• A clarification about mind-stuff

    When the guys used the expression “mind-stuff” this morning, it never occurred to me – nor apparently to them – that people would think they meant “mind over matter,” or “it’s all in your mind.” For quite a while now, they have been using “mind-stuff” to express the fact that matter, the material world, that…

  • Pain and suffering and purpose

    Saturday, May 7, 2022 5:25 a.m. Well, using the term “mind-stuff” got people’s attention, all right. But – is anybody really relating new material to old? I can’t see how people who have been following the material as you have been giving it can have not understood “mind-stuff” to mean “Reality is all one thing;…

  • Real and symbolic

    Sunday, May 8, 2022 6:05 a.m. VE-Day, in 1945. A long, long time ago, in terms of experience. An awful lot of bad decisions since then, and some good ones. A world unrecognizably different even to those of us who came in immediately afterwards. Surely completely inaccessible to our children, let alone our grandchildren. And…

  • Black, white, grey in 3D

    Monday, May 9, 2022 6:40 a.m. If you gentlemen have an agenda for the morning, let’s pursue it. Otherwise I have had a few thoughts, and I’m experienced enough with your ways to suspect influencing. There is no ownership of ideas; there is no obligation to follow an impulse. But either may occasionally be profitable.…

  • Thinking a little more about love

    Wednesday, May 11, 2022 6:30 a.m. Gentlemen? Care to address Jane Coleman’s question? You produced an analogy even while you were discussing the question. Set your switches and we shall see what we shall see. All right. As always: focus, receptivity, clarity, presence. Number the points in her question as received. [Jane’s question:] [1. The…

  • Dealing with physical stress

    Thursday, May 12, 2022 6:05 a.m. Acting, I’m sure, on your instructions – 😊 – I asked for questions on the material, pointing out that once I’m gone, this particular flavor will be out of stock forever. Here’s one from Martha. [Martha’s question: [I’m not sure how to word the question, but here goes: Something…

  • Different connections, different effects

    Friday, May 13, 2022 5:45 a.m. Gentlemen, another question, the third since I began asking. Setting for maximum focus, receptivity, clarity and presence, and I can’t see any harm in adding maximum confidence, as yesterday. It did seem to help. [Bill Ebeltoft’s question: [Since TGU are connected to us, do they experience emotions as we…

  • Dealing with trauma, a practical approach

    Saturday, May 14, 2022 12:40 a.m. Okay, guys, I think I’m awake enough to do this. Setting switches: f, r, c, p. Can you address Martha’s follow-up question? [Martha’s question: [“Maybe they could give a specific answer to a specific instance?  Yesterday, when Richard entered the post office and it was the first time I’d…

  • Feelings and the non-3D

    Sunday, May 15, 2022 5:50 a.m. Guys, the question was posed, have I ever hurt your feelings, or felt I was coming close to doing so? This, in the context of a lager question, do you have feelings? (These questions were posed Wednesday in our ILC group meeting, prior of course to our discussion on…

  • Emotion in non-3D

    Monday, May 16, 2022 5:35 a.m. I doubt if I can capture the essence of the special dream I had. I got up, about 90 minutes ago, and wrote down some notes, so I wouldn’t forget the elements, but it may have to become a poem (if that is even possible), if I am to…