Unexpected reinforcement.
Because a friend mentioned looking up his own book via google, I googled The Sphere and the Hologram and found three very nice customer reviews that I had no idea were there. Naturally, I’m going to share them with you. Seems like the least I can do. 🙂 Thanks, the three of you.
5.0 out of 5 stars Fascinating, May 27, 2009
By Gsorme “gsorme” (Seattle, WA USA)
I hesitate to write a review for this, because I haven’t read the entire book yet – and there’s a tendency to get flamed terribly when someone confesses to that in a review. But I’ll take the chance, because no one else has graced this fascinating book with a review yet, and I’d like to spur on some awareness of it.
This isn’t quite “channeled” material, but it does represent contact – perhaps “information exchange” would be a better term – with something “other”. In this case, that “other” is referred to by DeMarco as “The Gentlemen Upstairs”.
If you’ve read “Muddy Tracks”, DeMarco’s account of his initial forays into and experiences with out-of-body experiences, past lives, paranormal phenomenon and more, then you will know that DeMarco does not claim authority on these matters. He is an explorer, skeptical and open-minded at the same time. This might sound paradoxical, but it’s not, really. In fact, it seems to me to be one of the more intelligent ways to venture into the unknown: don’t believe everything you hear, but don’t believe you’ve heard everything (or know everything) either. Very practical. And having read DeMarco’s autobiography I can see that this approach is a reflection of his nature. There are of course other approaches towards interactions with the “other” that may work equally well, or better, or worse, or whatever. But this one has the advantage of dancing with the question: Is it all real or is it all bunk? This seems to me to be one of those fundamental questions that confronts most of us who approach this subject matter. In The Sphere and the Hologram, DeMarco does not get hung up on the question of absolute proof, but knowing that he wrestles with it himself allows the reader to approach the subject with more of an open mind than he or she might otherwise. This attitude – not insisting on belief from the reader – in turn encourages the left brain to relax a little so that the right brain, the intuitive mind, can participate more fully in the exploration of the subject matter. (I use left brain/right brain terminology as a handy shorthand for rational/intuitive ways of perceiving, not necessarily as “scientifically” accurate terms.)
I will say that, from my viewpoint, the impression I get reading this book is that DeMarco and his colleague, Rita Warren, are indeed interacting with – oh, I don’t know, “non-corporeal intelligences” or “beings from the other side” or perhaps DeMarco’s “higher self” or something else. Take your pick. The point is that the content of the book is not specious or vague, but rather conveys most strongly the impression that two earnest seekers are interacting with equally earnest and well-intentioned intelligences attempting to communicate an understanding of the nature of the universe and its inhabitants. In its own way it’s rather breathtaking. Rita Warren was a retired PhD (Psychology) at the time of these sessions, and her academic training is apparent – in a good way. Her intelligence and open-mindedness are refreshing. It’s also quite appealing and helpful that she keeps asking questions when she doesn’t understand something.
Topics addressed in the book are quite diverse: life, death, afterlife, UFOs, the nature of personality, channeling, healing, religion, psychic development, consciousness, past lives, and so on – there’s a lot of material here, which is part of the reason I haven’t finished it yet. It can be read straight through, but I’ve already found much of value simply dipping into it and reading large sections at a time – as you can tell from this review. I’ll likely continue on this tack – at least until I have more time on my hands.
5.0 out of 5 stars Fascinating & thought-provoking, July 20, 2009
Much of the material presented here rings true from my own explorations and experience. There’s also plenty of new material to ponder, toss around, and feel out. Regardless of whether the communications from The Guys Upstairs ultimately confirm your view of reality or contradict it, they will expand your thinking in many directions, some rather surprising (even to them).
The content is straightforward, unsentimental and yet deeply life-affirming. I’m sure I’ll be dipping into this book again and again. I’ve already given copies to friends as birthday presents.
5.0 out of 5 stars The Sphere and the Hologram, August 28, 2009
By Bill Ebeltoft (Asheville NC)
A delightful and enlightening view of reality, or should I say realities. Frank and Rita have done a superb job of presenting the material received from ‘The Guy’s Upstairs’. They answer many of the questions all of us have about the nature of reality and the afterlife. It is worth multiple readings.