You Never Imagined Any Such Power

Cambridge University Press is publishing The Letters of Ernest Hemingway in a multi-volume series. Volume Two contains his letter from 1923 through 1925. (Pretty important years!) I’m loving volume two of the letters. You can learn a  lot from someone’s letters. Consider this from July, 1923, in a letter to Greg Clark of the Toronto Star: (My italics):

“The tragedy is the death of the bull—the inevitable death of the bull, the terrible, almost prehistoric bull that runs with a soft, light run, can whirl like a cat, is death right up until he is absolutely dead himself and is stupid and brave as the people of any country and altogether wonderful and horrifying. You never imagined any such power. Well the whole thing is his life and death and the horses, picadors and occasional toreros he takes off with him are only incidental. It’s not like the French duel. I saw 3 matadors badly gored out of 24 bulls killed.”

Here in a short pithy paragraph is what drew and fascinated him. And that sentence that I italicized is the essence of his fascination, I think. If it were widely understood, an awful lot of critical bullshit would have been saved for the roses. You never imagined any such power.

Afterlife Conversations with Hemingway

Afterlife Conversations with Hemingway: A Dialogue on His Life, His Work, and the Myth, is my seventh published book, my fifth non-fiction, and in some ways the one I’m closest to.

I just got my author’s copies yesterday.

You can buy copies directly from the distributor, Square One Books, or you can order from Amazon, or you can go to your local bookstore and ask that they order it. (I’d be grateful if you would.)

Amazon’s website, you know — everyone does. Square One’s website (whre you can also find The Cosmic Internet) is


Hemingway book back cover copy

In case you’ve been wondering why I haven’t been posting much lately, I’m writing another novel, and taking time out from time to time to do things like approve the publisher’s back cover copy for the forthcoming Hemingway on Hemingway: Afterlife Conversations.  Here’s the back cover copy in final form. Consider this a sneak preview.

 New insights from beyond the grave . . . .

 “What a book would be the real story of Hemingway, not those he writes but the confessions of the real Ernest Hemingway.” — Gertrude Stein

Yes it would. Here it is.

This book consists of three strands. The first is the correction of The Hemingway Myth, less by new information than by new interpretation. And who better to provide it than Hemingway himself?

A second strand shows how communication with the non-physical proceeds, including what can be done, how easily it can be done, and what difficulties and pitfalls to expect.

The third strand is a model of the physical/non-physical interaction which, by implication, shows that the afterlife is not only not a fantasy, but is a necessary part of life, without which life wouldn’t have meaning or make any sense. And it does so in a way that shows that religious belief was tapping into the same reality.

Here is a fascinating insight into how the universe really works, by way of conversations with the greatest writer of the twentieth century.

Rainbow Ridge Books

Distributed by Square One Publishers

$18.95 ● $22.95 Canada


ISBN 978-1-937907-06-8


Frank DeMarco is the author of seven books stemming from 25 years of psychic exploration, including his 2011 book, The Cosmic Internet. Since 2005, he has been actively engaged in an on-going series of conversations with various non-physical beings, including historical individuals, “past lives,” aspects of personal guidance, and a generalized group he calls “the guys upstairs.” This work has been discussed in four books, hundreds of blog entries, occasional public appearances, and now Facebook.



Hemingway and revolutions

Monday, June 18, 2011

Reading Norberto Fuentes’ Hemingway in Cuba, not well organized or thought out but a valuable point of view.

Papa, how does it strike you?

It provides good leverage to turn your attention and your insight in ways I probably couldn’t do directly. And this is worth a line or two of explanation.

Sometimes you may get an impulse — buy this book! Read that weblog! Re-read this or that! Generally you’re pretty good about following such impulses. Think of such suggestions as pointers. Here, if you will look over here you will learn a fact or hear a point of view or see an unsuspected connection or — mostly — make an unsuspected connection because you’re two connected bits are common to your mind but not necessarily anybody else’s. It would be much more difficult to put these extended thoughts into your head. So — leverage. You know more now about my life in Cuba. I can tell you more subtle, more complicated things that otherwise I couldn’t.

Continue reading Hemingway and revolutions

Hemingway on the sun also rising

Monday, May 2, 2011

11:30 AM. So, Papa, the thought that came to me a few minutes ago, did you inspire it, or if not where did it come from? The thought is, you named the book “The Sun Also Rises” – and I don’t know that I ever really absorbed the implications of the title.

Thank you. It certainly has taken long enough for that to penetrate. I would have thought it so obvious as to need no comment, but 90 years on – or nearly enough – apparently it still isn’t obvious to people.

I feel like you want me to say “none of the critics ever noticed,” and it makes me nervous lest Hemingway scholars might be able to say, “not only did they notice, but the real Hemingway knew they noticed.”

Well, it’s understandable, but I don’t see what you can do about it. If you’re going to go exploring, you’re going to have to take some risks.

I suppose so. And so –?

I don’t remember anybody ever, anywhere, seeing the title in its proper light. They all saw Gertrude’s comments, and somehow they read right by the quotation beneath hers, reading it as “vanity of vanities” rather than as, “this too shall pass away.”

It also rises, meaning the war was the end of something but something else was going to take its place?

You can’t confine symbols to one meaning, you should know that. It also contrasted Spain’s continuity with France’s dis-continuity, and with the West in general. Nobody would have to tell the Spanish that the sun also rises; it’s only the degenerate sophisticates who get stuck in a moment as though the world was created that morning and would go on in that condition forever.

So you were painting a moment. Shooting a photograph.

All my work was photographs.

Whose idea was it, then, this morning? Mine? Mine by way of you? Or what?

You don’t have the right definitions to talk about it. Ask your guys, some time. They do good theory.

All right. Tell me, is there any reason I couldn’t do the book on you and the myth? Starting now, I mean?

You’d need to give some thought to the predominant emotion, or feeling, you want to convey. Get that firmly in mind and the rest is exposition.

And I need to do that.

It’s the only way it will be yours and not borrowed.
