• Filling the empty center (from Sept. 6, 2019, edited)

    Here’s where we wound up: “When you live in the knowledge that All is well, that Man is the measure of all things, that to understand it all, you need to remember As above, so below, and that All are one, many things sundered will be seen in their interconnection, and you will be able…

  • Background and opportunity (from Dec. 16 and 17, 2021)

    You have stumbled upon a promising technique to accomplish two kinds of thing at the same time. Joint investigation, you mean. Think of it as a continuing seminar. It isn’t something you have to invent. People have been doing this for as long as there have been people. But this could be a new wrinkle.…

  • Herding internal cats (from June 1 and 2, 2020)

    Conceptualization precedes change of active circumstances; at least, it does sometimes. Once you have overcome prior conditioning, new possibilities arise. Put plainly, you are saying that once we know enough to discard past limitations, they no longer bind us, and we are free to live differently. Free to – and responsible to. Knowledge not lived…

  • Remembering the 2017 invasion of Charlottesville

    Monday, September 5, 2022 Poking around old files, I found this from five years ago. It refers, of course, to the day armed lunatics converged on Charlottesville to protest the removal of a mounted statue of Robert E. Lee from Lee Park. It still looks like this to me today, only, of course, five years…

  • A worldwide anti-slavery society (from 2006)

    [A conversation with Joseph Smallwood] All right, Joseph, proceed. And this time I’m going to raise objections and questions as I see them if only to help you to deal with your unseen audience. You do know how few people could do this, at this time. Part of the trick is to get people in…

  • Successful societies: I (from Dec. 9 and 13, 2018)

    Sept. 7, 2022 Successful societies: I (from Dec. 9 and 13, 2018) Let’s address people’s request for clarification of something you said on February 17, 2006. The fact that you did not intend to copy the first part of the paragraph shows that you were misconstruing what we meant, at least to some extent. The…

  • Successful societies: II (from Dec. 14 and 16, 2018)

    Sept. 8, 2022 Different societies allow and encourage and almost require different abilities to emerge in the individuals comprising them. But this is far from a simple statement, given that the individuals involved are themselves communities learning to function as a new unprecedented individual, learning to synthesize background experiences, abilities, tendencies into something necessarily unique.…

  • Starting something new

    Friday, September 9, 2022 7:45 a.m. Very well, gentlemen, I hear you knocking on the door. What would you like to talk about? Elizabeth and you. Really? Very well. You aren’t intending to hint a close relationship, I trust. You jest, and of course we don’t mean it in the “past-life soulmate” kind of way.…

  • A new understanding of man must be found

    Steiner quote of the day, particularly appropriate today, I think. ON SEPTEMBER 9, 2022 BY RIDZERDIN ANTHROPOSOPHY, SOCIAL RENEWAL Through a deepening of social life a new understanding of man must be found, and must permeate human development. Instead of having eyes only for the man of flesh, apprehending him in a naturalistic way, devoid of the spirit, we must…

  • The cosmic weather and us (from Oct. 16, 2020)

    The cosmic weather and us (from Oct. 16, 2020) [After several difficult nights, the past couple nights had been much better, but Friday was in some ways worse than before. I was up at 3, at 4, at 4:40, and 5:35, unable to read, unable to work. Finally got some sleep, and when I woke…