[Rita:] What we are now attempting to do is like TGU attempting to give us an outside view of themselves.
I’ve been sort of thinking of you as one of TGU now.
We need to make a distinction between intelligences focused on a body versus those who aren’t. At first it appears to be physical versus non-physical, then you learn that all mind is in the non-physical, processing data from non-physical and physical sources alike. But there is another distinction to be made, one of scale, or focus. And a third, between compound and unitary beings, but for the moment we will stay with the difference of scale, or focus.
The central image to retain is one of communities of individuals, each one seen as a unit of a higher order of organization and, at the same time, a new higher level of organization for its comprising elements. Thus a parson is a community of past strands, and is a unit of an external community. Or, each person is a community of trillions of cells – a higher order of organization. Or (to re-cover familiar ground) a lung, say, is a community of cells organized at a higher level, and is itself a part of a human being, organized to a yet higher level of organization. Now carry that physical analogy over into the non-physical, remembering (have we ever said this?) that the non-physical includes the physical as a part of it.
I think we have said it by implication when you pointed out that everything must exist in all dimensions. But we’ve never said it so directly, probably.
Well, it is so. The physical is a special case of the non-physical. There are no absolute barriers. Every separation is both real and imaginary; tangible and yet permeable; arbitrary and yet functional. But let’s just keep that fact of the physical being part of the non-physical as a part of our background knowledge, and center on the organization of the non-physical as if the 3D did not need to be considered.
Everything is a matter of hierarchies. All organization is a matter of scale. All communities imply interaction of relative individuals. (The members of a community are necessarily relatively more separate and in a state of competition / cooperation.) Life of any kind is always organized, but organization is always porous and often only temporary or tentative. Life flows, it doesn’t get organized in one design and then remain that way forever. Just as in 3D, where the progress of the body from infancy through the end (whether from old age or accident or illness or whatever) is matched by the formation of the individual soul through the experiences of common life, so in non-3D, those souls do not remain forever what they have been before. Where would be the sense in that? But at any given stage, life flows through structure; it is never anarchy. But structure, too, is flow and not permanence.
So, take the level of TGU that is entangled with life in 3D. It has its own scale, determined by that focus. If you are centered on the creation and development of compound beings by means of the 3D experience, that is going to be the scale of your peer interactions, so to speak. True, you will have other levels of attention-focus, but primarily you will occupy yourself with those at your level.
It is very difficult to describe this, knowing that every word is a distortion. In many ways it would be better to write this as poetry or even as allegory, because for people to get the meaning requires that they get it between the lines. It can’t really be said in so many words. But since words are what we have available to work with, let’s continue.
If you think of this level of TGU – that is, the level associated with 3D beings at the human level –
Wait. Does that imply there are other levels of TGU associated with 3D below and above the human level?
Certainly. And we will get to that, in time.
Rocks have their own TGU? Grass?
All things in due time, but in short, remember that everything is an expression of consciousness.
To continue. This level of TGU consciousness, as an example, exists as a sort of community of interest. We come out of the same experience, we participate in on-going discussions about the same concerns, we assist the same 3D-bound consciousnesses as best we can, and we experience other levels of our own consciousness as other; that is, we identify more with one level than with others even though we recognize that the other levels are us no less. So, our on-going life is one of a community of being.
If I get your meaning, you are changing our previous emphasis on individual experience to one of group experience.
We are adjusting the telescope, yes. Our life may be seen many ways, and the more this is understood, the more its inherent complexity and organization becomes clear. Up until this series, we proceeded from the individual’s point of view, and extended it into its non-3D experience both during 3D life and after. Now we’re proceeding from the communal, or the cooperative aspect. Same reality, different focus, different emphasis, different interpretation.
Pulling it all together.
Well – recognizing and spelling out that it is together. But yes.
— From Awakening From the 3D World, available from publisher Rainbow Ridge Books (https://www.rainbowridgebooks.com) or from other booksellers.