Exercises for Spiritual Advancement

More than one person has pointed out that the TGU material can be a bit daunting. From time to time I intend to pull out particularly interesting or important material to let it be more easily found. This is from a session on October 9, 2001, in response to a question from someone who had been reading previous transcripts.

Exercises for Spiritual Advancement

Rita Warren: Well, here’s an easy one. A question from the same person.

F: We’d like to know what an easy question is. It’ll be interesting to see this.

R: [chuckles] What would you recommend as the five best exercises for spiritual advancement?

F: [pause] Not an easy one, but it’s an awfully good one. Continue reading Exercises for Spiritual Advancement

Monroe Institute Black Box session August 10, 2004

Edited transcript of a PREP session in the Bob Monroe Lab at TMI held Tuesday morning, August 10, 2004, Skip Atwater at the controls, Rita Warren at the microphone, Frank in the black box.

[resonant tuning]

[long pause]

Rita: We’re moving slowly up the focus levels, now. And when you’re ready, we have a few questions to ask.

Frank: [pause] Okay.

Rita: How are you feeling?

Frank: Very relaxed.

Rita: Good. [pause] Last week, as you remember, we had a different kind of session from the first in this series, and Frank was simply asked to relax into the experience and report anything he wished. We’d like to get your reactions to that, and if possible indicate the value in that kind of an experience for Frank.

Frank: My reaction is, it made it very easy to transcribe. Let’s see what their reaction is.

Rita: In other words, there wasn’t a lot of content.

Frank: [laughs] Exactly. [pause]

That kind of contact from the beginning has been a form of connection that has been invaluable in preserving morale if nothing else, a taste of home. There can be too much imbalance in a life, and it makes it hard to live, and this shall we call it, free-floating contact with the other side is a correction of the imbalance, it’s a – well, anyway, it’s very helpful.

Rita: So it isn’t important that the reporting occur at all, or is minimal?

Frank: Well, that’s not quite what we meant. The contact itself is very important. Contact with retrieval of content would be even better. But it would be better because it would deepen the memory of contact, in a way. Or it would provide an additional context around the contact, you see. [pause] You don’t see? If– Continue reading Monroe Institute Black Box session August 10, 2004

Monroe Institute Black Box session August 3, 2004

 Edited transcript of a PREP session in the Bob Monroe Lab at TMI held Tuesday morning, August 3, 2004, Skip Atwater at the controls and at the microphone, Frank in the black box.

 An unusual session. We had determined after the previous session that this time I would not do Q&A with TGU but would experience instead, as we used to do before TGU got so talky. As a result, the transcript is very short, because I said little, and what I did say was said very slowly, very meditatively. For our final session of this series of ten, we will probably go back to our previous format of Rita asking questions, as we attempt to find out from our friends what this series has been all about.

[begin transcript]

[Resonant tuning, then long silence]

Skip: Null point crossing. Shifting now to focus 12 frequencies.

Frank: I was wondering if I had crossed the null a few minutes ago. [long pause] Let’s go to 21, Skip.

Skip: Very good.

Frank: [long pause] Getting that wavering back-and-forth feeling that I occasionally get with Hemi-Sync. It’s like my – it’s too much trouble to explain, but it goes left and right, left and right. [long pause] Some curious feeling going on, as though energy were this ball that’s slowly descending down my body repetitively. And I’m sort of watching it, observing it, as it moves down. It’s a form of moving into my body in a way. pause] It’s as though I’m more in my body than usual. It’s as thought it’s pulling me in. pause]

[sigh] So much weight on me. pause] Makes it hard to function. Oh, that’s good. A reminder of how Columba functioned with that weight. You lean on – spirit. You live on faith. pause] And the heavier the weight, the less choice you have; and the more you lean on spirit, the heavier the weight. Or at least the heavier you can bear. pause] You don’t have to know what’s coming next.

Skip, let’s go as high up as the numbers go. Continue reading Monroe Institute Black Box session August 3, 2004

Monroe Institute Black Box session July 20, 2004

Edited transcript of a PREP session in the Bob Monroe Lab at TMI held Tuesday morning, July 20, 2004, Skip Atwater at the controls, Rita Warren at the microphone, Frank in the black box.

Rita: Good morning.

Frank: I’m here.

Rita: We had decided to try this morning to see if it’s possible for Frank as he usually is, to be separated a bit more from the guys. We have no idea how this will work, but our intent was to see if I could talk to the guys with Frank playing off on the beach somewhere, or something. And Frank has some questions about whether or not this is possible, but let me start by asking to speak to the gentlemen.

Frank: [pause] Well, I don’t know what else to do but just respond as usual.

Rita: All right. Respond as usual, then. Let the interpreting or evaluating part slip away as much as possible and we’ll keep our eye on what is being perceived. We’ll see if that works.

We have some questions this morning from some individuals who’ve read the transcripts. I’d like to start with that if that seems okay. Continue reading Monroe Institute Black Box session July 20, 2004

Monroe Institute Black Box session July 13, 2004

Edited transcript of a PREP session in the Bob Monroe Lab at TMI held Tuesday morning, July 13, 2004, Skip Atwater at the controls, Rita Warren at the microphone, Frank in the black box.

Rita: [helping Frank relax] … and you’re getting comfortable and relaxed and letting that happen.

Frank: Very relaxed.

Rita: Release all those muscles that are tied up with current events.

Frank: Psychic muscles.

Rita: Yes. Relax all the muscles that might interfere with our session today.

Frank: [yawns]

Rita: Put the ego in the box.

Frank: No! Never.

Rita: Up to you.

Frank: Ego’s an important part of this.

Rita: Well, while you’re in the box, maybe it’s not such an important part of it, because maybe that function is being handled out here.

Frank: We may not be meaning the same thing by the same word. Since about ’93 or ’94 I’ve always functioned with the energy [conversion] box wide open. I wanted to integrate everything.

Rita: You don’t have any sense that it’s interfering with —

Frank: Well, [yawns] if I did I would put it away. Continue reading Monroe Institute Black Box session July 13, 2004

Monroe Institute Black Box session July 6, 2004

Edited transcript of a PREP session in the Bob Monroe Lab at TMI held Tuesday morning, July 6, 2004, Skip Atwater at the controls, Rita Warren at the microphone, Frank in the black box.

[I began the morning coughing, an ominous reminder of past problems with asthma which had been in abeyance – I had hoped permanently – as a result of the healing efforts of my little eight-year-old guardian angel Karis. Also, my hearing was much impaired.]

[begin transcript]

Frank: Rita, we might ask if there’s anything special about this being sick. It’s annoying.

Rita: Well, the part of you that’s feeling the symptoms, we’d like to have some help with that from the guys.

Frank: [clears throat] [long pause] [clears throat]

I can feel just where it is. [a pain, a hitch, in my chest] It’s localized quite in one spot. And the thought had come while I was lying here waiting that maybe I was back to identifying with Bertam again, and I’ll bet you he had TB in his left lung, at least. I don’t know what TB feels like, but this is quite localized. It’s not – It’s like a pain, like a knife pain rather than an inability to get enough air. It’s different. [coughs] Although the wheezing’s there too.

All right, I’m ready whenever you’re ready.

Rita: Do you feel up to doing some resonant tuning today?

Frank: [yawns] Excuse me. Well, let’s find out.

[A period of resonant tuning, quite strong and steady, a bit to my surprise.]

That seemed to help, actually.

Rita: Ok, just continue to relax for a few minutes and, remembering the guys’ definition of illness, try to ask for help in both areas, the mental processes and the physical. Continue reading Monroe Institute Black Box session July 6, 2004