you, more than up to us. Just as in your day-to-day life the limiting factor is what you hold in active memory, so in the larger version of day-to-day life, the limiting factor is what you allow and what you encourage, for obviously everything that is held reduces the opportunities to hold other things. Everybody makes these choices; that is what life is, choosing. But it is as well that occasionally you are reminded that other choices are possible.

Well, this has been a pleasant surprise. I’ll send it out, and hope to return to Dark Fire later today. Thank you.


9 thoughts on “Internal barriers and “past life” memories

  1. I still get amazed at how well your material parallels my current experiences–e.g., of deep, old forgotten memories surfacing unexpectedly, ready to be let go of. I never thought of memories (and everything else) having the potential to act for us and upon us, as allies, but of course it makes perfect sense. And I did think of Jane Roberts working on things like the Oversoul Seven books and poetry, etc., all while regularly channeling Seth. It seems each activity feeds your creativity, further activating it, rather than depleting it. And we get to benefit. Thanks, as always.

  2. Don’t force anything. Just work.” “Well, when the time comes, you’ll see.”
    These could be the threads for a book on my own life … for me these are the ‘mundane’ (daily life) basis for TGU/Rita’s “All is well!”, and faith and grace as taught by the Church.

    Frank, your growth and change continues to astound and delight me … because your words help me connect better with my own guidance, and pull me along toward ????. Reminds me of sailing: wind calms down and you feel you’re just sitting there drifting and rocking with the waves … then the wind picks up and you see and feel the energy as the sails start ‘pulling’. You sheet in and race off to the next ‘lull’ …

    My continued and profound appreciation for your work and effort!

  3. Yes, most definitely we’re in this together! So strange to read others describe the strange character of memories that are surfacing now. The flavour of consciousness seems to be changing. It is somewhat worrying. I catch myself wanting to find some “normal”, to have some fixed point from where to explore, to anchor the new map to something that is “known”. But it is not happening.

    Abot democracy: to me it seems the whole project was built on rotten foundation. I used to admire the Greek democracy, but then learned that it was a slave society. It looks like democracy can only function with a population who have the leisure to keep themselves well educated (classical arts) and interested in public matters. And that means they have to be rich and others have to do the tough work for them. The time required to endlessly discuss to achieve decisions is a luxury tribal societies have not had. They are not democracies, but they are not dictatorships, either. There’s a lot more I want to say, but have to rush for my ukulele class. Hearing myself play music is yet another of the new contours of my consciousness. What really interests me is how is the new emerging, although I keep tripping up in what’s wrong with the current stuff.

    Thank you Frank, so good to see you back here, the inspiring us all!

    1. Kristiina,
      There are many ‘fingers’ in TGU/Rita/Frank’s material that point me to that (much needed) anchor as I explore this vast (getting ‘vaster’ every day!) new area of consciousness and awareness and connection with guidance. Rita’s “All is well!” is a symbol that helps, reminding me this may not be ‘normal’, but I do have a “place to stand’ (to quote Frank).

      We ARE in this together; that awareness has grown in just the last few months. My guidance seems to ‘play off’ of Frank’s material (and Bob’s books and Elias’ messages), adding, shifting, illuminating … and occasionally ‘pushing’ me to add to the flow. A wild ride indeed!

  4. For me, TGU’s words here amplify the tremendous potential of “internal” exploration: “going in”, and changing ourself. By stretching and expanding our awareness inside, we are connecting to our source of being, and if we trust ourself and not only listen to but act on those impulses that come from within we will be in concert with our core.

    Furthermore we have the capacity to affect what we think of as past, present and future alike. We will not be acting on our world or on others from the outside in, but will be affecting these via ourselves from the inside out.

    I find Frank’s dialogue quite interesting, especially in light of Seth’s words quoted below.

    From: Roberts, Jane (2012-04-26). The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events (A Seth Book) (Kindle Locations 5747-5748). Amber-Allen Publishing. Kindle Edition.

    “…No methods will work if you are afraid of your own impulses, or of the nature of your own being. Most of you understand that All That Is is within you, that God is within creation, within physical matter, and that “He” does not simply operate as some cosmic director on the outside of reality. You must understand that the spiritual self also exists within the physical self in the same fashion. The inner self is not remote, either — not divorced from your most intimate desires and affairs, but instead communicates through your own smallest gesture, through your smallest ideal…

    Conclusion: You are individuals, yet each of you forms a part of the world’s reality. Consciously, you are usually aware only of your own thoughts, but those thoughts merge with the thoughts of all others in the world. You understand what television is. At other levels, however, you carry a picture of the world’s news, [one] that is “picked up” by signals transmitted by the c-e-l-l-s (spelled) that compose all living matter. When you have an impulse to act, it is your own impulse, yet it is also a part of the world’s action. In those terms, there are inner neurological-like systems that provide constant communication through all of the world’s parts. If you accept the fact that man is basically a good creature, then you allow free, natural motions of your own psychic nature — and that nature springs from your impulses, and not in opposition to them.

    There is no event upon the face of the earth in which each of you has not played some part, however minute, because of the nature of your thoughts, beliefs, and expectations. There is no public act in which you are not in that same manner involved. You are intimately connected with all of the historic events of your time.

    (Long pause.) To some extent you participated in putting a man on the moon, whether or not you had any connection at all with the physical occurrence itself. Your thoughts put a man on the moon as surely as any rocket did. You can become involved now in a new exploration, one in which man’s civilizations and organizations change their course, reflecting his good intents and his ideals. You can do this by seeing to it that each step you personally take is “ideally suited” to the ends you hope to achieve. You will see to it that your methods are ideal.

    If you do this, your life will automatically be provided with excitement, natural zest and creativity, and those characteristics will be reflected outward into the social, political, economic, and scientific worlds. This is a challenge more than worth the effort. It is a challenge that I hope each reader will accept. (Pause.) The practical idealist (pause) …
    Give us a moment … When all is said and done, there is no other kind.

    I bid each of you success in that endeavor.”


    1. Thank you, John! I’ve been trying to understand how to deal with my job – I’ve always felt making a living is a sort of debt to society, which inherently seems to have the intention of only crushing me. Cannon-fodder, in peace and in war, the little people are just there to be trod upon. Pretty obviously all the work we are busy doing that keeps destroying the earth will also destroy the morals and idealism of us who are doing it. We are working to hold up a system that destroys the earth and ourselves, not even by design, but as collateral damage.

  5. Hello Frank 🙂

    A quote that might interest you:

    “Nothing that was ever done was ever wasted or without effect on life. Nothing is so insignificant as to be unimportant. Everything in life matters and ultimately has a place, an impact, a meaning.”

    Laurens van der Post

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