The “doing” and the “having done”

Sunday, June 16, 2024

4:20 a.m. The year got off to a bang-up start, but now we are stalled. Some practical advice, gentlemen?

Since when do you take practical advice?

I know. Well, something theoretical, then?

Not much point in it: It would be like telling Cayce to slow down, or telling anybody stubborn to do what doesn’t match their inner nature.

Fighting fate?

There is no more one fate than there is one future. A moment’s thought should convince you of that. People have a range of fates as they have a range of futures. Not unlimited – implied in the word “range” is boundaries on either end – but wide enough to encompass all your possibilities.

I can’t become a bird, for instance, nor an athlete, nor many things prior choices and the accumulation of time have foreclosed. Doesn’t the range narrow severely as we age?

It narrows: It doesn’t quite close. But the narrowing isn’t the unfortunate necessity you are thinking of it as. It is a necessity with pleasant and unpleasant causes and effects. If you are shaping a bowl on the potter’s wheel, as you approach an aesthetically pleasing shape, your options narrow. Is this an unfortunate necessity, or merely a natural part of the creative process?

If you’ve been molding a bowl, at some point it’s too late to reshape it into a pitcher, or a teacup.

And sometimes your efforts produce failure. Not every throwing results in a success.

To put it mildly!

You could look at it as Omar the tentmaker did, as God being the potter, not you.

I’ll try to find the verse in the Rubaiyat, and enter it here it I post this.

[And suddenly one more impatient cried –

“Who is the Potter, pray, and who the Pot?”

None answered this; but after Silence spake

A Vessel of a more ungainly Make:

“They sneer at me for leaning all awry;

What! Did the Hand then of the Potter shake?”


“Why,” said another, “Some there are who tell

Of one who threatens he will toss in Hell

The luckless Pots he marred in making – Pish!

He’s a Good Fellow, and ‘twill all be well.” ]

There is no blame for failure, and perhaps the merit for success is misallocated. Your lives are more than the truncated segments you see in 3D. Even your intuitions of an afterlife are somewhat shaped by your 3D expectations. You may think one way, and still unconsciously expect another way.

The accounting won’t be based the way we think of it, you mean.

You naturally judge your lives by what you know, which is 3D data. But from beyond 3D, the picture looks different. It is something like handicapping, in racing.

You mean we take into account the invisible factors we had to contend with, as well as whatever we in 3D were aware of.

Yes, and that isn’t exactly a free pass. If we were judging your life as a separate unit (and no reason we shouldn’t, if we care to; it isn’t like a trial with consequences), we would also take into account the many supportive influences and opportunities you might have made effective and didn’t. We wouldn’t only say, “Well, let’s cut him some slack, he was contending with X, Y, and Z”

As you keep saying, we never have the data to judge.

You never have the data to make a definitive judgment. You can always make provisional ones, and in practice you usually must.

I get the sense sometimes that we re-run our lives until every option in the possible range has been examined. I go back to that image of reality as an ever-changing light-show, with everything being affected by everything else, changing as other things change.

Nietzsche’s eternal recurrence has been misunderstood, and perhaps he didn’t quite understand his own intuitive hit.

So what of us here, now? We do our best but if nothing is permanent, what’s the use?

Isn’t that the question that obsessed your early life? Didn’t you have to proceed against a background chorus saying, “useless, useless”? And don’t you know that life is impermanence – which ought to tell you that there’s nothing wrong with impermanence?

I suppose the moment-by-moment creation itself has to be the point.

You need to realize – you, meaning all of you in 3D – that the doing is real, and in a sense permanent. The having done is less real, and is certainly not permanent even as it appears more permanent than the doing.

You’re saying, the living moment is real; the record of it is less so.

Someone judging your life from the outside, as of course they would have to do from outside, would see only what was done, to the extent that there was a record of it. They wouldn’t see the cross-currents that led to the actions, but even it they could see them, they would still see only what was done, not the doing.

I read of George Marshall’s life and I read what he did and we get some intimations of why he did it, and intimation of how he conducted himself, his character pluses and minuses. But of course nobody can know what it was like to be Marshall.

No, not really. You are mysteries to each other, regardless whether you realize it. But this goes for yourselves, as well! You are to some degree a mystery to yourself, because you know only what it looks like from inside (rather than from outside as others see you), and you do not have access to the parts of yourself of which you are not conscious. How could you have? But you do the best you can, and whatever you do fits into what everyone else does, and as far as 3D vision goes, you see it as a fixed pattern, a thrown pot. From outside, looking at the never-ending eternal living present moment, it looks different. There, we’re back to the light show, and that thrown pot is only one possibility within whatever range of possibilities exists for you.

The practical upshot of this is that just as there is no use crying over spilt milk, so there is no use worrying that you’re going to spill milk. You probably will, and so what? The important thing, paradoxically enough, is less your result than your intent, because the result is a “having done,” and the intent is a “doing.”

Even though we may change intent.

The new intent will be the alive, active, enduring thing. It is paradoxical, as we said, but what seems least permanent, least tangible, is actually what is the real in your lives. The deadwood you accumulate as you live, deciding, is just that, dead wood. Outside of 3D you will not care who won Little Big Horn or Wounded Knee or whatever: Those are all “having done” situations. What you will care about is the reality of everyone concerned, none of which can be put into a historical record.

Sounds an awful lot like, “All is well, all is always well.”

It does, doesn’t it.

Noe of this addresses the storms and doldrums of our inner weather while we are experiencing the long living in 3D.

We mean this in the kindest, most helpful way: Everybody has to make his own way in the world, emotionally no less than physically. We can’t give more direct help without interfering with your life, because life is about deciding. We can and do advise. We can and do encourage this or discourage that. But it is always up to you , what your life is going to be. Nobody can live your life for you, and “living your life” is much more about perceiving and deciding than it is about anything external. When your life is over, do you think you are going to care if you kept your car washed? But you are going to care how you related to others, and – hear this! – how you related to yourself.

Is that a topic for another session?

It could be.

I think this is a good time to stop, then. Till next time, and as always, our thanks for all of this.


A joint exercise on energy

The following short transcript (very slightly edited, for smoothness) deserves a word of explanation.

Five of us met via Zoom, talked about the subject of how we as 3D individuals deal with the energy that pours into the system moment by moment, then we each did a short shamanic journey, to the background of drumming, and compared notes.

the format sort of evolved itself, but the result seems to me to be a very good tool for exploration, combining discussion,  journeying, and comparing notes.  if we were doing it in person, or had more time, there is no reason we couldn’t go through the cycle a second time, or even a third, if interest and stamina persisted.

What we call the Engineers’ Small Group discussed this issue on June 11: “With the waves of energy entering, what is the purpose? How do we discern the purpose and learn? How do we better react to the waves of energy entering the earth plane?”

when we returned from our journeys, Dirk asked, Who’d like to go first?

Peter: Well, I might go first, because  I’m not completely sure I understood the topic at all. And I think they got that. I just wrote down joyride on waves of energy entering this Earth plane. And how do we discern?  Just when it started drumming, I said, discern what?  And then I just started to write, and I got, “As you seem completely lost on where this topic is going, relax. There are, indeed, waves of energy entering the earth at various frequencies all the time. Think of how behaviors are influenced by full moons or orbits. sunspots or flares or climate changes, storms, and more. Humans do react to these. You can see a connection when you find yourself in a particular mood, for no apparent reason. Learn how to flow with it. Bring yourself back by simply allowing the feeling without judgment or emotional response. Breathe easy.

Frank:  “How do we better react to the waves of energy entering the earth? And how do we discern purpose and learn? “Openness, receptivity is all you need to ride the waves. But where you ride them is a combination of where they want to go and where you want to go, like surfing. Your choices are constricted, but they do exist, and this is the interaction of character and fate. Discernment relies upon receptivity and subsequent analysis. Self examination. The neutrality of entering energy is accurate, but for each given individual, it will not seem neutral, for it will be an interaction through the invisible filters of the individual’s habits, tastes, values, is character. Much more to be explained here, and we encourage you all to do so.

Bill: “How do we best react to the energies that flow through the universe?”

The energies are effectively neutral. How you react to them and what decisions you make based on your reaction is what determine the result. The decisions you make determine what happens next. There is no best reaction, it is your reaction that counts for you. Each decision results in another perception, which again leads to a decision. Each decision is up to you, there is no better or worse.

Jane: Answer – stop for a moment. Go neutral. What would it be like if your default position was, “All is well. . .” and you ran any event through that, any event, and trusted that this was so? What if that could become your default position, rather than, “It hurts, it’s bad”? To get there, you have to practice. Go into meditation. Create the lucid dream where something unfun happens. (Aargh, language!) See what happens when you look at it and react from, “All is well. . . ” Practice on the holodeck of your mind. Consciously rewire yourselves. You can do this. You have the tools.

Dirk: Mine went in a slightly different direction and actually echoed back Frank to some earlier things you had.

We would suggest you consider this differently. The waves of energies you feel don’t so much come from beyond (what ever you imagine that to be), as they do from the reactions of and between yourselves.

Think of it akin to the function of a transistor as an amplifier. The source energy (and earth energy) are always available to you. Your collective and individual responses act like the control signal on an amplifier, turning that up or down.  It is more complex though than that. You might think of it like a sound board of transistors each involving a single or suite of energies from source, from earth and from each of you. This is where Frank’s guys ideas about emotions being the interface comes into play. And it is how they come into play.

Most often, though by no means always, the emotions come into play with this interface augmenting, or tempering the incoming energy. When this is done in such a way that the energy turns inward, mania, depression and worse can manifest. When it is outward, all manner of group things may happen. This is what you see involved at sporting events, riots, wars, love-ins, and all manner of other mass events. And these can be concentrated, or disperse.

They had much more to say, but the drumming ended.


Guest posting on Loving others and on Manifestation

[Suth Shilling, in dialogue with those she calls the Mentors]

On Loving Others

June 6, 2024

[I asked the Mentors for help with some negative feelings I was having about people who worked for me.]

M: What/how would you like it to be?

R: I am the gracious and generous boss who is open to what they have to say and express.

M: Is this what you really want?

R: It’s the best I can think of now. Do you have other suggestions?

M: When would you like to hear those?

R: Now, please.

M: OK. Open your heart wider. How does it feel to love these people?

R: Actually, I don’t think I do.

M: Try more.

R: OK……. I still don’t feel it. Can you help me?

M: You are trying too hard. Relax. Love is what you are, remember?

R: OK. That’s better. So I am focusing inside myself instead of on them.

Focusing on them [trying to think of things I liked about them or positive qualities they have] was trying to manipulate myself into having a loving reaction. Instead, if I focus inside myself and feel my own essence, I “lock in” there and then look outward to others while holding that awareness. It’s putting the horse before the cart. The other version was cart-before-the-horse. Two options: “I am love; this is what I see,”[inside out], instead of “I hope they will illicit feelings of love in me.” [outside in]

Thank you so much. This is a whole different approach. I hope I will remember this. It’s a whole different ballgame that way. Anything else about this now?

M: No. That’s it.

R: Is there more to share with me here today?

M: Let’s leave it for now. This is profound.

R: Thank you again.



6 June 2024

M: We are pleased to join you here today and also commune with you for this new project… [sending out an email about the upcoming Egypt tours]. You have done a marvelous job with the preparations and we commend you for that. There are suggestions we can add here which we believe can be of the greatest benefit to you and those who will be joining you. We realize there can be a modicum of worry about this – “will this be another of those disappointments, financial losses…?” and such thought-forms.

We are ever with you and you are embraced by us, and many others as well. What we suggest here today is a funneling of both your energies and focus in such a way that the outcomes you desire with be most likely to manifest in your world, your reality. You begin with good intentions, but these get sullied by past fears and unpleasant circumstances for you.

You can and cannot do these alone. We suggest an assistance from the “manifesters of old.” Both those with whom you have conscious memories and those whom you no longer grok or carry in your awareness. There will always be those who jump in to assist you if you but lay out the carpet for them. They are there ever waiting to assist.

The benefits to you, therefore, are that working as a community effort relieves you of much of the tensions of the past, for this new modality is just that, NEW. And it therefore follows that the results will not resonate to past blunders or mishaps. This is new. This is a new way to accomplish that which you are desiring. We also point out here that you continue to be inspired by those who have similar agendas and desires.

R: The spirits of the place? [Egypt]

M: Exactly. Those who called upon you from the very beginning. So this is not you alone, this is not just your desired outcome. This is a group effort, a group project, and many, many would like to participate and have a role here. It is only for you to stipulate what is advantageous for you, what works for you, and there will be great efforts to  please your majesty.  [ha-ha] You are, after all, the one who has the allowance that all this can manifest and

appear here.

R: Like God’s hands and feet.

M: Exactly. This is exactly what we intend to impart here.

R: So to clear that thought-form that this is just my little project and only because I-alone want this. This is a larger desire, a shared desire of many – probably from a number of different angles and directions.

M: We are pleased. This is beginning to gel for you. You are but one cog in the wheel – an important one, for sure – but it is something much larger, much grander, that you are participating in here.

You love, they love, love itself is renewed – renewed and made manifest here. Here now.

R: Do I need to do anything before doing the mailing to the list?

M: No, you don’t. The mailing can go at any time.

R: How do you suggest I do that in a way that all the others in on this project can also have a vibrant, worthwhile role in the sending of this?

M: They do. They already do. But your inviting them with a heartfelt prayer or other welcoming sign/message is appreciated and always applauded, too.

R: So I make this a we action, not just me doing it.

M:   As though this is even possible! But, yes, we jest. Yes, this is a very nice and welcome thing to do, dear one. We adore you endlessly.



Guest Posting: Ruth Shilling on the Joy State

[Ruth Shilling takes me up on my offer to post people’s offerings. I hope she will submit more, and i hope others will, as well. I think many will find this of great interest.]


Dialogue with the Mentors/about the Joy-State

from Ruth Shilling

5 June 2024

M: You are here. We are now. You can begin anywhere, but now is always the time.

R: There is no other.

M: Yes, you know this now, but there are more layers to this. There is the indescribable present as spoken in your conscious memory bank of experiences, and there is the “real” present, the one to which we would care to address in our dialogue with you here today. The understandings – as you perceive them – are a multi-layered sense of things as you have organized them in your own “cataloguing” of what you deem to be true in any given moment or time period of your awareness.

R: I am finding this transmission unsteady. What could improve this?

M: Just stick with this. It will even out with time.

R: OK. Please proceed.

M: The matter-of-fact-ness of what you assume is true in any given instant is “clear” to you at any given time, but the processing time has not been acknowledged or accounted for. It behooves you, now, to change this paradigm or way of processing of the information/insights which drop into your awarenesses, often in an unexpected manner. You believe, and we emphasize “believe” here, that all is thus and so in your world because that is just how the perceptions have come through to you. But, believe it or not experience of the oneness in manifest forms here. This is just one method of having this earthly

There are other ways to be participating in this ongoing experience(s). You can and will have other options, should you choose to avail yourself of these. You can, for example, begin each experience of the cosmic oneness with a playful attitude or stance, an unexpecting, a newness.

R: Beginner’s mind?

M: In a sense. However, we find that phrase to be laden with disciplinary associations. Those associations, in and of themselves, will muddy the joyfulness that we intend to impart with this example “for your perusal,” so to speak. Like a new bicycle or a toy train that lights you up for pleasure and investigations simultaneously. This is closer to that which we wish to impart with this analogy. A delight is much more powerful, tantalizing and uplifting than a steady-as-you-go approach (which is one we are not recommending here now in this instance).

R: How do I actually do this?

.M: Good question! We are delighted that you have “taken the bait,” so to speak, and are now an inquiring mind that wants to know Of course your actions throughout your day can tend to fall into a number of general categories.

  • You can mull something over, make a decision, and then act on it.
  • You can describe something within yourself and then push it aside – create a non-action stance with it.
  • You can simply savor the moments as they “come down the pike” and wait to see what happens next.
  • Or – we hear you thinking now – you can wait for an impulse and fly with it.
  • Or (as you are thinking now) an intent can be set. This figures into #1, but has perhaps a slightly different flavor in that there is overall intent but not pre-planned specific actions attached to that.

All in all, you have a number of different modes that you will operate in throughout your day. What has not been articulated here, however, is this other “3rd mode,” this other expansion-mode that we are bringing to your attention today.

R: Is this like expanding my awareness out so that I have a wider perception, a bit like a combination of the detachment state and 360-degree awareness that permeates everything in my surroundings as well as within myself?

[Note the Glossary of Ruth’s Terms below]

M: Yes, this is closer to what we are intending to explicate.

Re: More like the witness-experiencer state?

M: Yes, this is our intention.

R: I remember it was joyous.

M: Yes! And delicious, as well. Why not tempt yourself with this pleasure each day? Enjoy! Appreciate, immerse, pledge your present experiences to this expanded state of unity that does not lose the personal-self one iota.

R: Thank you! I am surprised I have put this so far into the back burner, when I could be enjoying my life so much more.

M: Yes! Have FUN! What can deter you from such ecstasies? Only your humdrum ideas about ought-tos and shoulds and shouldn’ts!

R: OK. Great. I think this is good for today. Thank you, thank you.


Glossary of Ruth’s personal terms

Detachment state: When I move my point of perception outside of my head, either to the side or behind and up a bit.

360-degree awareness: At one point when I was meditating a lot, I was able to spread my awareness out into everything around me. It was like every molecule of air or object in the room had thousands of eyes and could see everything from that point. I could see what was behind my head and also what was on the opposite side of objects in front of me. I read later that this 360-degree awareness sometimes happens to soldiers in the battlefield. So it is a way of perceiving that is possible for us.

Witness-experiencer: This state first happened for me spontaneously about 30 years ago. I leaned sideways and 3 ribs popped out of their place in my backbone. I went into a dual-perception state where I was aware of two radically different experiences happening simultaneously. One was me crying and screaming in pain, and the other was me feeling totally at peace and happy, even joyous. Everything was just fine. Afterwards, I experimented with going into that witness-experiencer state voluntarily. The steps I came up with were 1) suspend thinking, 2) move the focus into my heart and absorb my experience there, 3) move my point of focus up and to the right side in the air. Once I “tuned my radio dial” into that way of perceiving, my experience was perpetual joy. From this state EVERY experience was delicious and interesting. Everything was completely focused in the exact moment. No past, no future, except as a thought in the present. And every experience was new, like it had never happened before.

Even if I was in pain, like with the ribs accident, there was no sadness or upset. Everything was just fine. The only experience other than the up-beat joyous experience was a sort of compassion when I was in pain. My guess is that many meditation practices are attempting to help people access this state. It was abundantly clear at the time that everyone is actually having this experience all the time, but our focus is just not tuned to that part of our radio dial.


44. Obstacles to bringing it through

Sunday, June 9, 2024

5:35 a.m. Gentlemen, yesterday I had an idea and decided to ask you about it. [Here I had left a pair of brackets, intending to insert the question, but in transcribing, I decided to enter that information at the end, for reasons that will become apparent.] Is it true? Somewhat true? Entirely in error?

It is a speculation, and as such is worth considering. But probably it is best that we not respond. Take it as the basis for further thought-experiments.

Because of my possible anxiety over your response?

Not particularly. It is the kind of reorientation that is best done without external validation or invalidation, either of which would result in your having to take our word for it.

How is that different from all the scaffolding you have provided over the past 25 or 30 years?

Well, for one thing, would an answer be useful?

Always useful to learn how things work, isn’t it?

Is that what you would learn? Or would it not be – at best – one way to see things? At worst it might encourage a bad habit of taking things on faith that cannot then be supported by evidence or reasoning.

I don’t see the distinction yet. How is this different from your describing us as compound beings combining threads, or saying that our lives are shaped in the beginning by physical genetics and the cosmic moment and the social conditions and our combination of strands?

We see the similarity as it appears to you. The concept serves to reorient you to see things differently. It shows you the things you have always seen, but relates them in a different fashion, and the new view changes you. So, why not look at the view from one concept rather than another?

“In addition to,” anyway. Not necessarily “rather than.”


And I find that I get nothing. Maybe try again Later.

9:30 a.m. Shall we try again? Your lead. I had had an idea of a theme. Why did it not work out?

Maybe we don’t exist. Maybe we’re making it all up. Maybe you are making it all up. Take your pick, they are all your background worries.

Only in certain directions, I notice. Some themes – and some of them pretty wide ranging, too – we have no problem. Other things we run dry. Why is that?

Should it surprise you? Do you know everything? Does everything interest you? Why should it be different for the information that can come in, given who and what you are?

I hear you saying – and I think you’ve said it before – that information transfer has three parts: sender, receiver, and the intermediate filters between them.

We didn’t put it that way, but that is one valid way to see it. If you were to ask us for a sentence in Mandarin, how could we provide it? There needs to be receptor cells. If you wanted detailed schematics of a nuclear plant, could we provide them in any way you could understand? Yes, there is remote viewing, you think: RVers routinely bring through information that they do not understand. But is ILC the same as RV?

That’s true, I didn’t think of that. In RV one deliberately leaves the mind receptive but without content; ILC is receptivity combined with an active mind concentrated on whatever the subject may be.

You will remember your friend Dana, who was moved (mysteriously to her, at the time) to begin to study quantum mechanics, when she had had no interest in the subject, and no background in physics or mathematics. After she studied the subject, she was able to receive certain kinds of information.

We have long noted that when it comes to history and a few other subjects, I’m your boy, but most of human knowledge is outside my range.

True for everyone, of course. Nobody is familiar with even the rudiments of everything. Thus by nature, every receptor is a specialist.

Only we don’t know in advance what our limits may be.

No, plus they may change over time, as Dana’s did.

So if I wanted information beyond my natural range, could I try to remote-view it?

How do you propose to double-blind your targeting?

I could get someone to help, I suppose.

You aren’t thinking it through. If you have a subject you wish to explore, how can you suggest to someone that at some point he task you “unbeknown to yourself”?

Then perhaps I could task someone else.

A possible halfway-house procedure would be for you to do a shamanic journey on the subject.

Interesting idea. Subject specified in advance, procedure involving no words, or anyway a different mental state than this. Maybe. Maybe I’ll just put out the idea I had and see if anybody picks up on it.

That’s an idea too. In fact, beginning with your idea, a group exploration might produce interesting insights.

Let’s do that. And maybe wrap this up early, unless you have something on your plate.

A short session is fine with us.

Thanks as always, then.

[On Saturday, I had made this entry in my journal, looking to this morning:]

6:10 p.m. I get a sense that there is a certain “quantity” of a given energy that has to enter the world at a given time – envy, say, or hatred – and the astrology of the moment determines how much; the combination of the individuals and their decisions determines how much will be expressed through which people. I will ask about this.


43. Opportunities and changes

Saturday, June 8, 2024

7:10 a.m. Guys? Your move.

You have lost track of the argument, and you are worried that we have lost track too.

Well, yes. It puts me in mind of Rita reassuring me that I couldn’t be making it up as I went along, regardless of how it felt, because the material was consistent and was from a consistent point of view, though she didn’t phrase it that way.

Yes, and you feel the invisible pressure of imagined others disapproving of your uncertainty, though they don’t have the comparable experience.

It doesn’t help.

And, as you noted recently, to the degree that you have become used to feedback, you are less self-reliant than you were when you worked alone.

It feels like that’s the trade-off, yes.

And, finally, you are again oppressed by the sense of time passing fruitlessly.

I am.

And the indicated treatment for all these symptoms?

Ignore the nagging doubts and keep working.

We didn’t elicit this only for the purpose of making you fully aware of half-submerged feelings. It serves as an example of the power of decision.

Hmm. I get that. I’m in situation X and as usual it is up to me to choose what path I will take, if only by default.

Yes. This is hardly a problem particular to you. It is what everyone in 3D faces and was designed to face. It is the opportunity contained (shaped) by the problem.

This may be regarded as a subset of the larger motif of problems being opportunities. A situation (public or not) requires you to choose. Perhaps you usually choose by default, settling for whatever happens. Or perhaps you work rigorously to hack your path through the woods. Either way, it is a pattern of choice and is what really goes on while you are defining it otherwise.

“Life is what happens to you while you are making other plans”?

Yes. You concern yourselves with making the best of your opportunities or with creating opportunities for yourselves, or with managing overwhelming circumstances as best you can. Do you think you (or anybody) will care what positions you held, what possessions you accumulated, who and how you loved and hated, once your 3D life is over? You won’t care nearly as much as you will care what you have become as a result – seemingly, as a side-effect – of all that choosing.

That’s viewing your life from a personal, individual, viewpoint. But don’t neglect to consider it from other viewpoints. You are the child of many strands; you are the opposite end of many relationships of all kinds. You are even a part of the world-drama both 3D and non-3D. if you disregard these roles, your summing-up of your life will be wildly inaccurate, because incomplete. And, even more difficult to keep in mind, because it is so complex and overwhelming: all the other people are choosing all the time, just as you are.

I get that you are finally ready to talk to us about the flickering light-show.

We described reality that way in order to loosen certain assumptions you bring with you, out of your 3D sensory experience, and the unconscious metaphors it spawns. Let’s have a look at them:

  • What’s done is done. The past is definite and unchangeable.
  • Individuals may be compound beings, but what hey are compounded from is static, like the past they existed in.
  • Life progresses from this to that, and progress implies replacement of one thing by another.
  • The Akashic Record is fixed, not malleable.
  • There is a permanent, stable, underpinning to the world – that is, to 3D life.

These assumptions are at best relatively true.

“Somewhat real.”

Yes, and only somewhat. In reality:

  • The past changes continuously, as the things that make it up change.
  • You as compound beings are ratios composed of ratios, or let’s say are subtotals that are the result of subtotals – and there is no fixed and final sum.
  • Life is not progress but progression; that is, it is not a course with beginning and end points, but a journey that is its own purpose (We can talk about this.)
  • Nothing in 3D is stable or permanent, except as seen from within a 3D moment.

Tell us about life’s journey, then.

Envision a database, packed with information and relationships. Now suppose you want to explore every possible relationship, and wish to see what the total picture looks like as each variable changes. Envision every time a different color according to its state, so that a change in state becomes a change in color. Write a search program to explore the whole thing, and sit back and watch the display.

There is and is not a beginning point. There is, because you have to start somewhere. There isn’t, because there was no particular point that had to be the first. So, first by circumstance, not first by nature. There is and is not an end point, for the same reason. But every single possibility will be displayed, sooner or later. And it will be later, for two reasons: complexity and change of characters.

  • You don’t’ have numbers high enough to number the possible configurations resulting from everybody everywhen interacting and changing and interacting some more.
  • Change of characters. Every time new combinations of strands are created, there is an initial effect consisting of adding a new player, which is included among the possibilities of the situation as the search pattern begins. There is also a sort of expansion of the database as all these new characters add to what is, not merely to what might be.

That’s a new wrinkle.

We can only add what the scaffolding will bear. All this exposition takes time, if you haven’t noticed.

Is this why I am still around?

It is one reason. It has taken a good deal of work to produce a mind that has been brought through so many changes of scaffolding and can record the changes as they process continues. Every time someone retires, there is a certain amount of possibility foresworn. Everybody goes through on-the-job-training, obvious or not.

But the view from a new window is valuable in itself, is it not?

It is, but we are not talking about irreplaceability, but of overlap. Redundancy. What you get, someone else will get somewhat differently. Comparing the two produces binocular rather than monocular vision, a net advantage.

And of course these conditions apply not only to you, and not only to those willing and able to do the work you do: They apply to everybody, no matter what they do or don’t do or do only unconsciously. We have to keep emphasizing, reality has no spare parts. Everybody contributes, and every contribution is unique and of value. Only, don’t go imagining that your contribution or anybody’s is unchanging. It changes as you change. You may be only a tiny part of the pattern, but you are a part, as is everybody else.

What was our theme here?

“Opportunities and changes” might do.

I guess we’ll see. I wish I had a firmer grip on where we’re going.

Just ride the moment. It has worked out so far, hasn’t it?

I suppose. Thanks for all this.


42. Sacred and mundane

Friday, June 7, 2024

5:20 a.m. Shall we continue?

If you begin to look at your 3D life as being exactly what it seems and nothing at all as it seems, new insights arise. But this is by no means an easy attitude for some to acquire. To some it may come naturally; to others it may not be possible.

And this is why I have always been drawn equally to history and to psychic stuff.

Others, to science and psychic stuff, or – anything. It is a matter of transcending what appear to be fixed and even exclusive categories.

We have detailed the attitude toward life’s phenomena that will prove most helpful to you in transcending the one-viewpoint-only frame of mind. No need to repeat it here. Only, don’t settle for remembering it, or understanding it. It helps to actually put it into practice!

One of the very first things you gave me was that we should learn to see things more than one way, either simultaneously or alternately. I have not forgotten.

Libra on the horizon made that easy for you. For some it will be a struggle.

So what do we mean, that life is and is not what it seems?

  • Life is not a coded message understandable only by interpretation. No one ever lived or ever will live who did not experience its essence every day. You can’t be in 3D, and of it, without experiencing it.
  • At the same time, nothing is ever one thing only. Everything extends, and depending upon how you follow those extensions, the picture you assemble changes.

All landscape is merely landscape. At the same time, all landscape is sacred mind-stuff. Both true.

I once had an experience, in an altered-state exercise that was meant to contact someone needing a retrieval, in which what I contacted was not a person or even a thing, but an energy. The energy, I gathered, was what made a power spot powerful, or a sacred spot sacred. It was an invisible factor that was powerful, unknown, aware, entirely not human, yet intricately connected to our experience of that spot.

And you proceeded to liberate it from a obsolete attachment, that is, to a spot that no longer had human significance, being now desert. What does that tell you?

Somehow the inhuman energy was connected to humans, could be affected by human intent (mine, in this case), and was somehow directed originally, by what I don’t know, to do something helpful to humans.

Not necessarily helpful, but yes, aimed at interaction of human life with what they may perceive as either inanimate nature or as immanent supernatural phenomena. The difference between the two is viewpoint.

I begin to see where you are going with this. All views of life are right, none is completely right.

No view can be completely right, because every view is a view in a certain direction, and automatically – and, you could say, systematically – disregards its opposite. If you see the material-ness of something, it’s harder to see the spiritual-ness of it. The mundane and the divine coexist, of course. Everything in life connects. Have we ever mentioned that?

Very funny. Once or twice.

Yet this essential fact is easily disregarded from moment to moment. The 3D conditions make it harder to remember connection than to remember separation. So, keep it in mind as best you can.

Now, if you begin from the thought that everything is mind-stuff, it is no stretch to see that everything is holy and nothing is holy.

I see that, but you may want to say another word or two of explanation.

It’s all in your point of view. Everybody can see the holiness or the mundane reality of the world. Fewer can see it both ways at the same time. But surely it is obvious if you remember that everything is of the same substance – and we don’t mean matter, we mean that “matter” and “spirit” are the same in essence, just as “object” and “energy” are both. Therefore, as we keep saying, All is One. There are no absolute divisions.

I’m getting that “Nothing is holy” means the same thing as “Everything is holy.” Either way, it erases the supposed difference between one thing being holy and another not.

And between one thing being mundane and another not, yes, same thing.

But we perceive certain spots as power spots or holy places.

You also perceive differences in the world when you are in the presence of your beloved, or of an enemy, or of dear friends or irritating colleagues. Same thing.

I think you are saying the background remains the same, maybe even we remain the same, but there is some energy superimposed on the situation that affects us.

That’s the idea, though probably you would find it hard to come up with a unifying theory.

Isn’t that your job?

Our job. We are thinking together, remember.

I suppose that energy being I encountered has something to do with this.

You are energy beings, are you not?

We are, but this one wasn’t tied to a body.

So therefore it was something separate? You see how hard it is to remember, when dealing with anything specific, what you easily remember as a generality?

It couldn’t have had no point of connection with me, by definition.

No, but it was not the same as you, either, any more than a tomato plant or a cat or the soil you walk on is the same, though they all connect.

It’s a way of drawing connections, isn’t it? If we look in one direction, we see connections along a certain line of sight. If we look in another direction, or at another angle, we see the connections revealed by the new line of sight. But the connections don’t go away when we change sight-lines, and they aren’t made any stronger by our attention to them.

That’s right. Your attention to the world is vital to you, not to the world except insofar as you are part of the world.

If we see the world as magic, that’s what reveals itself. If mundane, we get mundane.

And if both sacred and mundane, you get that richer, binocular, view.

This session seems diffuse, somehow. Feels like rambling.

That means, freely translated, “I don’t see the point you are making.”

It does.

Beyond the obvious, we are cautioning and promising that your attitude limits what you experience. Now, “limits” need not be seen as a bad thing. Limits define shapes, and shapes promote clarity of vision. Only, remember that you shape the world you see. You can’t just blame the universe for your troubles. (Well, you can; we just advise that you don’t.)

Thoreau said somewhere, “Don’t call your life hard names, it is better than you are.” I take that to mean, we don’t live up to our opportunities, one of which is our troubles.

Yes, that’s our point. Whatever you see life as, that is what it is. So if you want to change your life, don’t start by wishing that your life circumstances were different. (How could they be different, you being whatever you are?) Certainly don’t start by thinking yourself a victim. Start by living “as if” your most hopeful vision of the way life is were true. Envision the world as sacred opportunity and that’s what you get. That’s the only way you get it. Or you can look at it as a garbage pit if you choose.  Garbage is mind-stuff too, and the world always has room for victims.

Getting a little acerbic, aren’t we?

Once in a while people need a boot in the tail. Those who need it will feel the truth in it.

And that is enough, this sacred and mundane morning.

Thanks, as always.