• Interim reports

    So what does my testimony, or anybody’s testimony, amount to? It doesn’t amount to proof of anything, that’s for sure. For all you know, I’m deliberately deceiving you, or am deceiving myself. My data may be wrong, my reasoning may be wrong, my “knowings” may be wrong, my conclusions may be wrong. As always, you’re…

  • Remote Viewing at The Monroe Institute

    I have spent the past week participating in an intensive residential course on remote viewing given at The Monroe Institute (TMI). After I take some time to organize my notes I will be posting some thoughts, probably in several pieces.

  • A Letter from Guidance

    A friend has recently established a blog that he calls The Sacred Path. I have listed it in my blogroll, but I particularly call your attention to one of his posts that he calls A Letter from Guidance: http://thesacredpath.wordpress.com/2007/03/18/a-letter-from-guidance/

  • Remote Viewing Basics

    Did you ever wonder if remote viewing was more than just people fantasizing that they were psychic? After all, if remote viewing is possible — if any form of psychic ability is real — the whole materialist fantasy falls to the ground. Well, you can call the cleanup crew to pick up the pieces. Thirty…

  • Russell’s biography of Bob Monroe

    Those who are on TMI mailing list will have noticed, in the latest package, an announcement of the forthcoming biography of Bob Monroe by Ronald Russell. Since I edited that book as one of my last projects for Hampton Roads, I thought I’d say a couple things about it. For years I had been worried…

  • A successful remote viewing (1)

      An examination in four parts The best way that I can think of to give you the flavor of the process of remote viewing is to examine in detail the remote viewing exercise I engaged in on Wednesday, March 21, 2007. (At other times in the day I served as monitor or as one…

  • Feedback from Nancy on Frank’s remote viewing

    Nancy asked me in an email to post this on her behalf, which I am glad to do. She neglects to say that she has had years of experience at CRV, training with Paul Smith. Frank Greetings from Frank’s monitor, Nancy. Frank is writing a wonderful report on what he experienced at the recent RV…

  • Training at the Nancy Penn Center

      Carol and Skip, our two facilitators. I have spent the past week participating in an intensive residential course on remote viewing given at The Monroe Institute (TMI).

  • A Successful Remote Viewing (2)

    My notes and sketches I see that the scanned pages didn’t display. I will try to fix that and post them separately, as these notes won’t mean much if you can’t see the sketches. But I’ll leave this as it is and if I can get the pages uploaded correctly you will be able to…

  • Notes, page 1