Energy flows
If you take external events to be self-evidently real, if only because they seem to be perceived and accepted by everybody around you, they will seem realer to you than the many thoughts, feelings, emotions that make up your life. It is crazy but natural: What is remote from your experience will seem more real…
Passion and conflict
Physical train wrecks and psychological debris and vast impersonal forces flowing through us. This will go better, the more each reader brings to mind specifics as we discuss the general principles. You all know how these forces sweep through your lives; you see it first hand, you see it in dramas and histories and twice-told…
A hierarchy of reality
Seems to me you have a good opportunity for teaching us how “all is well” coexists with all not being well, in the latest terrorist incident [in October, 2017], in Nevada. Yes, it will serve. My way is that once I know that something like that happened, I avoid anything more than the bare fact…
Decision trees
Decision-trees Ready if you are. Where were we? You had just realized why you live on a timeline where everything you don’t like nevertheless exists. Perhaps you could spell that out again? Even on any given timeline, decisions have consequences. Even though other timelines follow opposite decisions, and thus assure that every decision is explored…
Perceptions and intuitions
Now remember that at the moment we are looking at your 3D life as an experiencer of the interaction of soul and spirit: soul, the shaped collection of traits, and spirit, the free-ranging animating force. You may find it easiest to begin with negative manifestations. Let us start with hatred. Which, I presume, begins with…