Selecting input (from October 2017)

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Enter your notes from yesterday.

[Watched “Terminator 3,” found in alphabetizing my DVDs and tapes. Thinking about the story. The visuals show how much people hate our civilization, and want to see it smashed – trucks, cars, buildings, people, cities. I don’t even know if the movie makers know they are expressing that. Maybe they think people just like “action.” (Even that would show how boring and unsatisfying people’s lives are.)

[But there is a deeper theme: sitting on the sidelines watching the inevitable catastrophe. That’s what I have been doing my whole life, with the exception of a half-hearted attempt to enter political life. If it is inevitable, you waste your life trying to stop it – even if you know what to do. But how do you know it is inevitable? Well, I guess the answer to that is simple: You know. I can’t help wondering what form the catastrophe will take, and how much it will leave us alone. I don’t mean Skynet, I mean the progressive destruction of the republic. No way to know. Work while I have time, and hope that something survives.]

You know that the physical brain reacts to depictions nearly as strongly as to the real physical event. Your brains are always playing virtual reality, and the difference in input is less significant, less discernable, to it than you might assume. So, all those depictions of mass destruction, of lethal conflict, of raw emotion (that is, both the scenes themselves and the reaction they were created to produce) are as real as the rest of your lives. Or, let’s say, a half-step less real, as your physical life is a half-step less real than the reality above (and below, and around) it.

So media presentation of a portrait of your world is not limited to “news” broadcasts with their own peculiar bias toward the dramatic and away from the analytical; it includes the overt drama and all its subtexts. It includes the fiction and non-fiction that you read. It includes second-hand experience at roughly the same level as first-hand, depending upon your intuitive / sensory mix. Someone like you lives as much in secondary reports as in primary experience; more, sometimes. Others may live only in the primary, as far as they know, and yet they will be suffused by secondary reports absorbed unconsciously and uncritically stored as data.

But surely even the least self-conscious persons have their unbroken link to intuition – to their non-3D component – to keep them aligned.

The unbroken and unbreakable link between conscious and unconscious, between 3D awareness and All-D awareness, let’s say, is not meant to produce homogenous 3D results. Quite the contrary. It is meant to support the existence of the 3D being; it is, as a parallel function, the repository of the record of all 3D experience. (It is your feed to the Akashic Record, you might say.) But although it is always acting as a receiver, it is experienced by the 3D being as transmitter only under certain constraints. The 3D being may choose to shut off any messages it finds uncomfortable. It tunes out its bad conscience, you might say. Or, it tunes out thoughts and realizations that contradict what it chooses to think or realize. Or it tunes out intuitive input in general, as distraction or as hallucination or as fantasy.

“It isn’t real.”

That’s one version, yes. “It isn’t real, I don’t want to hear about it, it produces uncomfortable sensations.” For any of those reasons, and there are more, any 3D being may shut itself off from receiving some of the input available to it. But, a couple of points.

  • This isn’t a It is a function of free will, and nobody has any objection to it.
  • Overwhelming need may cause (or enable, depending upon how you choose to look at it) the non-3D component to flood the 3D with input that can not be ignored and may be life changing.

And that is enough for now.


Pointers not landmarks (from October 2017)

Saturday, October 21, 2017

I have no idea where we’re going, and we left no bread crumbs.

Working on yourselves. That’s the theme. What the situation is. That’s the theme too. You can’t understand one without the other.

I do understand that. It is the specific application I don’t always know.

No, but that’s our job.

Isn’t that what I just said?

Yes, in a sense. Very well, look again at the situation we are describing.

  • You, shaped souls continually reshaping yourselves in the face of on-coming circumstances seemingly external, seemingly unconnected to your own needs and opportunities.
  • An unending sweep of animating force, varying in intensity from one moment to the next, vast and impersonal, as we keep stressing.
  • The interaction of the two – spirit and soul – in 3D constricted circumstances produces the potential for change and, in context, produces the necessity of change either by your decision or by default, in that nothing ever stands still.

Thousands of years’ worth of scripture and philosophy have left you a legacy of instruction on effective ways to cope with your possibilities and dangers. All we are doing is alerting you to a way to reinterpret words that may have gone dead on you for lack of context. That context mostly involves redefining what a human existence includes, and what the 3D and non-3D world adds up to.

Only that.

Yes, you smile, but, “only that.” It is a big job, and obviously no one in 3D could live long enough nor work hard enough to convey what needs to be conveyed. That’s why we remind you, again and again, that the needed material exists. You don’t have to live your lives waiting for it to be written or spoken, or sung or whistled or hinted at. It is there, and you have your own inner guidance system to help you stumble on it; it is mostly a matter of feeling the hunger, having faith that where there is a hunger there is what is hungered for, and keeping your eyes open for it. That isn’t more than anybody can do.

Whenever a task seems too extensive, whenever it is so extensive as to be daunting, we advise this: Narrow it down. You can’t do everything; that is not the same as saying you can’t do anything. You don’t read Sanskrit, or Assyrian, or whatever: Why assume that whatever you need has not been translated for you somewhere? You don’t know where to look: Does that mean your non-3D assistance doesn’t either? Rhetorical questions, but you see our point.

Stumble along with integrity and faith, and you’ll do all right.

Well? Can you with your experience deny it?

Can’t, and wouldn’t dream of doing so. This is what I tell people myself.

Maybe we’re making you up.

All right, that got an actual chuckle, not just a smile. Maybe you are. I hope I am Charlie McCarthy and not Mortimer Snerd. (Dating myself there, I realize. Will anybody remember Edgar Bergen?)

To illustrate how life works, we will guarantee that everybody old enough just got side-tracked for a moment.

Is that a reason not to make such allusions? Alternatively, do they serve a purpose?

You might say it is like telling a joke in the middle of a serious disquisition. It may help to seat in the material with the rest of one’s mental life, or it may distract. There is no way to know, and it isn’t anything to worry about. People will remember the Mortimer Snerd allusion when they have forgotten the context.

That’s what I’m afraid of!

Yes, but, you see, you don’t want people trying to hold the material in their conscious mind continually. It isn’t possible anyway, and wouldn’t be desirable. The purpose of instruction is to change the person’s ground rules and observation posts, not to be encapsulated and set aside. In fact, perhaps you should underline that, because that is one of the dangers of over-reverencing scripture or anything.

Expand on that, maybe?

If you come across something new and you think about it, wrestle with it, test it on your own truth-detector, your own assaying apparatus, by the time you have done so, you will have gotten from it whatever it has to say to you now. Perhaps later you will look at it again and it will or won’t tell you something new, but right now, whenever that “now” is, you will be changed: Not by it, not by encountering it, but by your struggle with it.

I know you don’t mean that quite in the way it sounds. If we hear something and it immediately resonates, we don’t necessarily need to struggle; it is as though it drops into a slot pre-fitted for it.

Yes, we don’t mean that it will necessarily feel alien or antagonistic. But even when it goes “clunk” and drops into place, still you benefit by testing it. Not everything that immediately fits into place deserves to be accepted without question. Put it this way, if it is important, it deserves to be questioned, examined, wrestled with, so as to seat it in to your mental world more firmly.

Conversely, memorizing bible verses and citing them at whatever occasion calls them forth may be productive or may be a form of superstition, depending upon how the material has been dealt with by you. Did you wrestle with it? Do you know whether it rings true for you? Do you see how it illumines or fails to illumine your own difficulties and opportunities in life? It doesn’t matter if sixteen angels swear “This is the inspired word of God” if it doesn’t resonate with you. Nor was it sent to you in order that you should worship it.

I have said that fundamentalists set out to worship the Word and wind up worshipping the Page.

And you as a publisher had a problem with that?

Funny. But yeah, I as a publisher had a pretty good sense of the difference between the message and the conveying of the message, or, let’s say, the limits of translation.

And of course that is our point. If you begin to think of words as pointers rather than as landmarks, you will begin to see that their function – unsuspected by many, obvious to a few – is not to convey meaning (which cannot be done), but to provide sparks to allow the reader’s guidance system to nudge them in the appropriate direction.

And that’s the function of poetry!

Of course it is. And of scripture.

My, my. If I have had this insight before, I had forgotten it. I don’t think I have had, actually.

So you see the futility of memorizing scripture as a way of absorbing its purport. Memorization as a means of having it on tap, fine. As a means of argument – that is, as ammunition – not so fine. And in either case, it is never enough to passively (or even eagerly, which can still be passively) accept. It must be encountered. It must be made a part of you either by connection with other things you believe, or by contrast with them. Memorization and idolatry does nothing to help you along, and that is always the touchstone.

And I get, two complementary errors: worshipping the word, and ignoring it.

Bearing in mind, always, that your minds will bring you to what you need, if you don’t persuade yourselves not to drink.

There’s a joke there somewhere. You can lead a human to inspiration, but you can’t make him think. Something like that.

And, people are more likely to remember that, because it is pithy, than the words of the extended argument. And that is as it should be.

So, that rounds it off for today. The message is, you can trust that inspiration will always be made available to you, but it is up to you to trust the process, keep your eyes open, and then work with what has been freely provided. And in the working, guidance will continue to be freely available, of course.


What you do and how you do it (from October 2017)

Friday, October 20, 2017

When one differentiates carefully between the personal and impersonal, a clearer understanding of one’s position in the world results.

Your lives are pre-shaped, we might say, by whatever internal baffles and conduits and intersections you bring to them by what you are. You know you are not psychologically simple. This may lead directly to that, in defiance of intellectual logic but perfectly following emotional logic laid down by past experience. If something reminds you of something else because they are linked in your mind by an unpleasant experience, the connection may not be otherwise obvious or logical or even sensible, but it will be no less strong for that. You know this; it is your experience of life. Many a psychoanalyst or psychotherapist makes a good living helping people manage under circumstances caused by these often subterranean relationships.

But life is the working-out of such problems, and the problems are where the treasure is. Just as you wouldn’t like a movie or book without tension, or a crossword puzzle without difficulty, or a game without adequate competition, so a 3D life without internal problems to be resolved if possible would be empty. Instead of pain or trouble or annoyance, think intricacy. You are in 3D life to work out (by living them) the problems you bring to it. In the living, you often enough add more problems, or different ones, or new dimensions to older ones, but this is not a failure nor even a marching-in-place. Again we say it is not in result but in process that reality inheres.

Well, you say “again,” but I don’t know that you’ve ever quite put it that way.

But you understand the gist. Just as we said that it is not what happens to you but what changes in you that counts? This is the same thing. Emotionally, mentally, physically, the living of the thing is the real work. The reshaping of yourself is the real result. The process by which the reshaping occurs may be said to be of lesser importance, or of overall importance, depending on how you look at it.

That isn’t real clear. It is either a tautology or it is cryptic.

Well, it isn’t complicated. From one point of view, how you get to a new place is incidental, and what is important is where you get to. From another, the journey itself is the important thing, and it makes less difference where it ends, as any end is only temporary anyway. We have told you, often enough, that we’re always on Plan B. That doesn’t mean that we’re always settling for second-best (or worse), but that we concentrate on continuing the journey, and if the winds blow us here instead of there, that’s no loss.

But the contrary view – that the incidents of the journey matter less than the arrival – is somehow also true.

Correct. Logically self-contradictory, but then, so much of life is. Contradictions are always resolved at a higher level of understanding. As you have been told, the universe contains all contradictions within it, but it cannot contradict itself.

So let’s go back to the point. Are the emotional events of your life personal or impersonal? It’s a matter of viewpoint, but it isn’t a matter of indifference which viewpoint you adapt. Your choice will affect how you see the world (and of course will affect your life in the world) and therefore will alter what comes to you.

That last may be more obvious to you than to us.

Surely it is obvious that how you see the world affects how you react to the world. Someone convinced that life is a series of unconnected random events would be continually in a defensive stance. Or, if convinced that life was actively hostile, or actively (if we could put it that way) meaningless, or actively benevolent – surely you can see that each attitude would produce differences in interpretation, and that different interpretations provoke different responses which in turn elicit differences in the next sequence of events.

Yes, I can see that. I don’t know that I have ever drawn it quite that way in my mind.

If a hurricane blows through, are you responsible for the lost palm fronds? Yet, if the hurricane blows through and you have left the lawn furniture out, and a chair smashes a window, are you blameless? Your attitude toward the world implies your attitude toward your place in the world, and that attitude has consequences. When the hurricane arrives, you have some responsibility for what it finds, because you have had some ability to shape or reshape it, ahead of time.

And the point is not to avoid hurricanes – as that is beyond our scale – but to prepare for them.

No, the analogy breaks down. Preparing for them is a side-effect; that isn’t what we mean here. We mean, what you can do is work on yourselves; what you cannot do is assure that all will be peace and prosperity, and John F. Kennedy will not be killed, nor Abraham Lincoln, and your own days will not be troubled.

I get that. Again Emerson’s “marching off to a pretended siege of Babylon” after “raising my siege of a hencoop.” Or Thoreau’s mention of “cowards who run away and enlist.”

It is usually easier to aim one’s discontents and outrages and aspirations outward rather than inward.

And I hear an implied caveat: Don’t take this to mean implied condemnation or commendation of a public life or of concentration on external affairs.

That’s right. What you do doesn’t really matter. How you do it (mindfully or otherwise) will be found to matter a great deal.


Dick Werling exploration: Max Weber


Time Perceptions Inferences









Dedicate session to Higher Self and appropriate Lower Selves of  DW, of ‘Max Weber’,  and any others who may appear, for use at appropriate time(s) – or for non-use if that is in the best interests of all concerned.

Confident of, and grateful for, all needed help to identify, clarify, understand, and if appropriate heal issues presented, recognizing that it is an unusual session.



DW begins to enter extra-ordinary states of consciousness



July 3 2022

9:48 pm EDT DW:  “Is the soul; that was embodied in Max Weber in Prussia in the late 1890s available for a short conversation?”

9:50 pm MAXW:  “Ja, who are you and why do you call at this time?”

DW:  “Herr Weber, I am an American, embodied in 2022, who has learned to communicate with souls such as yourself.  For the past year or so, since I learned that I could be heard, understood, and responded to, I have concentrated on those who had a Near-Death Experience during their embodiments and were forever changed in some ways.  Many of those souls had been composers of classical music; like Beethoven, Richard Strauss, Jean Sibelius, Piotr Tchaikovsky, and so on.”

MAXW:  “Very interesting.  And were you drawn to me because of my ‘NDE’?”

DW:  “No, sir.  I was not aware that you might have had one or more. Perhaps I was drawn by a similarity in our research interests.  For example, right now I am following a High Level Project which is evolving the soul of our species, Homo Sapiens, to enlarge the role of Love in our grouping ourselves.  I knew, because of my career work, of your creation of the formal “Bureaucracy” concept.  But, unless you called me, I had no other clue that we might converse.”

MAXW:  “Well, perhaps I did call you.  In my last embodiment I believe I did have one or more ‘NDE’s, as you term them.  But more, I am now involved in the project you mentioned, concentrating on potential ways to bring our souls’ Love into the physical ‘3-D’ world in ways that do not re-emerge in various forms of Hate.  Your recent fumbling with TzarPiotr came to my attention.”

DW:  “I hope my efforts have not imperiled the project.”

10:12 End Segment

[24 minutes at Focus 27]


June 4, 2022

1:24 pm EDT MAXW:  “No.  On the contrary, they have been beneficial.  But you should realize that the project is much bigger than we have thought until very recently.”

DW:  “Can you tell me more?”

DW:  “Perhaps you might share a bit about NDE’s in your life.”

MAXW:  You read my biography this morning and learned that there were several periods of great productivity and several of prolonged depression in that embodiment.

DW:  “Yes, what you created became ‘Sociology’, a topic of great and growing interest for me at this point in my career.”


DW:  “MAXW, I might add that your work came to my attention more than fifty years ago, when I was working on research that led to an advanced degree, Doctor of Public Administration.  The significance escaped me completely at that time and has only re-surfaced again within the past year.”

1:32 pm End segment

[8 minutes at Focus 27]


June 4, 2022

5:56 pm EDT DW:  “MAXW, I’m back after reading a digest of your work bridging religious traditions and practices with economic actions.”  “It looks to me as though your analyses brought you to one or more ‘Belief System Crashes’ – perhaps with effects analogous to those of Near-Death Experiences.”   “Does that make sense to you, in long retrospect?”

MAXW:  “Very much so.  Yes, my careful analytical work undercut so much of the belief system popular in my times [in which I was marinated], and that I had been raised within.  That happened several different times during my professional career and was followed each time by a period of several years’ recovery from intense depressions.”

DW:  “In your present situation, has it become clear how that path of rationalisation developed before you?”

MAXW:  “Yes, and now I’m several years ahead of YOU, DW!”  “I see that you were surprised to learn about my analyses of the religious-economic interactions in Occidental, Chinese, Indian, and Judaic societies.”

DW:  “Yes, I have to go back and read about those again.  The societal structures that led to caste systems are still beyond me.”  “The differences of educated-elite segments of the Chinese and Indian societies seemed quite clear.  Now I need to understand better how that the educated-elite segment in today’s U.S. society is leading toward a new ‘Awakening’ in our society and how it relates to the ‘WOKE’ group.”

DW:  “MAXW, do you know of the recent analyses of ‘Generations’ done by a William Strauss and Neil Howe here in the U.S.?”

MAXW:  “I have heard of it, but have not met the Strauss Soul or considered how it might continue the analyses I wrote about a century ago.”

DW:  “Is the soul referred to as ‘WMS’ available for conversation at this time?

WMS:  “Yes, and I’m very interested to converse with ‘MAXW’, one of the heroes of my last embodiment.”

MAXW:  “Happy to meet you, WMS.  I see from your work that mine was one example of a recurring pattern, a fragment of a century-long cycle.”

WMS:  “Interesting, isn’t it.”  “MAXW, perhaps we can cogitate on these relationships ‘off-line’, by ourselves.”

DW:  “Please do, if it is of value to you – and I firmly believe it will be!”

6:26 pm End Segment

[30 minutes at Focus 27]




June 4, 2022

5:15 pm EDT DW:  “MAXW, here is a graphic I’ve drawn in attempting to show different levels of “Focus” – as developed by ‘Explorers’ using Monroe’s hemi-sync technology.  I have come to believe that communication we are conducting now occurs at “Focus 27” in the graphic, in Focus areas similar to those experienced in Near-Death Experiences.”  Please look at that and give me a reaction.”


DW’s rendering of ‘Focus Levels’ identified by Monroe ‘Explorers’

5:26 MAXW:  “Very interesting presentation.  Obviously not limited to sensory channels in the physical body.  I have not experienced any of these levels for myself but the concept is certainly feasible.  Let me roam for a moment or so.  I’ll be right back.”

DW:  “I’ll wait, happily.”

MAXW:  “Checking out the ‘Reception Center’ and the ‘Healing and Regeneration Center’ now.  Familiar.  I think I’ve been there, in that vibratory range.”

MAXW:  “It may be that we here, in this environment, experience other spirits or ‘souls’ as you term them, at a level closer to ‘Focus 42’.”  Still within the space of this planet, ‘Terra’.”  “We have freedom to experience others unlimited by ‘Earth-Time’ or ‘Earth-Space’.  Very interesting, DW.”

DW:  “Thanks for checking.  Now, MAXW, I’d like to call for the soul of Robert A. Monroe, who first explored this area while embodied.  Would that be okay with you?”

MAXW:  “I’m eager to meet that soul.”  “Yes, by all means.”

DW:  “Is the soul that was embodied in Robert A. Monroe in the 1900s available for conversation with another  advanced (and developing) soul?”

5:41 pm EDT RAM:  “Is that THE Max Weber?”  “Well, I’m astonished and pleased to make your acquaintance.”  “You are a great Thinker, MAXW.  We may have studied and explored much of the same ‘Soul territory’ in a sense.”


DW:  “Gentlemen, I will bow out now.  Please feel free to call if I can be of use to you as you progress.”

6:00 pm EDT End Segment

[34 minutes, interrupted, at Focus 27]


June 7, 2023

11:06 pm EDT DW:  “Gentlemen, I  hope you have enjoyed sharing insights and new ideas with one another.  Have you anything that I could understand at this time?”

RAM:  “My God, DW!  You seem to be following – maybe constantly pushed by – the energies of the Project!  Amazing!  And to think it’s all a result of hemi-sync.  I, RAM, feel HUMBLE now.”

MAXW:  We are continuing to work in this line.  Thank you for bringing us together at this ‘inflection point’ in the Project.”

11:11 pm End Segment

[5 minutes at Focus 27 and Focus 42]












He responds









Did he have one or more??








MAXW called DW?
















Anything like a ‘Near-Death Experience’? 




















Very impressive accomplishments that DW is now beginning to notice.



Belief System Crashes’, ‘Somewhat  like







New to DW









Seveal books, including Fourth Generation.




Interesting, across generations and centuries…





End DW’s role in this meeting


















































Totally NEW Insight!!






Personal and impersonal forces (from October, 2017)

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Let us continue describing your lives in the context of forces beyond the obvious, beyond the transient and apparent.

Deeper than what is seemingly common sense.

That’s right. Hard offhand to find a way to describe the difference. If in 3D you see a murder, or a screaming argument, or even an icy silent confrontation, it can always be ascribed to circumstances, from “He made me do it” to “It was inevitable, given the circumstances.” But there is a deeper causation that may be discerned and described, and this is among the things we have been working up to.

If you are anything like an instrument, you are a pipe with various stops. The winds that blow through are modulated by your interaction with them. If you play a flute, your fingers determine the notes emitted by which holes they cover and which they don’t, and in what combinations and in what order. The structure of the pipe does not change, but the effective passage of the wind through the pipe does change.

Your free will in 3D circumstances is the point of your existence, after all. Merely being the passive spectator of impersonal forces has nothing to do with free will. Further, the importance of the events of a life is not what happens, but how you are changed by what happens. If your ability to react and choose were not there, what would your life be?

But we would like to poke a little deeper than that. What you are as you find yourselves is not adequately explained by your circumstances, by your 3D heredity or even by what may be called your non-3D heredity – your strands, past lives, extensive connections.

What you are is explained by circumstances beyond the 3D world. Just as your present-day self must be seen in context of its past, so your physical being cannot be explanation for itself, but must be seen in context of the larger being from which it springs – only, observation of that level of being is not possible.

Cannot our non-3D communications provide us the data, just as you are doing?

But remember, we – your non-3D components, and their friends and relations, so to speak – are at your level. We remind you, the 3D and non-3D aspects of yourself, the All-D creatures, are not separate. So in a sense, higher levels are as much a mystery to us as to you.

Plenty of people talk about them, though. But don’t know what they’re talking about?

Let’s say, our information and theirs are not the same.

So say clearly what you mean, here.

If you ask someone for a description of a far country where he has been and you have not, how do you judge the accuracy of the description you receive? You weigh the known biases of the traveler, for one, and if possible you compare his “traveler’s tale” to those of others. But various stories are not always comparable, as they may not be describing the same things. A description of the Sahara desert and another of Cairo and a third of Naples would not necessarily resemble each other, not because any or all were inaccurate, but because they were describing different aspects of the same world. What is the difference between a traveler’s tale and hearsay, in the absence of any way to verify them?

The difference is not in the reports, nor in the reporter, but in your own decision about them. That is, you decide what is reliable and what isn’t. Your decision isn’t necessarily accurate either; it’s just that you have to make it. You can keep that decision tentative, you can suspend judgment, but at some point you will have to make it, if only by default.

And we never have sufficient data to base a decision on.

You don’t have sufficient evidence; you don’t have sufficient evidence for a logical fact-driven conclusion. What you do have is a feeling, one way or another, a sort of centering in. This may be Psychic’s Disease, depending upon how reckless you are at coming to certainties, but it needn’t be. It is a perfectly legitimate method of judging things you cannot decide on evidence.

My friend Ed Carter told me that at the highest levels of management, decisions are made on intuition, because if they could be made on logic they would have been made at lower levels of management.

This is to remind you that there are areas in which we know, and others in which we don’t, just like your own lives. Nobody knows everything, and nobody’s range is precisely the same as anybody else’s.

So, our take-away here, besides the reminder of fallibility?

It is more than a reminder of fallibility. It is a reminder of levels of being. If you were to ask a cell in your stomach muscle of its opinion of an afterlife, even if it could convey the opinion (or even have one), how likely is it that its reality and yours would overlap sufficiently to provide you with guidance? It is as immortal as you, in the sense that its non-3D existence is not threatened by the termination of its 3D existence, but that doesn’t mean your reality and its are translatable one to the other. And as above, so below.

I am more than ordinarily in the dark about this morning’s talk.

Perhaps we made too big a leap. Sometimes connections that are obvious to us are not so to you, just as sometimes you intuit a lot from us that needs spelling-out for those who were not there at that moment when the spark jumped. Remember our larger theme, your souls as conduits of vast impersonal forces that are experienced as personal drives.

You hadn’t added that last phrase before.

We would have thought it went without saying. Perhaps that is part of the gap in communications. It is because you necessarily experience, but less necessarily conceptualize, impersonal forces as personal, that much confusion arises.


Why does it cause confusion? We can hardly imagine why it isn’t obvious. If you think a penguin is an albatross, won’t it cause confusion? They’re both birds, and they both like cold water, and that is about all they have in common.

Well, spell it out for us.


It is a difference in responsibility. If you think the impersonal is personal, you are likely to assume responsibility for things that are in fact beyond your control. Thus you may blame yourself for an eclipse of the sun. Alternatively, you may blame the Gulf Stream for your own hasty decision. You see? It is true that sometimes the confusion makes no difference, isn’t even evident. But sometimes it matters.

All divination systems have as their basis the connection between inner and outer worlds. Astrology, tarot, I Ching, to name three, translate the impersonal forces of the world for the individual querent. In short, “How will I likely be experiencing (as personal forces flowing through me) the winds flowing through the world (the impersonal forces)?”

That is a sorting-out, you see, only it is implicit rather than explicit, at least in practice. The person using the system is interested in the factors impacting his, or her, life, not in the factors as an abstract description of the world’s weather. Nonetheless, it is indeed a weather report, and the wise querent is the one who explicitly recognizes that there isn’t anything personal about whether it’s raining, and yet at the same time it is very personal in an entirely different sense.

Motivation and emotion (from October 2017)

Wednesday. October 18, 2017

Let’s talk about motivation and emotion.

I know where this is going. I had a thought while making coffee. I take it you sometimes put out teasers, like theatrical trailers.

Think of it as an aligning nudge, to smooth communication.

Or like a left jab, to position me for a punch?

We’re smiling too. All right. You look around you, sometimes, and you wonder, how it is that people want things so badly? How can so many things be so important to them? How can they believe so thoroughly and passionately? Why are they so driven?

Very true. And you don’t need to tell me that others would say that somebody who fills dozens of notebooks with early morning dialogues is driven in his own way. It doesn’t feel like it, to me, it feels natural, but I can imagine that that’s how it looks. So I don’t exactly think I’m the only exception to what I’m nevertheless puzzled over.

It is a good point, that one person’s obsession is another’s natural way of being. But at the moment we are interested in the underlying question of motivation.

What makes Sammy run. What is it with us?

It is that what you used to call 3D Theater is for the playing-out of – well, we are going to say of conflicts, only that needs explaining.

More like confluences, I think. Or just interactions.

That is true once the context is understood, but it requires spelling-out first, to eliminate potential misreadings.

Life in 3D, we remind you, amounts to saying “consciousness restricted in its awareness to 3D conditions of perceived separation, delayed consequences, and constricted experience of time as an invariant succession of present-moments.” Life in 3D allows the play of forces to be experienced from within, as it were. It makes it real at an entirely different level than one of somewhat chilly abstraction, which is All-D life as you would perceive it. (In saying that, we are not accusing ourselves of being cold. We are showing you the difference between 3D consciousness and the larger All-D consciousness as it would appear to you.)

If you will remind yourselves that in a very real way, you are all part of one thing, it will be easier to understand. 3D life is the experience of many small parts of all-that-is experiencing themselves as separate. This is not (we keep reminding you) poor design, nor Original Sin in the sense of a culpable act or an error of judgment. It is the result of the eating of the fruit of the Tree of the Perception of Things as Good and Evil – that is, it is the result of the voluntary descent into perception of duality – but it is not punishment nor even an escape from punishment. It is the sine qua non of the experience. Without more than one actor, more than one stream of thought, more than one set of motivations, there isn’t much elucidation going on. Monologues and soliloquies only take you so far.

You are implying that our drama is somewhat artificial.

Let’s call you a repertory company doing improvisational drama. (We have used the analogy repeatedly, because it is expressive.) You are assigned roles in 3D by being born into a certain time, place, heredity, and being given baggage (what some call past lives, others, inherited traits, which amounts to the same thing) but are then free to – and required to – make it up as you go along. This is because the theater management, and for that matter the audience, is less concerned with plot than with character revelation and character development. It is the playing-out, less than the play, that is of interest.

No Big Script, no Ultimate Resolution, no Armageddon.

Not except in the sense of the entire working-out process being the script, no. People tack on the idea of a final resolution, for fear of meaninglessness.

Yes, that is a haunting fear many of us come to, once we are beyond believing in the surface appearance of things.

It requires greater consciousness and therefore involves more self-consciousness, when you are doing improv knowing it, than when you just follow your impulses less consciously, “doing what comes naturally.”

Living life instinctively, I take it. “Doing what comes naturally” leads to thoughts of the birds and bees, and I can’t think of much that is more instinctive or stronger than the sexual instinct.

Sex, survival, flourishing, all aspects of life as divided beings, yes. Powerful motivators, desire and fear.

I take it that is different from the Course in Miracles: love and fear as the two forces motivating humans.

Yes. That refers to attraction and repulsion. We are referring to a slightly different way to see 3D life, one in which desire and fear are two motivating forces within the perception of multiplicity.

I feel the distinction, but we haven’t put words around it yet.

  • Love vis a vis fear refers to forces leading you either from, or further into, a sense of multiplicity.
  • Desire vis a vis fear refers to forces within the sense of multiplicity.

Neither one tends to lead you out of it, they manifest it within you (or, you might as well say, they manifest you).

Desire and fear make drama. Drama makes for enactment and, in a sense, awareness of, resolution of, the forces themselves, through manipulation of the agencies though which the forces manifest.

You just said, the forces themselves can be felt but not represented except either by abstractions or by characters feeling them.

We didn’t quite say that, but that is the sense of what we meant, yes. What cannot be directly represented can be personified, observed, experienced vicariously, emotionally understood. This transforms the observer and we go on to whatever follows, to be transformed further.

So even when we live our lives feeling them pointless, even intolerably so, we are performing improv and there is a reason for it.

Well, “a reason for it.” We know what you mean, but to assent would be to mislead. Life is. It doesn’t need a “reason for it.” What you mean is, it isn’t ever meaningless, and this is true. However, a sense of it being meaningless is well within the range of emotions being expressed by this or that actor in the troupe.

Does that imply a need to have every possible mood expressed, so that, we might say, “somebody has to do it”?

That isn’t quite wrong, not quite right. Let’s say, the forces are there. the situations are there. the players with their baggage are there. It’s pretty likely that sooner or later everything inherent in the structure will be acted out by somebody.


Obstacles to communication (from October 2017)

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

It’s interesting to see the difference between what I experience and what people read into that experience. Yesterday’s exchange, for instance, I experienced as smooth, even flow. Statement, response. Question, response. One leading to the next, no emotion involved. But people read into the record, anger, chastisement, even (yesterday) cantankerousness. Since I can occasionally detect suspicious fingerprints when they are smudgy enough, I suspect that you encouraged me to mention this for reasons of your own. Your move.

Take that same difference between communication as you experience it essence to essence, and the record it leaves, the effect it produces, when people read it via 3D clues (written words, inferred attitudes, analogies to what would be if it were a conventional person-to-person interaction), and you get a sense of the difference between All-D and 3D perspectives on 3D life.

I almost get it, but not quite.

That’s all right, because there is quite a lot to say. Let’s make it easy to follow, by coding it. So, in our interactions,

  • you, the 3D-plus-non-3D intelligence, we’ll call A.
  • We, the non-physical intelligence you communicate with, we’ll call B.
  • Your readers, separately or together, we’ll call C.


  • physical – A.
  • Non-physical – B.
  • Observer – C.

Over-simplified, but it will do. But A and C extend into the non-3D and know they do, yet continually forget they do. So let’s call

  • your non-3D component A2 and
  • your readers’, C2.

A interacts with B, and C observes. But really, A and A2 interact with B, and C and C2 observe. As you have noted, interactions tend to be experienced this way: A2 and B, and experienced by C as if A and B. Well, why should that be? Why (since C and C2 are the same) should it not be experienced by C as A2 and B?

It depends on how we observe, doesn’t it? If we observe using sensory cues, it appears to be A and B. Only if we observe giving intuition primacy over sensory do we perceive it as A2 and B.

Close enough for the moment. All right, draw and extend the analogy. Look at the world around you.

Yes, I see it. If we only read the evidence using our sensory apparatus and its reporting, its logic, its deductions – the world looks one way. If we read the same thing in an intuitive way, it reads differently.

Again, not quite. But you’re on the trail. The point remains that the world you experience is only somewhat real, even in its own terms. It is more real, seen through C2 lenses.

It’s difficult to grasp. We can get it abstractly, but to apply it, it can seem like explaining things away.

We understand. We are trying to give you an intellectual connecting principle, to tie in what you experience within yourselves and what you experience outside of yourselves, because it is so hard for you to perceive (as opposed to knowing abstractly) that inner and outer are the same reality experienced through two different filters.

The world hurts! You, observing the world, hurt, because you take it as real. But – it is real and it isn’t. What C experiences is qualitatively different from what C2 experiences, and the difference inheres in C, not in the world.

In a way, that’s saying what Hemingway said? That we’re making a mistake in thinking that others react to their situation in the way that we would react if we were in it?

Everybody who reads this, present or future, has seen it. One’s “personal experience” can never be translated accurately. You can’t express it and the other person can’t absorb it, because there are too many unnamable variables within each 3D individual to make translation possible. Because you extend into non-3D and you experience partly intuitively, something of the emotional reality and the inexpressible experience can arc over, but only some. The actual flavor of everyone else’s life can only be guessed at. Who understands how asthma has flavored your life? Who understands the combined effects of asthma and reading and hero-worship and early Catholicism and emotional incentives and motivators and disincentives and anti-motivators? Who can add in ambitions and disinclinations, insights and prejudices, penetration and blindness? Nobody.

This may not seem a very valuable insight, until it clicks in. You are all infinite mysteries to each other, you know that. Even when the other is known to the point of boredom, the core will remain a mystery, to others and even to yourself. It’s one thing to say “know thyself,” but it is another thing to know how to go about it. Yet, you assume you know what the napalmed child feels. We choose a horrible example purposely; there’s no point in using only easy cases.

It doesn’t take any great insight or empathy to know that the child hurts!

Of course not, and the ability to empathize is part of being human. A very valuable part. However, let’s extend our analogy.

  • C is the observer,
  • C2 is the observer plus its non-3D component.

Another way of putting it would be that C is the observer using only sensory input, C2 is the observer observing with intuition as well as sensory data.

  • But what watches C’s progress through 3D life with interest and involvement, but does not interfere, because to interfere would actually impede? Call that observer C3.

What we called B is really B3 as observed by A and C. We, here, do not exist as 3D-only, obviously, and we cannot even be said to be B2, which would imply that we were 3D using intuitive means.

Well, from the C3 level, life looks, feels, is, different. It is the difference between watching an execution or a gunfight or a car accident in person (or on a news program), and watching them in a story, characters portrayed by actors. Anyone with empathy is going to be stirred even by drama – that’s the purpose of drama, after all, to stir emotions – but no sane person confuses drama with reality. Matt Damon doesn’t get shot just because Jason Bourne does. Tom Hank doesn’t die in Normandy just because the schoolteacher does.

Well, I don’t know, drama can carry a powerful kick, and some of us can confuse it with reality. I can well remember being heart-sick as a little kid at the ending of Tarzan of the Apes, and I can remember being rapt with tension at some TV show and my father laughing and telling me, “it’s just a story,” and my complicated reaction to that – regretting being taken out of it, and becoming aware of where I had been, and retaining the consciousness of that awakening. And I still get thoroughly involved with characters in some novels and videos, especially in a continuing series. Hornblower, Castle, Inspector Grant.

And you make our point for us. Remember, these are created beings, like yourselves but at another level removed. Real but not as real. Embodying characteristics made plain by their adventures. To the degree that you care about them, and you can come to identify, in a way, even with characters who embody characteristics opposite to your own (in fact that can be the strongest identification), you enter into their reality. The surroundings and the plots don’t need to be realistic, because it isn’t as if you were identifying with their external experiences. You identify with their reactions. You feel their reactions as if they were yours. They enliven an existing but slow-flowing current within you. Hence the popularity of mysteries and romance novels. As art, they usually come to not much. But as doorways to your own interiors, well, that’s why they appeal.

So we are a TV series to the next highest level of reality?

Let’s say you are actors who are pretty intense, and often get lost in your roles. It is the surfacing to breathe, remembering that you are an actor with, perhaps, a mortgage or a favorite car, that reminds you that life is realer than the drama you are (legitimately) engaged in, immersed in. And that’s enough for now.