• Notes page 2

  • Notes page 3

  • Notes page 4

  • When we are moved to do things …

    When we are moved to do things and don’t know why we are moved to do them, surely we should at least consider doing them! Particularly if no harm is likely to come from it. This is the voice of other parts of us, nudging us. Do we have any reason at all to resist…

  • A Successful Remote Viewing (3)

    Part three. The target pool Can you pick the photo that best matches my remote viewing? None of these pictures looks much like the Alamo to me! And yet, concentrating on what I had perceived — as revealed in my sketches, rather than in the story I attached to them — the judges were able…

  • Staying positive

    Somebody said once that we go through life looking in one direction, moving in another. Gurdjieff once said, more or less, “suppose you spent your life in an office, spending a lot of time on the telephone, doodling while you talk. Maybe you find out at the end of your life that the important thing…

  • A successful remote viewing (4)

    Part four. The target, and why This is the target. CANTERBURY, New Hampshire The Shaker dwelling-house bathroom at Canterbury bespeaks communal life. The sister who lives there placed the rocking chairs in front of sinks perhaps on a whim.   Does this look like the Alamo to you? If so, I have a bridge I’d…

  • Encounters on the Shaman’s Path

    My friend Richard (http://thesacredpath.wordpress.com/2007/03/17/hello-world/) alerted me to the on-line magazine called “the Meta Arts,” and to the fact that Hank Wesselman is a regular columnist there. After you absorb the information about him (in the column to the right of his article) I predict that you will go looking for his first book, Spiritwalker, and…

  • Sketches and words in Remote Viewing

    In this Email, Nancy, one of the RV class at TMI, discusses the relative value of sketches and words in remote viewing. I agree with her, actually, and did not mean to imply that words had no value, only that sketching was far less likely than words to convey inaccurate “story.” – Frank I just…

  • Conspiracies, remote viewing, and “story”

    One of the attractions of the Monroe Institute, beyond the content of whatever course you happen to be taking, is the other participants. No matter how busy the course keeps you — and Skip and Carol certainly kept us busy enough — there is always time to talk, if only at meals or during the…