Healing and illness and choices and lack of coincidences

Something very interesting has been happening.

About three weeks ago, Rita said something that reminded me that Seth had talked about the connection between what people want and how and when they die. I realized that if someone is tired, or is ready to go for any reason, s/he can do so in any way s/he wishes. Cancer is an acceptable way socially, in that “we all have to die of something,” but – if I understand Seth correctly, and I think I do – people get it or don’t get it or die of it or recover from it or find it inexplicably gone depending mostly or entirely upon what they want. Rita said, “no person and no force in the world has a say in it. You cannot be forced to die or to live. You cannot `come down with’ something without your internal consent, in fact your internal intent. If your internal intent changes, the external has to change, of course.”

Then, a few days ago, a friend emailed me that one of her daughters had given birth to a boy who had hemophilia. Not only that, but the child’s mother might have it (which would be very rare in a woman). Did Rita have insight into the situation? I said I’d ask.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

F: Miss Rita, anything to say on the subject? I got that it may be reversible, which doesn’t may any sense to me.

R: It isn’t so much that it is reversible as that the child’s non-physical component could jump time lines. You tend to think this is a function of 3D consciousness, but if you’d think about it you’d see it can’t be limited to 3D. When the 3D consciousness is involved is mastery, or, if intermittent, is miracle or is at least magical power. But mostly, 3D lives are a matter of 3D choices among alternatives, and along time-lines, selected and offered by the non-3D component, which has such wider vision and less impaired (that is not moment-to-moment driven) judgment.

Therefore, as you think about it, several previously unconnected boxes may show their inherent linkage.

If the non-3D may be relied upon to bring you to the proper timeline (within the bounds of your previous choices in 3D)
And if there are no coincidences,
And if student and teacher are always one, even if the student is not always aware of it,
And if healing is always possible
And healing is in fact different things for different circumstances (recovered physical wellness, or death, or transformation through suffering, among other forms)

Then – anyone’s illness is not

F: I think I lost the thread. I think I was starting to go logical at the end of that string of “if”s.

R: You’re doing all right. You got the list without trying to judge it as it came.

F: True.

R: Well, here is the conclusion, and you’re having trouble with it only because it sounds clichéd to you. But how do things become clichéd? Merely by thoughtless overuse. They don’t become less true.

The child may or may not live. If he lives he may or may not live “impaired” (for so it will seem). His mother may or may not be diagnosed as also having the disease, which strikes so very few females.

No matter what, and no matter how many times the time lines change, all is well. By definition there can be no accidental tragedy.

Then, in separate instances, no fewer than four other people talked to me of life-threatening or life-changing situations, and in each case reading them the above turned out to be appropriate and helpful. Naturally I am not under the illusion that it was coincidence that the information came to me just in time to be ready when others needed it. So, when I woke up this morning, I thought, probably I should pass it along.

11 thoughts on “Healing and illness and choices and lack of coincidences

  1. Perfect timing to be passed this info!
    From an infant situation with name of Jupiter…
    to physical & mental challenges with aging loved ones…
    Many thanks once again~

  2. Good morning! I woke up thinking that I missed your morning messages that went so well with that first cup of coffee. And here you are! Thank you.

    In my own life, I’m trying to figure out how to “change timelines” and create a future I want to live in. Translating what I’ve read into a positive shift is proving very difficult. While it may be true from a non 3-D perspective that all is well, from this perspective, I’d rather not continue to learn from this particular adversity.

    I wonder how, specifically, the boy would “heal” that illness if the larger self chose it for its own reasons, but the 3-D boy wanted to do something else, like live a healthy life. How does one negotiate new terms? Especially if the non 3-D self thinks all is well regardless of how well or not well we think things are in 3-D?

    1. Martha, i really think this kind of perplexity is rooted more in language which sets up separations that are not quite real, and affinities that are not quite definite, so that we think we’re talking about something quite definite when in fact we are changing definitions in mid-sentence, unknown to ourselves. So for instance, even talking about our 3D and non-3D components makes it sound as though they were separate (and therefore potentially estranged, or even antagonistic) rather than connected-but-separate (depending on how you look at it) like fingers on a hand.

      There IS a matter of trust involved, no question. But i find it easier to trust than to think i’m on my own, having to figure it out on my own. When i live in trust, things seem to flow pretty smoothly, even the “bad” things. Perhaps this is because i am not adding to the discomfort by setting my Downstairs demands against the situation presumably directed, or anyway nudged, from Upstairs. But is there any reason in the world why i should assume that my non-3D component (a) has a lesser understanding of the situation, or (b) is not concerned with my welfare, which is also ITS welfare? Those two assumptions lead to: Trust, and try to stay with the program. We are here to choose what we will become; that doesn’t mean we have to (or even could) dictate which way the roads lead. That’s how i see it at the moment, anyway.

  3. Wow. There is so much good in this post. For me, it brings up the question of how much conscious “control” we have over our lives vs. how much we rely on our non-3D self to “guide” us. Certainly, what we choose, either from conscious intent or subconscious programming, affects the range of possibilities we then encounter. Is it a matter of preference? Some choose to drive the car, others would rather be a passenger? (Which may be merely a choice of perspective. Am I choosing to identify with the driver or the passenger in this moment?) Or do we switch off, taking turns driving and then letting someone else drive when we want a nap? So much to think about. Thank you so much, Frank and Rita and TGU, for all you do.

  4. Serendipity indeed! I’m almost eighty and should be bored with life and preparing to escape? No way. The number of areas in which I’m interested and following go on and on, with Rita’s revelations and those of my guides-on-the-other-sides supportive ones. I’m also planning to plant a banana orchard of many varieties, several fruit trees that won’t mature for years, and again on and on. Then, I anti-desire to leave my wonderful, beautiful, and somewhat younger soul-mate behind yet, particularly with all the excitement to come. Anyhow, in the middle of the night last night, when I attempted to get out of bed, I couldn’t straighter my legs; they were swollen and cramped, which is increasingly true because of water retention. It made me angry. After stretching, performing some qigong motions, and applying some healing hands, I had little difficulty the rest of the night, though I repeated the exercises each time I got up and did the full regime without difficulty this morning. No way am I ready to lie down and die, especially with the Earth and Humankind now going through a shaman-like dismantling and rebirth. I intend to be here for the show. Try to keep me away.

    1. I admire your spirit. Me, I’m ready to go any time, as far as i know. There isn’t that much of interest for me here. But I sometimes suspect, when i’m finally on my deathbed, I’ll be saying, “Wait! Wait! I’m just getting the hang of this thing!” 🙂

    2. Hi Don.

      You are the same as my husband,he is also planting trees which probably will grow in full size when we are far gone from this dimension (my husband is 75). I`m shaking my head upon him,since it is many enough of the fruit trees at the property on forehand.
      Our neighbors cutting down the trees, while my husband planting the more (us,to be lucky in to have nice&humorous neighbors).
      Well, about cramps in the legs at night… I have found a very good medicament… It is Magnesium. And Magnesium can be bought everywhere, either as fluid or tablets. I do not know if it is working against swollen legs that is!

      But over to something else.I have watched a series of TV-programs (re-released), about Theresa Caputo, the Long Island Medium lately.
      And it fits with what we are discussing here now.
      All-in-all, all the deceased folks Theresa Caputo coming “into contact with” exclaims their own responsibility for “their own death” whatever circumstances it might has been.

      Theresa is very funny&lively,she`s”my type”to watch.
      I`m laughing more than crying.

      Blessings to you and all friends.
      LOL,Inger Lise.
      P.S. THANK you very much Frank.

  5. Interesting as always, Frank!

    In reading “The Seth Material” (the whole body of work, as well as the book of that title), Seth stresses more than once that “all deaths are suicides”. That doesn’t “sit too well” w/ most folks, who see the whole “reality creation” thing, and statements like that as “blaming the victim”. Currently, I’m not facing big health challenges, but I do struggle w/ depression and anxiety. “Trust” is a VERY big issue w/ me…

    …which is why I often say I feel like such an “oddball/weirdo” in current society, in that I’m “working my way out of the Materialist/Reductionist ‘science’ boxes”, rather than “religious indoctrination”. The awakening is slow for me, but I am open to “quantum leaps” in this trust-issue! I was well-taught to “trust the Experts”, as I’ve mentioned on here before more than once, be they medical, philosophers, or even those who hold University degrees in poetry, for God’s sake (true story)!

    I find I am at my most trustful when I’m going to sleep, or awaken in a relaxed state, and just idly “chat with” my own “source self”…I get some pretty good insights if I’m “open”!


    1. The only expert that I would ever trust, in anything important, is the expert part of me that lives in non-3D conditions and thus has a wider perspective, as well as having my best interests always at heart. Oddly, I find that the more you trust, the easier it is to trust more; it’s a virtuous cycle, as opposed to the vicious cycle of suspicion and control leading downward.

  6. O And if student and teacher are always one, even if the student is not always aware of it

    This one caused me to pause. I don’t remember it being said like this. Higher consciousness benevolently working on lower consciousness, yet we are all one? (To borrow from previous statements from Rita and Simon Hay) Or our greater being (which we also are) teaching the newly crystalizing soul? Does this apply to Rita, the teacher, Frank and us the students?

    Always great to to get your Rita wisdom, Frank.


  7. I tell you…I can’t let go of the ‘hunting dog’ analogy Rita used a while back. So…if we are hunting dogs (I also hear explorers) for the Larger Self, it is so much more like playing and fun if we let it and the choices are just choices (though I gather important in some way).
    Also, what I hear in your words Frank, are that the heart has to lead, hence the trust and maybe our intellect gets overplayed on occasion though we are very curious dogs!

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