So You Think Your Life Was Wasted – Part Three (7)
[I had been discussing Reconstruction with Claude Bowers, author of The Tragic Era, whose take on things differed considerably from mine. And I had been sending out the transcriptions day by day to a list of friends. Then one day I got a massive shock: There I was talking to Carl Jung.]
Thursday March 9, 2006
9 a.m. All right, Mr. Bowers. Hard to really get going this morning. All right, shoot.
You can see from your emails [received] that the material is meeting response. This ought to suggest to you that a significant part of your national story is going untold. That is, if any one point of view is systematically suppressed for whatever reason, tensions build up – for the unconscious knows and the conscious does not, and it is a great drain of energy to maintain a state of not-knowing if you once invest in so doing. This is a major source of much of the craziness in your politics and public life. It is particularly disruptive when not one stream but many are being suppressed, for this means that different rivers of consciousness – call it that for the moment – suppress different parts while others elevate precisely those parts (suppressing others that they themselves do not wish to see). Hence your rivers of consciousness – that is, your factions, your ideologies – do not describe the same world, and meaningful exchange and compromise become ever less possible.