Manifesting (from Life More Abundantly)

Hanns Oskar Porrs asks if it is true that in the sum of our variant lives, some paths carry more weight. To me it seems obvious that some paths are more popular than others. Am I missing something?

If one assumes a zero-sum game, then lo and behold, that is what the results will seem to show. But it is a deeper divide than that. It is more the difference, again, between a motion-picture still and a photo.

In that our lives are a continuing stream that never ceases to interact and choose.

More, that never ceases to rewrite, as you did Joseph from 1994/1863, thus creating new versions.

[To prevent misunderstanding: Yes, all versions possible are inherent in reality when it is created. But inherent doesn’t mean manifest. Possibilities are not actualities until someone actually treads that path.]

If your life leads you to value kindness, or if it hones skills like conveying healing energies, or it connects certain dots that lead to a new awareness, not only is your present life affected, but potentially so is everything it connects to – and you all connect to everything, sooner or later, to greater or less degree.

What you decide on a continuing basis changes you, and you become a person of more, or of less, gravitas, consequence, presence. No two people are equal in this, and this leads to unequal results when one person’s opinion is weighed against another’s. George Washington’s lifelong character development made him a vastly more consequential person than others of his wealth and fame would have been. And consequences cannot be restricted to the personal, regardless if the person is known to history or is entirely unknown. A very short way to say it is: What you make yourself helps determine the fate of everything. Only, it is true of everyone else as well.

In effect our decisions change us not only now, but also back and forth in time, occasionally creating new versions as in 1994/1863 that in turn continue to affect us.

That is why – and how – seemingly insignificant decisions, by seemingly insignificant people, change the world. Cumulatively, the total weight of various traits, habits, embodied decisions (that is: actions), weights some potential paths heavier and others lighter. That is also why there’s no reason to give up even when all is lost. Lost in one instant is not necessarily forever, and in any case, it isn’t like the game is broken, or reality is ruined. Remember, if you can, reality is more like a dream than a construction site. Nothing is ever set in stone.

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