Thursday, June 6, 2024
4:40 a.m. Eighty years ago today, it was D-Day, back when everything seemed more black and white. If ever there was a just war, it was the war against the Nazis, but we didn’t yet realize the truth of the psychological saying, “You become like the worst in those you fight.”
All right, friends, you have our attention.
Your noting the anniversary leads very well from where we left off yesterday, that your view from the 3D is inverted. All those deaths and injuries and maimings, all that concentrated misery that culminated in what people called the “fighting forties”; all the bitter fruits of thirty years of civil war beginning in 1914 and continuing into your day, always a hair’s breadth from disaster, a disaster that may still play out. Surely reason to despair? Surely reason to assert that all is not well? Surely reason to see yourselves as victims?
Not like you to indulge in sarcasm.
Not sarcasm, exactly, more like sketching the extreme opposite position, recognizing that it exists. Our view is on the record by now, and if anyone doesn’t know it, it is not for lack of clarity on our end, but from lack of willingness to acknowledge it, on the other.
As we said, all is well, always, because the point of life is not to create some idyllic realm of peace and joy and impossible harmony, but to clarify, and develop, and create.
As you were sending that, I was hearing that Jesus said, “I have come to bring not peace, but the sword.” It seems to relate, but I’m not quite sure how. It is like a link in the chain is missing, leaving an impression but not quite an understanding.
It is mostly toward the end of an era that certain defining themes reveal themselves in a different light. Just as Jung was one of the last remaining members of his generation with the educational and linguistic background to unpack the riddle of alchemy, which was at the very verge of being lost, so your generation. You yourself are young enough that he could have been your grandfather. You are among the remaining people who were raised in a religious atmosphere that has now nearly vanished. Only, all this needs to be said much more carefully, more systematically, as it pulls from many fields and many seemingly unconnected bits of information.
- The 3D world is, above all else, impermanent. It always seems to be the realist thing around, but where is the present moment, one moment later?
- That present moment endures – all present moments endure – but in a realm inaccessible to the 3D crucible, as we have described.
- Nothing is destroyed, yet within that permanence, everything changes, continually.
- The 3D world with its urgency and persuasive presence is not what it appears, yet is not negligible either. It is somewhat real, real in its own terms, but something very different, seen from a little distance.
- If the 3D is not what it seems, then of course neither is life. What is critically important at one moment is nonexistent in another. If 3D were what it seems, could this be so?
- Every religious teacher faces the same dilemma that we do. Seth did, Cayce’s sources did, every great soul like Jesus or the Buddha did, every less-developed but awake soul, known or unknown, did too. It is always the same necessity: You have to meet people where they are, and yet show them that their own idea of themselves is hopelessly inadequate.
- Fortunately, every intended audience is not unitary, but multiple and complex, as you would expect of a compound being. So each of them will have one or more “you”s that is more closely aligned to the message, and can help other constituents within the person to understand.
- Unfortunately, this amounts to inciting a civil war within people. Only, it isn’t unfortunate that it happens, only that it is needful.
- What is 3D but an environment where change is made possible and the alternatives are made manifest? Does it matter who got killed on June 6, 1944? Yes it does, because every life matters. And no it doesn’t, because death to that soul isn’t what it appears to those who remain anchored in 3D, taking it as real.
- The Allied armies that contended in 1944 represented nations that still believed in God in the way they had been taught by their culture. Even Stalin was forced to reopen the churches, in the same way he redefined the war as protection for “Mother Russia” rather than communism. Prayer was still a living possibility then, in a way that would not be possible for communities as communities now.
- Do you – can you – imagine that sincere prayer, which is directed intent, can be ineffective? Only, it isn‘t what people thought it to be. Yes, tell of your mother.
I was visiting her sometime in the last years of the Soviet government. I think the specific event in the news was the time they canceled all history exams because, as they acknowledged, history as it had been taught was a pack of lies. It was clear that communism in Russia didn’t have long to live. I mentioned it to Mon, and she immediately and emotionally said, “All those prayers!” I knew that she meant the prayer for the conversion of Russia that had been said at the end of every Mass, for so many years, all over the world
You could scarcely imagine your own generation praying in that manner and expecting results. How much less your children’s and grandchildren’s generation.
And I get your underlying theme now, at least I think so. You are giving us a place to stand because all previously existing places are crumbling beneath our feet.
They are, and that is neither a bad nor a good thing, it is what the turning of the cosmic wheel has brought about.
Jung said the gods never reinhabit the temples they once abandon.
No, they don’t. But that doesn’t mean the divine energies cease to exist. (How could they cease to exist?) it means, every culture learns to reinterpret, to recognize the gods in whatever new guise they adopt.
I trust that we are not setting up a new religion here, despite my jest about The First Church of Superficial Plausibility.
We have been recalling people – beginning with you! – from vague conflicting ideas and emotional conflicts and emphatic myopia. We are merely giving you certain facts. Or, let’s say, we are giving you a way to put together certain facts, some of which were opaque to you and some obvious but unconnected and some disregarded.
Seems to me you have been saying, “Here is one way to make sense of life and the world, bearing in mind it can be seen differently.”
That’s right. The uncertainty is an intrinsic part of it. Nobody ever views the entire picture, with everything in just proportion. Who could do that? How could they do it? What platform would they stand on while making their observations? But just because you can’t ever see everything doesn’t mean you can’t see anything. We want to help people to see as clearly as they can, and whether what they see is as we would see it is of little importance. And you see why.
Sure. We’re going to keep changing, and yesterday’s opinions aren’t necessarily today’s.
That’s right. Remember, not peace, but a sword. Not repose but striving.
Thanks for this, as always.