Three tiers of reality (from October, 2017)
Tuesday, October 3, 2017 Seems to me you have a good opportunity for teaching us how “all is well” coexists with all not being well, in the latest terrorist incident, in Nevada. Yes, it will serve. Once I know that something like that happened, I avoid anything more than the bare fact itself. I don’t…
The life within and without
Monday, May 22, 2023 Dirk sent me three YouTube videos explaining the functioning of life at levels below the chromosome, and it is like looking through Jim Meissner’s dark microscope, I can’t emotionally comprehend that all this is going on, all the time, at a tiny scale. I can’t get an image of the intelligence…
Perceptions and intuitions (from October, 2017)
Thursday, October 5, 2017 Ready if you are. Where were we? You had just realized why you live on a timeline where everything you don’t like nevertheless exists. Perhaps you could spell that out again? Even on any given timeline, decisions have consequences. Even though other timelines follow opposite decisions, and thus assure that every…
Forces and individuals (from October, 2017)
Thursday, October 5, 2017 Again I am hearing time’s winged chariot at my heels, so to speak. A sense of “no time to lose,” even despite the need sometimes to cool our heels till the time comes around (if only to give ourselves time to recharge). I’m getting a sort of visual: force issuing as…
A-bombs, drugs, and guns: Spiritual attack? (from October, 2017
Friday, October 6, 2017 Here is a long message Henry Reed posted on my blog. I have my own reaction to it, and I gather that you’d just as soon I set that out so you can correct and comment as usual. [Henry Reed: A professional Intuitive posted this recollection,. [The other day, after…
Our 3D lives as conduits (from October, 2017)
Sunday, October 8, 2017 We recognize that it is difficult for individuals to hold on to a continuing theme while moving thorough the accidents and distractions of the ever-flowing present 3D moment, but remember, your anchor, your un-moving non-3D aspect allows you to remain oriented, if you orient to it rather than to your flowing…
Our lives are drama (from October, 2017)
Monday, October 9, 2017 Drama You said we’d start by looking at what 3D life as we experience it implies about “the underlying reality it suggests and mirrors.” Meaning, merely, that the world you experience is not divorced from the realer world it is based in. You can extrapolate from your experience, you don’t need…
Maintaining the world (from October, 2017)
Tuesday, October 10, 2017 Levels of observation You said, “Your reality can’t really depend upon observers.” And we said it is a separate topic, not because it didn’t belong, but because it has so many facets if it is to be understood. This conversing sequentially in words that must be carefully defined and then explained…
One world, not two (from October, 2017)
Wednesday. October 11, 2017 One world Try to hold in mind the continuing trend in our discussions, our argument. We know it is difficult to do over time. There is one world, not two. The physical and the spiritual, the 3D and the non-3D, are aspects of one reality, and cannot be considered as separate…
Energy flowing through structures (from October, 2017)
Thursday, October 12, 2017 You began a painting yesterday, not knowing its structure or what it is to portray, or anything except “start with four colors and see what happens.” You don’t know yet if it will work or will be another uncompleted or failed painting. You know only that like most of your paintings…