• The Interface: Change and evolution

    When the 3D conscious mind has more than it can deal with in its accustomed routine, the potential exists for a break-through or a break-down, or either one followed by the other. Herman Hesse moving into entirely new territory after his original talented but not particularly important early career was followed by breakdown, analysis by…

  • The Interface: How consciousness expresses

    So we proceed to describe unconscious, subconscious and conscious states conceptually; that is, from the widest possible frame of reference. It is a long way from the focused question Dirk asked as his #10, but perhaps you can see that to try to answer that in its own terms (basically considering 3D only) would have…

  • The Interface: Modeling flow, not structure

    I’m thinking it is taking a long time to get from question to answer. We started off wanting to know the difference between feeling and emotion, and several sessions later we are as far as ever. Not so. Redefinition precedes new clarity. A superficial definition would [leave you with] “Take it or leave it.” We’d…

  • The Interface: Feelings before thought

    A few minutes before 4 a.m., I came back (from drowsing) with the thought that emotions overlay feelings, like a localized storm in a weather pattern. Is that right? So we have reached Dirk’s first question, you see, only we come at it within a model stressing the flow of forces through you, rather than…

  • The Interface: 3D life and greater forces

    It is to stop you from thinking of yourselves, singly or collectively, as isolated and independent that we have begun this series so far from the intended focus. Your feelings, your emotions, your thoughts even, are not bounded by your own personal conditions, and they do not therefore concern yourselves alone. They do concern you,…

  • The Interface: Feelings and emotions

    So let’s move to Dirk’s first and second questions. We have prepared the ground. [1) what are emotions really? Where do they arise from? Why? [2) what are the raw primary emotions? ] But doesn’t this divert us from where you were? Didn’t you just get to beginning to describe feelings as our background, and shouldn’t…

  • The Interface: A spectrum of emotions

    I think we are all hoping for detail, and I think one place to look for examples is in all the situations that we dramatize. It is when people are at their most interesting, good or bad, that we can see vivid illustrations, not when we are considering philosophic abstractions. Yes. Politics, war, natural disasters,…

  • The Interface: A real-life example of emotion

    Ready to resume, but for some reason it feels like a long time has elapsed since yesterday’s session. That is because emotionally, it has. You don’t quite realize it, nor why it is so, and conveniently enough, it fits right in with our discussion. Isn’t that amazing? Yesterday you saw the video of the wildfires…

  • The Interface: Transitioning into a new world

    I would be interested in your personal disquisition on experiencing 3D life as independent time-sharing terminals versus experiencing it as part of an inter-conscious network. We don’t want to tie the discussion too closely to analogy, for – as we have reminded you more than once – analogy by nature can be only so close…

  • The Interface: Changing 3D circumstances and new possibilities

    All right, friends. Shall we proceed? What is happening around you at the moment is mostly a speeding-up of what was happening anyway. Because of the virus, things are manifesting in a space of weeks that otherwise might have required years. One specific: meetings in virtual space. The technology existed; the software existed and was…