Rita: Two Questions
Wednesday March 11, 2015 F: 6:10 a.m. Well, Miss Rita, as you no doubt counted on, I’m bored with not connecting, and Charles has a few questions queued up, so why not begin on one? R: Why not indeed? Merely remember, you don’t need to; it is your choice. F: Oh, I know. I probably…
When I met Jung
I woke up this morning thinking that, since I am too lazy to have a session this morning, maybe people would be interested in the day Carl Jung first introduced himself into one of my conversations, much to my consternation and amazement. I knew it was 2006, but was a little surprised to find that…
Second conversation with Jung
Saturday April 1, 2006 F: 10:30 p.m. Dr. Jung, I realize with great joy that I can discuss your books and your works with you, as I have so long wished I could! I just, in Memories, Dreams, Reflections read your statement how hard it is for most people to live close to the unconscious.…
Third conversation with Jung, and others
Sunday April 9, 2006 F: Reminiscent of the blessed April 9, 1865, another Sunday. Friend Joseph, haven’t heard from you in a while. Anything to say on the anniversary of Lee’s surrender? 141 years – [pause] Maybe not. Anybody? JS: You will find your role as respected elder more comfortable as it proceeds a little.…
Fourth talk with Jung
Wednesday April 12, 2006 F: (9:10 a.m.) I’m a little confused about what I’m doing, and what I’m supposed to be doing, and what I could be doing. Am I writing about psychic experiences? Planning to make money on silver? Goofing off and not doing a whole lot more? Or what? And – prime question!…
Robert A. Monroe on his cryptic book inscriptions
This old conversation with Bob Monroe, recorded 11 years after he made his transition, is very appropriate for the day, which marks 20 years since he engaged in his ultimate and irreversible out-of-body on March 17, 1995. (Appropriate, too, since I am typing this at the Monroe Institute, before today’s session of the Professional Division.)…
More of Bob Monroe’s cryptic book inscriptions
A couple more conversations with Bob Monroe held a few years after he left the body for the final time. Again, these referred to specific cryptic inscriptions he left when signing people’s books. Sunday, April 2, 2006 Sharon Hurtley-Durand (via email): A friend of mine, Jena, got this one from Bob years ago: 6S +…
Watch this space
or, as the TV used to say, Don’t touch that dial! I have been busy; closing on a house, then participating in the TMI Professional Division seminar, then moving into the house. But some interesting things have been happening, and I hope to talk to Rita again soon. Talked to her during the PD for…
Rita talking to three old friends
Sunday March 15, 2015 [At the TMI Professional Division program. Al Dahlberg, Jon Holt and Richard Werling all knew Rita, they all knew me, and they were interested in my experiments with ILC. After supper, we sat around the table in the Fox Den and they took turns asking a question, and I then conveyed…
Brief reminder from Rita
Saturday March 21, 2015 F: 5:50 a.m. Am I “here” enough for any real dialogue, after so many days of busyness and company? Miss Rita, what say you? R: It is good that you realize – as representative of those who undertake this path – that the variable is always, not are “they” on “the…