Session three of ten (continued)
Friday, September 29, 2000
[After long pause]
F: Brought something to my lips and I like, kissed it and pulled it away and it became a crystal. It’s like I extruded a crystal. Like a hexagonal double-terminated.
F: Now, my right foot has that cold energy, which isn’t cold. But it’s just suddenly become quite different from the others. That is, the other foot plus the legs.
S: Welcome the energy in.
F: Yes. Yes. There’s some connection with the crystal, it’s like the crystal – it’s like, something’s flowing smoothly, the way you would imagine light flows smoothly down a crystal. That’s what they’re attempting to do. They’re attempting to, like, polarize – this is a metaphor, but they’re like polarizing my body to make it – to clarify it, to clear out of it its imperfec—what do you call those things? Inclusions and stuff. There’s that feeling like the cold again. And that’s what they were doing, it’s coming out of the feet, and moving up toward the, whatever those things are, knees— And this time it’s like a liquid smoothness; the only way I can think of; it’s warm this time. This, though, isn’t surging like it did last time. This time it’s sort of coming up slowly. Not yet to the knees. If the intent is to – Well, what is the intent? You tell me. Clarifying is the idea. I’m not sure yet why.
F: Welcoming the energy in helped the process, by– my attention can remove inertia, somehow. It can make it easier for it to happen.
F: It could still be interpreted as cold, but this time it’s got like a, well, a crystal energy to it, it’s like my legs are made of crystal; they’re heavy, they’re solid, they’re aligned – up to the knees. Talking about it may have stopped it. I’m going to observe for a while.
[long pause]
S: Adjusting the sounds for focus 21.
F: Standing now. It’s almost up to my shoulders. A while ago there was some guy, came up behind a car, and said “Beth,” something about Beth. “Good to see you” or – yes, that’s what it was. No context.
F: Crystal or the energy or the cold is up to my, I don’t know, jaw I guess now. It feels very — right.
F: Sense of somebody in a similar one, but he’s covered beyond his head, tapping with both hands on my shoulders, trying to communicate, trying to, you know trying to “hey, wake up in there” kind of thing. Almost like being in a space suit. Feels good. Hmmm. The purpose of the space suit is to protect you from the external environment, to maintain a life support inside. And the purpose of crystal is to conduct energy sufficiently. Boy, does that feel cold down there. [laughs]
F: There are some commonalties emerging here. The theme in the control panel, looking at the body, the theme in the space suit –. There were others, but they went too fast for me to remember.
F: My lungs are absolutely at rest. My nose is a little stuffed up, but otherwise all right. Could probably change that too. [yawn]
F: Anything you all would like me to observe, or get, or whatever?
F: Whew! Man, is that cold! Moving into the cold, as you said before Skip, welcoming it in, what can I be learning from this? Whew!
F: Oh man! It’s sort of like being on a factory floor, in an immense, like five-story high room. Metal around. Next to a big – rack or something, I guess. Hard to tell what it is. It’s an impression of height on one side. I was going to say like the kind of racks we have that hold our books in the warehouse, but it’s not really racks, I don’t know what it is. Metal, on one side, way up. Man is it cold and dark.
F: The cold goes away and then it’s back like a cold wind blowing. [yawn]
F: Gentlemen, what about the cold?
F: Huh, for a minute I’d forgotten where I am. I was lying next to a whole bunch of crystals, maybe 20 or so, and there was one that was like shining and it was the one that was doing something, I forget what it was doing, and I was thinking maybe I shouldn’t be lying here next to this and then I remembered that I was in the CHEC unit – in the thing here. They’re all on my left side, they’re all [words lost as we change sides of tape]
F: illuminated crystal. There’s a bunch of them, that’s the only one that’s like that. Had something to do with being cold, too, I think. It’s where the energy’s coming from. It’s where the energy’s being transformed. [yawns] They’re not connected to anything or to each other, they’re just lying around close to each other on the floor there. I don’t think it’s concrete, but it’s like a concrete floor. Nobody else around, that I know of.
F: Cold.
F: Just got a sight of a wall, like a big marble wall with maybe Egyptian or something hieroglyphics on it, and what somebody was telling me, pointing it out, they were sort of reluctantly admitting, they were kind of embarrassed about it, was that it was a commercial, an advertisement. And I don’t know what that’s all about. But a distinct sense of embarrassment that all it was was an advertisement and we thought it was something special. Black and red, I think, the wall. The carvings. Might have been red on black. [yawn]
F: Plenty cold. Now the crystalline feeling is gone, just the cold is back. Like rocks, now. Just like big translucent rocks. Like a mountainside or something, and I’m lying among them.
F: Whew. That cold [inaudible] all the way inside of me.
F: I don’t have any sense that anybody wants to give me any explanation, it’s just happening. It’s going to be happening unexplained, in other words.
[long pause]
F: Huh! Started to get out of the back seat of the car – boy, it’s hard to record, I’m losing it as fast as I get it. I started to get out of the back seat of the car and remembered I have the wires on [my fingers] because I’m here in the CHEC unit; it’s all mingled together. Why was I getting out the back door of the car? The right hand side. I’ve forgotten.
F: It’s like I’m continually on the verge of having an OBE or something, today. Or dreams.
[long pause]
F: Like every once in a while I pull myself together and remember that I’m in here, and other times I’m in the middle of this – one or another daydream, or experience.
S: Pulling yourself together is an interesting choice of words. Change the sounds just a little bit and see how it would be to explore without pulling yourself together.
F: You know, I can’t hear any of the sounds, I can hear your voice very faintly.
S: Um-hmm. The sounds are there, they’re just in the background.
F: That’s what I figured, but I can’t hear them. And didn’t last time, either. Now there’s a big floating crystal, just floating right in the air.
S: I’ll change up the sounds here, and try not pulling yourself together.
F: Well what’s going on is, I’m having an experience and then forgetting to record it and then it’s gone. It’s gone, you know I mean I can’t access it. So I try to maintain a balance. Today seems to be crystals day. Floating in the air, it’s an important thing.
F: Again, that underlying cold. Now it’s as if I was inside of a long – like I was in an artificial cave, a square place, and at the entryway are some ducks – or geese, I guess, coming in and pecking at food on the floor.
S: I guess you’ll need to get your ducks in a row.
F: [chuckles] Well, unfortunately, they’re geese. [laughs, coughs]
F: Still the cold.
F: I wouldn’t be surprised it that’s all, in a way, for today. I don’t know if they’re telling me that, or – I don’t know. That feels like they’ve accomplished something today, like they actually – not rewired me, but rejiggered something. If it would be appropriate, it would be nice to have some kind of a – I can’t think of the word – you know, a sign that that’s really true. Corroboration. Or something. I don’t suppose you guys do reassurances, or something?
S: Are you physically uncomfortable, or bladder or something like that?
F: No, physically okay.
S: Because your electronics look really good out here and I would say that you need to stay here a while – you know, it doesn’t look physiologically like there’s anything pressuring you to come back. Why don’t you go into this with – and it’s okay not to report. I know you were concerned a minute ago about, “oh gee, I forgot to report.” Try going into this a little bit without that concern and I’ll let you know when it’s time to come back, because it’s, you know, for you, you can be gone 30 seconds and you think “oh geez, it’s been an hour or something.” Let me worry about the time and you just go ahead and explore.
F: Okay, good, thanks.
[long, long pause]
F: Been somewhere, did something.
S: Take a minute and reflect back, take your time.
F: [inaudible] as I’m putting stuff away for this session. Including a telephone. A cordless telephone.
[long pause]
F: [coughing spell]
S: Okay, it’s time now to be returning. Follow the sounds. Stay with the sounds. Follow the sounds slowly and easily back to focus 10. [etc.]