5 thoughts on “(psst…)

  1. Be well. The material packs such a punch that there’s a lot to digest. Even when just reading. I have no idea how it feels when you’re doing it in your body. So take care – and I say this for entirely selfish reasons…

    Gonna print the Rita communications for my father to read, he is 79 now and has copd, so ideas about the other side may (hopefully) interest him.

  2. Indeed; much to digest here…Enjoy your “time off”; looks to be an early Spring for many of us in the Eastern third of the U.S.; I’ve much garden cleanup to attend to!


    1. Ditto Craig, nowadays is it the time for outdoors activity.
      And It is spring in the air.

      I can certainly understand Frank needs a rest from all the work. Knowing how it is sitting with the computers(smiles) for hours at a time.
      I am a bit old-fashioned.
      We can have a group gathering and a chat at night in our dreams…We,
      The Arcturians.

      Bliss & Blessings,
      Inger Lise.

  3. Rita through Frank has emphasized on numerous occasions the value of taking her teachings inward, letting them “marinate”. For those who are avid followers as I am, this pause in the dialogue is an excellent time to do that.

    This morning while driving through Northern California in the rain, I was listening to an audio non-fiction book about the U.S. Ambassador to Germany prior to WWII. Meanwhile the words of Rita were sitting on my mind. With the rain blocking out my external input other than what was necessary to stay on the freeway, a strong perception came through from my greater mind.

    The setting of the scene described by the book was multinational diplomacy in pre-war Berlin. The star enters the scene with a number presets, apparent in 3D (and probably a lot more not so visible): a modest but ambitious historian with an intellectual bent, professorial, somewhat introverted soul.

    The message growing strongly within me was, the range of choices from a probabilistic point of view for that “individual” in that scene was indeed very small. The likelihood of what transpired was very high.

    The overwhelming thought came through: To say that the events of our lives are highly orchestrated is an understatement. I am not stating this as absolute truth; it is what came through to me while “marinating”.

    I mentally reviewed my own “presets” and some of the scenes in my life. I began to see how finely tuned the experiences were to my makeup. My range of choices were seemingly very extensive at the time, but given my own tendencies, reinforced by previous experience, my choices were frankly quite predictable.

    I am not labeling this as either good or bad. I am saying my presence in those particular scenes at those particular times with my “presets” was far from accidental.

    The same can be said for my current interest in Frank’s blog and my TMI/TMIE association.

    Intellectually I have understood this before, from Seth’s words for example, but never with the depth of insight I have now regarding the pervasive nature of “orchestration” in our life. At some point when viewing it from angles not available now I expect it will be even more apparent.

    Of course I have free will. But I am not going to choose and act counter to my fundamental nature, my essence. The backstage crew knows pretty darn well how a scene will play out when I am dropped into it. Besides that, as Rita and Seth pointed out, the backstage crew as well as the director are other parts of me as well.

    I am not denying my own 3D-oriented complicity. I am not a pawn, and I have created and bought into and accept who I have become and are becoming.

    If anything, this knowing will reduce any residual fear or trepidation about the upcoming scenes to be played.

    My role: follow my gut, be true to my self, take it all in. Guilt and worry are not worth the energy. If it’s my scene to play I will do it with gusto, but also I realize that every scene is not for me.

    Thanks you Frank and Rita and all the unnamed stage hands who work constantly to pull this off.

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