Edited transcript of a PREP session in the Bob Monroe Lab at TMI held Tuesday morning, July 6, 2004, Skip Atwater at the controls, Rita Warren at the microphone, Frank in the black box.
[I began the morning coughing, an ominous reminder of past problems with asthma which had been in abeyance – I had hoped permanently – as a result of the healing efforts of my little eight-year-old guardian angel Karis. Also, my hearing was much impaired.]
[begin transcript]
Frank: Rita, we might ask if there’s anything special about this being sick. It’s annoying.
Rita: Well, the part of you that’s feeling the symptoms, we’d like to have some help with that from the guys.
Frank: [clears throat] [long pause] [clears throat]
I can feel just where it is. [a pain, a hitch, in my chest] It’s localized quite in one spot. And the thought had come while I was lying here waiting that maybe I was back to identifying with Bertam again, and I’ll bet you he had TB in his left lung, at least. I don’t know what TB feels like, but this is quite localized. It’s not – It’s like a pain, like a knife pain rather than an inability to get enough air. It’s different. [coughs] Although the wheezing’s there too.
All right, I’m ready whenever you’re ready.
Rita: Do you feel up to doing some resonant tuning today?
Frank: [yawns] Excuse me. Well, let’s find out.
[A period of resonant tuning, quite strong and steady, a bit to my surprise.]
That seemed to help, actually.
Rita: Ok, just continue to relax for a few minutes and, remembering the guys’ definition of illness, try to ask for help in both areas, the mental processes and the physical. Continue reading Monroe Institute Black Box session July 6, 2004