Oh, I love Seth!

“The idea of a meaningless universe, however, is in itself a highly creative imaginative act. Animals, for example, could not imagine such an idiocy, so that the theory shows the incredible accomplishment of an obviously ordered mind and intellect that can imagine itself to be the result of nonorder, or chaos ….”
-The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, p. 141

3 thoughts on “Oh, I love Seth!

  1. I love Seth as well. It has awakened many and opened an alternative experience of reality and the dream,(we are living it). Such a teacher! Jane Roberts was a talented poet.
    I just rediscovered her “Dialogues With The Mortal Self in Time”. Dialogues with the Soul of course.

  2. Oh man, I love Seth, too. I almost flunked out of graduate school after my brother gave me my first Seth book, Seth Speaks. He said, “You’ve got to read this.”

    That launched me on an almost obsessive reading of everything Roberts/Seth wrote. In some of those book are no lark to slog through — “The Nature of Personal Reality” — wow! — what a feast!

    I was supposed to be learning the mind-numbing math of orbital mechanics, but I was sitting up all night reading Seth.

    I’ve since forgotten everything I know about orbital mechanics (good riddance) but Seth has enriched my life beyond measure these past 30 years.

    1. I only wish i had come across the Seth books as early as grad school. I didn’t read The Nature of Personal Reality — which i loved through and through, and immediately — until 1997 when i was about to write the first draft of Muddy Tracks. Then i couldn’t bring myself to read another until now, and — reading the Individual and the Nature of Mass Events — i see why. If i hadn’t come to these same realizations independently, i never would have been able to rid myself of the suspicion that it was only because i had read it in Seth. Reading him on the other side of the rabbit hole is an entirely different experience, very affirming and reassuring.

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