An election meditation

In the final couple of days of the long election process, there is one effective thing we as individuals can still do, to work for a beneficial outcome. Inner work. It doesn’t look effective to the outside world, but the inner world shapes the outer.

If you want this election to put this country on the right course, here’s something you can do. Take a few minutes, get into a quiet mental place, and do the following meditation. Do it with emotion. Feel what you want, and put that feeling into the visualization.

Visualize this:

The results of this election will be for the highest good of all, not just for some, and will lead to the beginnings of a sustainable social, economic and spiritual reconstruction of the country.

Doesn’t sound like much, does it? It isn’t as invigorating as intensely hoping for the success of “our” side and the defeat of “their” side.

But elections are always, by their nature, win-lose scenarios. (If “our” side wins, “their” side has to lose.) And, over time, win-lose scenarios become lose-lose, because over time we come to see only what divides us, and we lose sight of what we have in common. And so we begin to see each other only as Republicans or Democrats, only as liberals or conservatives or libertarians or whatever, only as one of “us” or one of “them.”

You can lose your country that way.

Already all this “red state/blue state” stupidity has encouraged people to forget that it is the responsibility of the victors to represent all the people as much as possible, and to govern in a way acceptable to all.

Calling for the defeat of your “enemies” is tempting, but self-defeating, because it calls forth counter-tides, and the result is that much more polarization, that much less common ground.

You can lose your country that way.

If you want to do something good for your country and your fellow citizens,

if you are on the side of hope rather than fear, and of light rather than darkness,

consider spending a few minutes in meditation that the results of the election will be the beginning of reconciliation among our people.


The results of this election will be for the highest good of all, not just for some, and will lead to the beginnings of a sustainable social, economic and spiritual reconstruction of the country.

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