Bob Monroe’s Journey

[An early version of Muddy Tracks was going to be titled Living in Monroe’s New World.  That will never be written, now, so I might as well post it here.]

In the course of writing Muddy Tracks, I re-read Bob Monroe’s three books all at the same time, reading each one from front to back, but alternating as I felt so moved; a few chapters in one, a chapter in a second, a couple of chapters in the third. Perhaps I am too suspicious (though experience suggests otherwise!) but I thought I felt Their guiding touch as I felt moved to jump from iceberg to iceberg. In any case, at the end of the week I was astonished how much more I knew about Monroe, and about his thought and experience and speculations and conclusions, than I had a few days before.

I was chagrined, too, that I had had access to Bob Monroe for half a dozen years and hadn’t formulated the questions that puzzle me now, because I hadn’t read the books that thoroughly then. The only real conversation I ever had with him on his books came right after I read Ultimate Journey, when I called to congratulate him and thank him for the work he had done. In the course of that conversation I stated my understanding of “the way things are” and he agreed that he and I understood things the same way. I find that tremendously comforting now. It takes away some of the anxiety that must always accompany the task of explaining another person’s thought when that person is unable to defend himself.

In the foreword to the paperback edition of Journeys Out of the Body, Monroe said that once he let the whole self drive, with his present consciousness going along for the ride, he found himself in “an apparent educational program that I am absorbing bit by bit.” In Far Journeys, he said this presented a problem: though he learned a lot in what he called sleeper’s class, “I have been unable to relate the vast majority of such information in any way to life here on time-space earth.”

That statement ought to give us pause, considering the amount that he did bring back. And it ought to caution us against being too sure (a) that what he was able to find a way to say was not distorted by what he was not able to say, and (b) that we really understand even what he did say. But that’s the risk that always attaches to translations of translations of translations. So let’s go a little farther into Monroe’s world-view, beginning with a very brief summary of his books.

Journeys Out of the Body, originally published in 1971, comprises an introduction, 21 chapters, and an Epilogue. The introduction by Charles Tart puts OBEs — and Monroe as reporter — into perspective. There follow chapters on what happened and how he learned to deal with it, including his search among what he called the psychic underground. Then he discusses his experiences by theme, starting with descriptions of what he called Locale I (“The Here-Now”), Locale II (“Infinity, Eternity”), and Locale III (“Reverse Image”).

He discusses his first contacts with others after their deaths, and curious experiences that he couldn’t get a handle on. He describes some actions of his helpers, before he knew them, talks of nonhuman intelligences, precognitions, and various things defying classification. He discusses six properties of The Second Body that he has observed; talks of Mind and Supermind (as distinct from dreaming), and courageously discusses sexuality in the second state. He offers a two-part how-to, then an Analysis of Events (searching for patterns) and Statistical Classification. There follows a chapter called “Inconclusive,” which, had it come first, would have changed the tone of the book (and probably the reaction the book elicited) entirely. Finally comes a chapter containing four explosive premises. An interesting Epilogue is Monroe’s Personality profile as developed at the VA Hospital in Topeka, Kansas.

Far Journeys (my favorite of Monroe’s trilogy) was originally published in 1985 and comprises 16 chapters, with a Prologue and an End game. It begins with an analogy that asks: How do you help your friend learn to deal with the world beyond death? In Near Reaches it discusses strange things that happened, talks about the development of Hemi-Sync as a whole-brain tool, and moves on to discuss Gateway and the Explorer Team’s dealings with nonphysical intelligences.

After a segue on the development and use of NVC, we come to “Far Reaches,” fully three-quarters of the book. Here he describes his first experiences with his total Self driving; his meeting with INSPEC and his adventures in learning from INSPEC. He meets BB and they set out to rescue AA, Monroe gets the rote on Loosh, and later gets INSPEC’s view of the rote. He tries to give BB “One Easy Lesson” on what life is like, and has to leave him. He is given a vision of a probable future in which BB re-appears and his significance to Monroe becomes clear. Finally, there is a description of The Gathering, and a long, fascinating schematic outline generalizing what he has learned, a schematic which well repays careful reading.

Ultimate Journey, originally published in 1994, is Monroe’s analysis of human existence. He summarizes his search, talks of INSPEC and Home (KT95), describes the far past, and tells of nonphysical intelligences he met. He gives a summary of life on earth, of human minds, of the human brain and our animal ancestry, and provides a chapter on training for whole-brain activity.

Then comes the story of the first retrievals that came his way, and his awakening to who he was at many levels. He describes how he met inner guidance and how he learned how much more than his physical body he was. He describes H Band noise and M Field interaction, and who he really is, including his relationship to INSPEC. He describes a long trip all the way to “the emitter” that establishes and maintains physical-matter reality. (This was for me the emotional peak of the book, though tastes will differ.) He shows that we are one, and that we are re-uniting, and he talks about the park in Focus 27 and the Lifeline program. The final chapter is a tribute to his wife Nancy, crediting her for her many contributions to his work and wondering how he would live without her. There is a wealth of information in these books. There is in fact a world-view that may lead you to explorations that will change your life.


The central portion of Far Journeys is Monroe’s parable of BB. Or is it a parable? Maybe it’s straight reportage. Let’s take it as journalism rather than as creative writing, bearing in mind what he told us from the beginning: Translation from NVC to words aids intelligibility at the cost of reducing accuracy.

Chapter 10 of Far Journeys, “Newfound Friend,” tells how Monroe was accosted one day, out of body, by a being he identified as BB, who had mistaken Monroe’s Ident (his characteristic vibration) for that of his friend AA. Turns out AA and BB had been with a “tour group” that stopped by the Time-Space Illusion, and AA decided he wanted to experience TSI’s chaotic but powerful H Band energy.

In Ultimate Journey, Monroe called H Band noise

“the peak of uncontrolled thought that emanates from all living forms on Earth, particularly humans. If you consider it as truly all, even in the current time frame, you get a better idea of the magnitude of this disorganized, cacophonous mass of messy energy. The amplitude of each segment of the band is determined by the emotion involved in the thought. Yet our civilization does not even recognize that the H Band exists.

“My impression is that it contains not only current time thought patterns, but all that ever existed. They are continuous and simultaneous, and it may be that the older radiation is layered over so all one perceives is the current emission.

“To study it objectively, if one is so foolhardy as to want to do so, all one needs do is move to that state of disassociation just beyond the last vestiges of any direct Earth-related Human Mind activity in the nonphysical There.”

He says H Band noise sounds like a mob screaming in many tongues. H Band noise suffuses our reality, and is both the product and the proximate cause of much of our difficulty in relating to the greater reality around us. (It makes me think of C.S. Lewis’ book Out of the Silent Planet, which, though written from a very different mind-set, makes somewhat the same point.)

But AA wasn’t worried about the cacophony; he was entranced at the sheer volume of energy. He signed up to take a turn in the Time-Space Illusion. When he didn’t come back in a reasonable time, the Entry Director (“Ed”! There’s Monroe and his playful acronyms again) told BB that AA was clearly a Repeater, wanting to experience another life, and another.

For Monroe’s implicit cosmology in a nutshell, read Chapter 10 of Far Journeys, in which he describes the agreement AA signs to enter TSI. Herein is life’s purpose (TSI is a school for compressed learning), ground-rules (our pre-entry memories are temporarily blanked on entry, and as long as we live, we agree that time-space exists) and conditions and payoff (free will and consciousness are required and guaranteed).

Monroe says that as a first-timer, AA met four individuals entering TSI for reasons other than curiosity. I take it that this was Monroe’s way of outlining the motives that may lead us (perhaps I should say, may have led us) into the TSI:

  • One was sent. As Monroe put it, “assigned HSTI-FES for retraining, don’t come back until you’re better.”
  • One was coming in to conduct an experiment from within.
  • One apparently had been a pet animal on earth, and was graduating to first-time human status.
  • One was a reformer, coming in trying to “do something” about the TSI system as it exists.

After a while BB caught up with AA, and AA “ran him the rote” of what had happened in his first lifetime in the TSI. And then AA was gone again, back into the physical, anxious for more experience. Ed told BB that AA would likely get more and more involved in the human experience, dropping down a ring at a time until he reached the bottom. And then what would happen? “They stay at the bottom and don’t come back, or they begin to work their way back up. Most of ’em stay at the bottom.” [FJ-124-143]

So there was BB, waiting. “Before him was the blue-green planet, indistinct. Around the planet were rings of haze, gigantic thick rings, of indeterminate number. Demarcation between them was vague as wisps and tendrils reached from one to the other. Except the ring nearly touching the planet itself. It appeared isolated. With this exception, the others were flowing rapidly through portals in the Entry Station. No, there was one more, on the outer edge. It came nowhere near the Station. Very thin.” What’s more, the M Band noise was greatest closest to the planet, and thinned out with distance, and the bands themselves were composed of innumerable living forms. [FJ- 130-131]

These bands, these gigantic thick rings of haze, Monroe later named the Belief System territories, which of course he promptly shortened to BS territories. These rings, BB and Monroe learned, were composed of discarnate souls, clustered by vibration, with their vibration being determined by what they were. As I put it now, “souls of a feather, flock together.”

In Chapter 11, INSPEC gives Monroe an “alignment and balance” in the form of a scenario involving the supposed death of his dog Steamboat, to teach him how to deal constructively with the emotion involved. Then he is told: “Now you can move to your friend from the other system. He is lost. He will need your help.” He is told that it is important that he help BB. In fact, INSPEC says, they were responsible for the two meeting. “We interrupted your signal so you would perceive him.”

So Monroe found BB and followed him as he descended ring after ring, looking for his friend AA. First, through the outer ring, the first-timer and last-timer ring. Monroe says that last-timers who knowingly were about to make their final recycle, “gave off a radiation that was unforgettable–tremendous vital power that seemed totally under control. Within that strength were all of the values and ideal that humans hold important … something learned from being human. Most important, all under control, all a cooperating, melding part of the whole. They were completely open.”

He says last-timers choose inconspicuous roles on their final time, even though part of their vitality leaks through. He said he tried once to handle a percept of the experience that had made them, and it was too much to handle. “(I returned to the physical and was wistful for days thereafter.”)

Of the various belief-system levels, Monroe says: “You could spend thousands of years in the rings and never explore all aspects of them.” Some parts are great, some not so great. I was told that whatever man can think of is somewhere in these rings; thus more is being added constantly as man thinks more. Also I was told some humans do spend thousands of years here, rotating in and out of physical life. Could be exciting stuff if you planned and thought it out carefully. But most of them…”

Down they went, through later after layer. Near the bottom, the layer that he would later term Focus 23 contained

“countless forms hanging motionless. Actually, their movement was so slow as to be almost imperceptible. These were the ones who had just been released from their physical body at death and vaguely knew they had but didn’t have the rote to do much, if anything, about it…. The M Band noise was lower in this muck…. naturally, stupid. Nobody is doing much thinking at all. They’re in a state of shock from dying, having nothing to hang on to, so scared they can’t handle it, so they put their heads in the sand and try to hide…. Others are working on the effect, this end of the blockage. I’m supposed to be with those who try to help cut back the cause. [Italics added.] I don’t know which is more difficult.” [FJ- 152-153]

Note the italicized sentence, which summarizes what I would guess to be Bob Monroe’s life purpose. Cut back the cause of that blockage, and what human misery we may prevent!

Further down; last ring before the physical. Focus 22.

“I knew the next ring inward. It wasn’t nice. Beyond that was physical life. The two were tightly interwoven, the thick ring just slightly out of phase with physical matter. It was the interface between one reality system and another. Even from this perspective, it was difficult for a novice to distinguish instantly the differences in the two. But I could.

“That was the problem. The inhabitants of this ring couldn’t. They didn’t or couldn’t or wouldn’t realize they were no longer physical. “[FJ-153]

Beyond Focus 22 is the world we recognize. Monroe and BB found AA, but AA refused to come out of TSI. Monroe said to the reader that “what small percept I had of AA” indicated that “he would drop faster than the typical First Entry.” (Maddeningly, in light of who AA turns out to be, Monroe never followed up on this cryptic statement, and I never had the wit to ask him while he was still in the body. Why would AA drop faster than typical? Perhaps it is an unimportant question, but it’s just the kind of thing that nags at me.)

Monroe followed as BB followed AA, first in a life as a twentieth-century woman, then, farther in, to a scene in which AA, a warrior in ancient times, died in an ambush. Observing that AA had gone backward in time, Monroe said, “I had always assumed repeaters lived sequential lives relative to time. Either this is not the case or AA is the rare exception.” [FJ-151] Note, Monroe was sent into those scenarios by–something. This is particularly interesting to me, as I have repeatedly experienced similar direction during two Lifeline program and afterward, as we’ll discuss. In the event, BB again was unable to convince AA to leave, and Monroe had to leave for the physical, essentially without notice. [FJ-144-156]

The next time he saw BB, he tossed BB a rote describing the earth experience as a school for human compressed learning, and in return got a rote from BB, which BB said he had gotten on the “tour.” The two rotes didn’t match. And here we get the first part of Monroe’s understanding of the origins and purpose of the Earth garden and the life that lives in it.

BB’s rote, as Monroe understood it, said that Someone created the earth as a garden, to produce something Monroe called Loosh, a by-product of the death of living creatures. Someone created sea creatures, then vegetable life, then animal life, and finally humans. For the humans, “Someone pulled forth a Piece of Himself — no other source of such substance being known or available — to act as an intensive, ultimate trigger to mobility.” Humans, what Monroe called Someone’s Fourth Crop, produced Loosh in adequate quantity and quality: and then one day Someone noticed that somehow the Fourth Crop was also creating distilled Loosh, which was theoretically impossible.

Someone learned that distilled Loosh was a by-product of human emotion, so then Someone split humans into male and female, to assure loneliness as they sought to reunite, and developed tools for the harvesting of Loosh. “The most common [tools] have been named love, friendship, family, greed, hate, pain, guilt, disease, pride, ambition, ownership, possession, sacrifice–and on a larger scale, nations, provincialism, wars, famine, religion, machines, freedom, industry, trade, to list a few.” Monroe says that after he ran that rote, he was depressed for months. “I had long realized that the God of my childhood did not exist, at least not in the form and substance envisioned by my enculturation….” he said in Far Journeys. Now he came to think of humanity as a Guernsey cow being milked without her knowledge. [FJ-157-172]

“The loosh rote explained everything very neatly. Most important, it explained the purpose… [which] had long eluded me…. That left the INSPECS.. Were they the gardeners, the loosh collectors, or the overseers?” [FJ-173]

When he got up his nerve, he went out to meet the INSPEC, to find out. INSPEC said the rote was real, but the translation wasn’t accurate. “The difficulty of placing earth and human values properly into perspectives and energies that are not of time and space is a factor very familiar to you.”

Monroe tried to reason it out:

“Loosh was an energy generated by all organic life; the purest form comes from human activity that triggers emotion. The highest emotion is love. But how can loosh be love? It is produced when pain occurs, anger, hatred, etc. He looked deeper, and concluded that interactive experience taught us to express various emotions until finally we grew into love. And, remembering the Guernsey cow, he thought: if she didn’t give her milk away, what would she do with it? And if she didn’t produce, why would she be taken care of? He thought: neither the bull, nor water nor grass, the minerals that fed the grass, etc., produced loosh, but without them, no loosh. So, they could be considered indirect producers. They play a vital role.” [FJ-172-177]

This bears pondering.

INSPEC denied being Someone; denied being the keeper of the garden; denied being the gardeners. “We do not fit into any portion of the human compressed learning process.” But they did participate, they said, when needed to clear up a blockage in the flow. “Such participation ultimately serves a vital need for us.” He did not elaborate on that statement, but later knowledge makes clear INSPEC’s interest in eliminating blockages. (And, in passing, note that Monroe, who could be a very suspicious man, did not question their sincerity or accuracy.) [FJ-177]

INSPEC said Somewhere was not what we call Heaven. “It was created, as were all other systems.” Someone “is a creator who was created. You are a creator who was created.” Monroe mused, “If there had not been a Someone…” Humans would not exist.” [FJ-177]

By request, INSPEC took Monroe to the edge of Somewhere, which all but overwhelmed him by the power of its radiation. Then “slowly my rational and observing self began to emerge again, dominating the overwhelming emotional surge that had enveloped me.” (I would say this is a description in miniature of Bob Monroe: strong emotions fiercely held under intellectual control.) [FJ-178]

Monroe found BB again and told him that if he wanted to recognize AA when he saw him again, he’d have to get an idea about humans. BB asked for One Easy Lesson on being human. So, off they went, with Monroe as tour guide, making chapter fourteen another miniature tour of reality as Monroe saw it. [FJ-182-204]

Monroe showed BB situations demonstrating survival needs, reproduction, work — in short, what it’s like when you have forgotten that you are immortal and unlimited. Then he showed BB those who were no longer in the physical but couldn’t figure out that they weren’t; those who knew but were still focused on the physical; those who weren’t, but were locked in various belief systems. And he took BB to see Charlie, a friend of Monroe’s who knew he was dead and was having fun (in Focus 27) creating things that reminded him of things he had loved in life, like sunsets, ocean waves, etc.

Finally, he took him to “the very outer fringes of the outermost ring, where the haze was quite thin…. [Here] were the teachers, the helpers, the so-called guides of the inner rings–all on temporary but dedicated duty.” And here they found Monroe’s old “night-school” teacher, Bill. Monroe says, “It was no surprise that Bill was aware of BB and the whole sequence of events. I sometimes get the dim percept that my entire adventure, including this one, had been neatly planned from the beginning.” [FJ-201-202] This turns out to be among the understatements of all time.

Bill told BB: “Emotion is the points, the score” of the game that is life in physical matter reality.

“Emotion is what makes the game seem so wild, but it is the game, the one game in which all other games are played. The others feed score to the big game in the form of emotional energy. The big game is to control and develop this emotional energy to its most effective condition, which is vaguely set by us humans as love, until we graduate. The more we score, the more fun it becomes. Most of us here–where you are now–we spend our energy going in to help other humans, however and whenever we can, to improve their score–and so have more fun.”

And when BB claims not to have any sense of emotion or love energy, Bill clobbers him. “Of course you do,” he says, and asks him why he’s still waiting for AA. At this, BB closes, and Bill suggests that Monroe head back to the physical; he says BB will be fine. Monroe says he spent the weeks and months that followed thinking about the thin line that seemed to separate Bill from the INSPECS. [FJ-203-204]

Chapter 15 of Far Journeys, “Promised Plan,” delivers Monroe’s vision of a future we may come to, sometime beyond the year 3000. INSPEC flies him over the earth, travelling from Japan west around the world to the same Virginia hills where the Institute is now, though the land to the east was all long gone. (“We call it Virginia Bay for old times’ sake. Part of the ocean,” he is told shortly.) In all that long tour, no sign of human activity.

Standing on the old Virginia hills, in what looks to him like his 22-year-old body, he meets a man and a woman, and the man is — BB! After his talk with Bill, BB apparently went into the physical; by that far time in our future, he was far ahead of the version of Monroe living in our time, and was ready to emerge again from the TSI. (As to AA — in case you haven’t yet read the book, I say no more.)

As Monroe and the INSPEC had come in toward earth, Monroe had noticed that the gray and brown repeater rings were gone, and in their place was “a single flat ring…radiating and sparkling, not from the reflection of the sun, but from its own internal source.” The ring, BB now tells him, is the place where–consciously, now!–people between physical lives decide what they want to do next. BB describes some of the changes that have taken place: “Heavy cutback on the survival imprint”; “solid pre-briefing and training before entry”; no repeaters, just one-timers. [FJ-217-218]

Standing in our far future, Monroe asked, “In time-space, are there many growth patterns in consciousness similar to humans and earth?” He is told, so many you couldn’t count them, and new ones coming on line constantly. He was told that humans in that future are in contact with nonphysical energy systems, visiting them “as often as we can.” He asked, “To gather loosh?”

No, to sow it, to plant the seeds. That lets the, uh, ray have an ident to focus on.”

He says it implied so much knowledge that it made everything else seem like monkey chatter. [FJ-226]

Ultimate Journey went over some of the same ground from a different angle. It seems to me that Ultimate Journey was motivated by one underlying belief of Monroe’s that is stated concisely within one paragraph in Chapter Six.

“It may help to accept, as a belief to be converted into a Known, that we, as Human Mind-Consciousness, have both an individual and a species purpose, or purposes, for being in the Earth Life System which is not usually an understood part of our physical waking awareness. Conflict arises when the Human Mind demands an action and the Earth Life System self has trouble handling it. ” [UJ-75]

Monroe describes The Earth Life System as “an exquisitely self-adjusting, autotuning, self-regenerating organization of energy…. The entire system is one of polarities, yet each part is interconnected.” It is, he said, “a food chain predator system, although it is rarely accepted as such. It may appear chaotic and complex, but it is organized and operates under a few simple rules:

“Grow and exist as long as you can.

“Get what you need to exist.

“Maintain your species by reproducing.

“There are no limitations or conditions in applying these rules…. Every participant is a predator and the process cannot be altered or changed as long as the Earth Life System exists. Survival is difficult if not impossible without predatory action. “[UJ-63-64]

He points out that “The Earth Life System, for all its shortcomings, is an exquisite teaching machine.” (p.83)

Since we are human, but are something else before (and after) we are human, sometimes our physical and non-physical natures clash. INSPEC told Monroe that when his reference point changed from being human, he would cease to remain human, though he would retain his human memory and experiences.

“You have learned much. This experience is of great value as a nonhuman. It is one of the basic purposes for your sojourn.. You will draw upon it in many ways nonhuman, but your attention will be in another direction. The graduate from the human experience is very respected elsewhere.”

INSPEC added, “You will be as you were before, but the human experience will be added.” [UJ-23-24]

Monroe said that his goal had been service to humankind, until INSPEC pointed out that there are other goals. Back in the physical, Monroe thought about it. First he conceived a yearning to go Home to the place he came from. But after INSPEC accompanied him Home, Monroe learned that there’s a reason why you can’t go home again. He found a new goal: “to grow and evolve somehow into the awe-inspiring yet warm being that I happily called my INSPEC.” [UJ-31]

This was ironic, for, as he would learn, he already was a part of his INSPEC, as we saw in Monroe’s and Moen’s accounts that I cited earlier, describing what I called the larger being.


Braiding: Two factors

This past week, I got involved in one of those projects that keeps your surface mind occupied but gives you time to remember, and daydream, and ponder. Really, it worked like a time machine. I had all these clippings that had sat in my file cabinet, literally for decades. Editorials, columns, book reviews, that I wrote for the Virginian-Pilot between 1986 and 1990. A few news stories, plus a few guest columns thereafter. For some reason, I got the idea to put them into 3-ring binders. (Why? I don’t know, but I’m used to doing things without knowing why. I generally find out eventually.)

This process involved sorting them by date, dating them and trimming the margins where necessary, and fitting them into sheet protectors after inserting blank pages to serve as backing. A lot of fairly mindless work, and inextricably part of it, a lot of glancing back at all the stuff I had written over those years, which of course gave me glimpses of a version of myself nearly 40 years younger than today.

Then, having accomplished that, I decided to do the same thing to my folder of columns I had written for the shopper paper I was co-owner of, called Down Jersey, back in 1976-1979. The same mindless work, the same glimpses of a younger version of me. And as I performed these mechanical tasks, I realized a couple of things that I had surely always known, but that had never before come front and center. One is internal, the other external.


The internal factor. Those clippings from 40 and almost 50 years ago showed me how very different my life was then. But how to make it clear?

It isn’t merely a matter of what I said or didn’t say, did or didn’t do. It’s deeper than that. It would be closer to say that my life was divided, rather than whole. In a sense, I was two different people. My internal and external concerns were almost entirely disconnected.

I see it in the clippings. For Down Jersey, I wrote a column called “An Eye on Politics,” later renamed “An Eye on Events.” So much attention to politics! Politics as a game, politics as the conflict of individual ambitions, politics as the forming of policies. Sometimes I wrote of interpersonal rivalries, drawing on not only press reports, but also conversations with the players and observers. As a former newsman, former candidate, former congressional assistant, I had a fairly unique vantage point, and as a columnist even for a small and obscure weekly, I had good access, as well.

Naturally, everything I wrote was suffused with whatever I knew of the relevant history, whether I was discussing the Panama Canal treaty, or nuclear power, or the energy crisis.  All well and good, and although I didn’t know as much as I thought I did, probably, as Will Rogers said about experts, my guess was likely to be as good as anybody else’s. plus, I did know some things, and I was a good writer. (For instance, I also wrote a column I called “Friends I’ve Never Met,” about favorite authors and their books.)

But as I glanced at these columns, I was surprised to remember how much thought I gave to such things in those days. It isn’t like I was writing these things out of duty, or as a front. I was interested; I thought it was important.

Another part of me did not care about such things. That part responded to Thoreau, and Jung, and Wilson, and Cayce. That part remembered the larger world that mescaline had showed me. It remembered the things I knew, not knowing how I knew. It felt that big changes were coming, and needed to come. It yearned to be expressed, and nourished – and I had no idea how to do it.

The years between 1970 and 1987 took a long, long time to pass.


The external factor. I realized that three times in my life up to 1987 I had so snarled any possible career path by decisions that were internally motivated but were inexplicable to others, that it would have taken a miracle to salvage things. and the miracle arrived.

First, I had graduated from college without ever having given a moment’s thought to how I would turn a college degree into a career.

Second, I had thrown away the career as professional librarian that I could have had, with no idea what to do after the end of the Congressional primary that I had looked forward to for several years.

Third, I was stuck in the computer-programming wilderness, with no idea how to get out, but with the rug being pulled from under my feet (because I did not know how to do the job for the latest employer I had jumped to).

In each case, I was rescued, more or less in the nick of time.

  1. 1969. Vineland Times-Journal editor and publisher Ben Leuchter hired me as a news reporter on the strength of a piece I sent him about the Washington, D.C. riots of April, 1968. This job served as transition from college to life-after-college. It was a long way form the glass factory.
  2. 1974. Bill Hughes hired me to help with his Fall campaign for Congress, and, after he won, hired me as one of his representatives in the congressional district. A good job that I could do well; a steady though not excessive salary with which I could pay a mortgage and support a wife and child; a stable platform that could move me toward a political career, if I decided I wanted one.
  3. 1986. Bill Wood hired me as an Associate Editor (editorial writer) for the Norfolk, Va. Virginian-Pilot on the strength of editorial and columns I had written for Down Jersey a few years earlier. The Pilot provided me the platform from which to discuss the Higher Self Seminar, and thus be introduced to the New Age community of the Hampton Roads area.

(There would be other rescues, most notably by Bob Friedman in 1989 and Ed Carter in 1990, but this takes us beyond the Shirley MacLaine seminar.)

Each of these men had his own reasons for the rescue, but I feel that in each case, one could see  the universe saying, “Okay, good listening. Keep the faith; we won’t lead you out into the desert and abandon you.”

It was good to know, first-hand, that this could be relied on. It was not the least of the changes that brought me from what I was to what I am.


Braiding: (Non)-ordinary life

(Non)-ordinary life

From May, 1970 (the mescaline experience that woke me up to new possibilities), to January, 1987 (the Shirley MacLaine workshop that did the same thing in a very different way) was almost 17 years. Ordinary years? Ordinary life? Yes and no. The externals were much the same as anybody else’s. The internals were another thing.

To list even the highlights of what went on in those years would give an illusory sense of normality. Some highlights of those years,

  • 1970-71. My wife and I spent six weeks in Europe, then off to grad school in Iowa City.
  • 1971-73. With my new M.A. (which I never used) in hand, we were off to Florida where I would try to write. I wound up becoming a librarian, surely a job made for me, one would think Indeed, my bosses offered to pay my way through graduate school if I would get a master’s in library science., but I had other plans.
  • Finally it was time to run for Congress. A primary race, an entry into the world of politics, I didn’t win the primary, but did well enough to attract favorable attention. That fall I wound up working for Bill Hughes, the primary winner who went on to win the election.
  • 1975-77. Two years working as his district office manager in my home town. On the night of his re-election, I resigned.
  • 1976-80. I joined with two others to found a weekly free-distribution shopper newspaper, providing me opportunity to write columns, but gradually losing money at an impressive rate.
  • 1980-83. When the newspaper went south, needing another way to make a living, I passed a statewide test and became a computer programmer (on the job training).
  • 1983-86. Moved to Virginia, still as a computer programmer, hoping to be close enough to the A.R.E. (Edgar Cayce’s group) to find something useful to do. A long three years.
  • 1986-1989. I became an associate editor for the Virginian-Pilot newspaper in Norfolk, for a while functioning quite happily. It was in the first flush of enthusiasm for this return to writing that I attended the Higher Self Seminar.

Of course, braided into all that, personal life as husband and father and homeowner, with all that those roles entail. Throughout it all, I was reading, always, and making repeated attempts to write fiction, that came to nothing.

Those years were suffused with useless worry, always wondering, where was my work? When was I going to find my life? I don’t know that my life was any harder than anybody else’s, but it wasn’t easy. The things that made it hardest were, of course, within myself. But it took a long time to learn that.

What I know now is that my life up to then had been shaped by solitude and longing.

Solitude. I was more of a loner than I realized. I had a hard time making and keeping friends, and rarely had more than a couple at a given time. This, I know. Why this was, I didn’t know. It took until recently for me to realize that mostly, I didn’t let people in. From an early age I had gotten accustomed to the idea that what I thought, said, believed, did, was usually wrong and probably laughable. Naturally, the stranger my ideas got, the less inclined I was to share them. And this, in turn, meant that I was “living in the closet.” I didn’t quite realize it, because I was seeing it from a different point of view, but I was putting forth an “acceptable” façade that was quite different from who I really was. As I said in Muddy Tracks, once I decided to let people see who I was, what I believed, and do so without shame or apologies, it was very much as I imagine it is for gay people who come out of the closet. What a sense of relief! And what a greater level of honesty one can reach.

However, being used to going one’s own way can be a great strength. That, I had. As the Rimpoche said, “If we could not be bought by praise nor defeated by criticism, we would have incredible strength, we would be extraordinarily free.” Well, unfortunately I could be bought by praise, but I was fairly good at ignoring criticism. Still, a life alone among people is a lonely life, probably more so than if one were alone on a desert island.

Longing. Always there was a sense of time being lost. The years passed, and things changed, and I changed, and still I felt, so strongly, that I wasn’t doing my real work, and didn’t even know how to find it. This gnawing sense of being out of place nagged at me year in and year out, and I couldn’t find anything to do about it. As always, I threw myself into whatever it is I was doing, but as always I had to fight the part of me that was saying, “This is all so much lost time and motion.”

This longing was invisible to others (I think) and I never thought to try to explain it, But it is the hidden thread that explains so many things in my life that must otherwise be inexplicable.

  • I had a good job, right out of college, as a news reporter – and quit before a year was up, saying I was going to write a novel.
  • I got an M.A. from a good school – and did nothing at all with it.
  • I bounced down to Florida for two years, “to write a novel” – and produced nothing that could be seen.
  • I can for Congress on a shoestring, somehow neglected to quit mid-stream, parlayed the effort into a good job representing our new congressman locally – and quit after two years to start a newspaper.
  • I got a steady job as computer programmer in New Jersey – and promptly decided to move to Virginia.

The hidden key to these eccentric decisions? I was looking for something, and didn’t know what it was, or where to find it, or how to find any road that might conceivably lead anywhere toward it. I couldn’t reason my way to it, and I never thought to seek people’s advice.

I know my father was puzzled, and I am sure he despaired at my lack of common sense. But how could I have explained to him what I myself didn’t understand? In 1985, when he died at age 70, I knew immediately that my life was about to change in a major way. (Astrologically, progressed Saturn was conjunct my natal Sun). My life was going to change. But how would it change? I had no clue. I was flying blind.


Braiding (6)

I have come to realize, nobody can possibly tell the true story of his life. How do you put a quart of material into a pint of words? It can’t be done. Life comes at us all at once, and all the time. When we come to try to describe it, we have to look at this or that; first this then that. We try to sketch logical sequences – necessarily – but this is so inadequate. Life is so much more than logic, so much less understandable than sequence. Describing what happened to you, and why, is like playing chess with half the pieces invisible.

Thus, in the past few posts I sketched four major events that followed immediately after college: a job as news reporter, Dave Schlachter’s death and its aftermath, my discovery of Colin Wilson, and an experience with mescaline that opened my eyes to the world. But how much it leaves unsaid!

  • Love, marriage, and a honeymoon in New England
  • Early married life in Vineland
  • Dabbling in local politics in the spring of 1970
  • Six weeks in Europe, my first time overseas
  • A year in Iowa City (and an M.A. with thesis in nine months)

Each of these themes could easily support a post or three, because each of them had something to do with my development. But do they bear directly on how my life went from whatever it was to whatever it is? Not really. I mention them here only to remind myself, and you, that most of our lives go unexpressed. Not everything we talk about was important. Not everything that was important can be talked about. What’s worse, we don’t always recognize the fact. I certainly didn’t.

For instance, three of the most important people in my life: Henry Thoreau, Carl Jung, Colin Wilson. In 1970, Thoreau had been dead 108 years, and  Jung, 9 years. Colin was very much alive, but it would be another 25 years before we met. At the time, the three were just names to me; yet in many ways they were closer than the people around me.

  • Henry Thoreau. It was my wife’s idea to visit Concord, Mass., and Walden Pond. At the time I knew Thoreau’s name, and nothing more. A year later, in graduate school, my thesis supervisor, after hearing my over-ambitious idea about metaphysical thought in American life, suggested first that I look at the recently published journals of Bronson Alcott, then said, almost as an afterthought, that I might look at Thoreau as a  sort of  community of one. Alcott’s journal was huge, and I scarcely looked at it. But I picked up Walden and was immediately entranced. This man and I were on the same wave-length.

I found his journals and examined his thoughts from 1837 to 1847 – that is, from age 20 to age 30 – and wrote my thesis on his early social views in light of his personal religion. (I may post that thesis here at some point.) After I got my M.A. and decided against continuing for a Ph.D.,(what would I do with it?), I thought I would write more about him. (My wife gave me as a splendid birthday gift the two-volume Dover edition of Thoreau’s journals, which remain a prized possession.) An unexpressed theme in my life from 1970 was a continuing process of discovery, book after book, by him and about him, that would lead to Emerson and others. But where would this thread show in the braiding? It wouldn’t, yet it was as real and as important to me as anything external that happened.

  • Carl Jung. While my wife and I were traveling in Europe, I bought Modern Man in Search of a Soul, and again, the man spoke to me. I didn’t know anything about psychology. I knew the names: Freud, Jung, Adler, and nothing else. Yet as soon as I began reading Jung, I somehow knew, here was a teacher. As with Thoreau, Jung’s books continued opening doors through the years. Just as, in my mescaline experience, I somehow intuitively knew what I was doing, so I knew what Jung meant, and sensed things (rightly or wrongly) that he didn’t quite say.

Had anyone told me that 36 years later I would experience direct mind-to-mind contact with this great man, I would have scoffed. And when it did happen, it was a little overwhelming. But by then I had spent years, off and on, following in his mental footsteps, book by book. Again, an invisible but crucial part of my day to day existence, even when months or years went by between readings, because of course we become what we take into our minds.

  • Colin Wilson. And always there was Colin, expressing in so many genres. I came upon him first in a novel, but then went to The Outsider, which I suppose might be called literary criticism, though it is much more than that. Then, over the years, he poured his abundant intellectual energy into so many different molds: detective stories, science fiction, biography, philosophy, and – mostly – what we might call Examination of Life. If you’ve never read him you won’t know what I mean. If you have, you will recognize why it is impossible to describe the effect his work produces. He is continually saying, “Look at this and this and this. Now, look at them in light of this particular phenomenon,” and you’re off to the races. He makes you think. More, he gives you thing to think about.

Henry Thoreau writes about who we are, how we are to live, what are our possibilities.

So does Carl Jung.

So does Colin Wilson.

Now, imagine a life that is being continually enriched and disturbed by these three invisible wizards, and you’ll get a faint sense of another of the factors that was always nudging me onward. But I doubt if much of it showed. I was always happy enough to talk to anybody who might be interested, but they were few enough. One tires of baring one’s soul and being the recipient of a kindly (almost contemptuous, certainly tolerant) amusement.  One is easily cured of the habit of easy confidences.

But the fire burned within. I didn’t know where, I didn’t know how, I didn’t know what, but I did know that the life I led was unsatisfactory, and its unsatisfactory nature had little to do with social position or prestige or money or any of the things people seemed to value so highly. All I knew was that, whatever I had seen to date was not enough. My reading, my briefly drug-enhanced experience, my inner drive, all told me there was more somewhere, if only I could find it.


Braiding (5) A word from the guys

While writing Muddy Tracks, I asked the guys upstairs if they would indicate the inner meaning of the events of 1970, and this is what they said:

Of course. And welcome to you, reader. What Frank calls The Gentlemen Upstairs, at your service. Perhaps he will not mind if we cast some of this in the third person. It will be easier for him to hear, and easier therefore to slip it through his mental filtration.

Frank was functioning exclusively Downstairs, as he calls it, all the years from the time he was shut down at about age seven until he gradually learned to consciously reopen the tap as a middle-aged man. The point of these early sections is to remind him—and you—of what it is like to live continuously Downstairs, without conscious access to other levels of your being. It isn’t “wrong” to do so, in any moral sense. It isn’t even “incorrect” to do so, for all paths are good, and all lead to growth one way or another. But while it isn’t wrong, and isn’t incorrect, it certainly is doing things the hard way. People do things the hard way sometimes because they are stubborn, and sometimes because they feel they have no choice. But usually they stop doing it the hard way when they learn that there is an easier way.

One purpose of this book is to convince you to try the easier way.

When Frank’s friend died, and in a way even more so when his earlier “friends”—his heroes—were killed, he had to deal with it exclusively from his Downstairs resources, and not even all of those. Because he thought he shouldn’t fear death, or mourn it, he convinced himself that it shouldn’t hurt, and that therefore it didn’t. Unable to acknowledge his feelings, he was of course unable to process them, and they remained violently alive within him. (So it seems to you in bodies, anyway.) Repressing awareness of feelings takes enormous amounts of energy, even when much of the emotion becomes locked into the physical structure. The violent unacknowledged feelings sloshing around inside made him prone to violent, unpredictable, uncontrolled mood swings, as those who were around him then could well testify. And the situation divorced him increasingly from the world around him, as he tried to cope with the world—with others—strictly from unacknowledged, therefore unknown, feelings. People were already a puzzle to him; they became even more so. He had no feel for who they were, or why they were as they were. He couldn’t understand the simplest things about what motivated them. And he had no idea how he appeared to others. Some were attracted to him, some were contemptuous, some puzzled. In no case did he have any idea why.

What all this has to do with Colin Wilson jumps the gun a bit, chronologically. Frank’s helplessness in the face of his friend’s death appalled him—though he scarcely realized it. And his dissatisfaction with his own life was so acute, his belief in the reality of any realistic path so nonexistent, that he was feeling trapped. He thought in terms of writing books, making lots of money, and living an independent existence not requiring him to go to work five days a week, but to his puzzlement he made little attempt to do the writing that would lead to the goal. He thought in terms of running for Congress in 1974, but made no attempt to lay any groundwork for the plan. He was stranded. At a deeper level, he was purposeless. (We speak here strictly of the Downstairs level that he experienced.)

Colin Wilson’s books gave him an opening he could believe in: the development of mental powers! The achievement of supernatural abilities, paranormal skills! He didn’t know whether he could believe in them or not, but here was a writer who was investigating reports of such things, and doing so from a point of view quite similar to his own: open and inquiring, yet skeptical and wanting to make sense of it all, rather than merely accepting someone’s word for it.

Wilson’s book came into Frank’s life—something he is about to learn as we bring him to write this—at just the time needed to provide him a bridge across despair. The Catholic Church had failed him, or so he would have put it, in that its rules and its perceived completeness and rigidity left no room for things he somehow knew were not as they had been described. (He called that knowing intuition then, not yet thinking in terms of layers of being.) The materialist worldview had no appeal; he similarly knew that was even less true than what he took the Catholic Church’s position to be. He was looking for a way out of his logical prison that said, “There is no God; or anyway, not as I have been taught; yet we are more than the accidental collection of chemicals.”

Wilson was there, to lead him to many others. The Mind Parasites inflamed him with the nonrational certainty that mental powers were there waiting to be developed. The Outsider and the succeeding books in Wilson’s Outsider cycle were crammed with references to others who seemed to see the world, if not just as Frank saw it, at least closer than anyone he knew in the flesh.


Braiding (4) A Glimpse

In 1970, I was living my life exclusively Downstairs. I believed in “supernatural” powers, or wanted to, but I had no access, and no way of gaining access. (Besides—though I didn’t realize it then—my idea of supernatural powers was closer to Superman comics than to the real thing.) I had no guide, no idea where to go or what to do. But my Upstairs component improvised brilliantly as we went along, using whatever became available. It very efficiently used mescaline to teach me several lessons.

My first and only experience with mescaline came within a few weeks of Dave Schlachter’s death. I had come down to D.C. mostly to see Dennis, who had gotten a weekend leave. We both knew that he was going to Vietnam soon, and there was a very real possibility that I’d never see him again. We met at the apartment of one of our younger fraternity brothers who was still in school, along with another senior I knew slightly, and my ex-roommate Bill. One thing led to another; we were offered a chance to try the psychotropic drug mescaline, and we took it.

Dennis and I had gotten through college without trying drugs; our younger contemporaries were somewhat patronizing about our lack of experience. But now Dennis was going to do it and I wanted to stay with him, even though I was somewhat scared of the idea. So we paid our money (all of two dollars in 1970) and swallowed the capsules along with a little orange juice, and waited to see if something would happen.

It did! It woke me up!

Once it kicked in, it instantly and entirely (if temporarily) altered the way I experienced the world, at once magnifying my perception of things and reducing my field of focus. What I looked at, I really saw, for the first time. Until then my attention had been more on abstractions and thoughts and memories than on what was right there in front of me. I was astounded at how much I was missing. It was like the time I picked up the prints from my first roll of color film, and walked down an autumn street really seeing the turning leaves, drunk from sudden awareness of so much color in the world.

I looked at a print of a painting of a boat on the seashore, beached head-on, and suddenly experienced the front half of the boat sticking straight out into the room ahead of the plane of the painting. I realized that the artist was able to paint it that way because he was able to see it that way.

A friend put on some classical music; a flute trilled, and I heard it as a bird singing in a garden, and knew (on no other evidence) that this was what the composer was describing in a language normally all but closed to me. I liked classical music, but this was a revelation.

The walls, I realized, were alive! Literally. What I had been taking for dead matter was somehow alive in a way I couldn’t fathom, but couldn’t doubt. Reality wasn’t what I had thought it was.

I awoke in a different way, too. At one point I looked over at Dennis and started to say something about Dave, and he said thickly, “Don’t!” He explained, “It’ll tear us up, and I don’t want to do that.” For that moment I saw the depth of his feelings;. For that moment, his inner self was real to me.

At one point, as I realized how far above my usual mental routines I had been lifted by the energy set free by the drug, I said, “I’m not going back to that prison!” But one of my younger friends said contemptuously that I had no choice. And of course I didn’t. The drug wore off, and in a few hours I was back in ordinary consciousness.

But everything was different.

I had had a glimpse of what lay beyond. I didn’t know how to get back there, but I knew, now, that my intuitions on reading The Mind Parasites had been correct it, though my understanding had been inadequate. There was more available. Only—how to find it?

Many years later a psychic would see me as a shaman of a tribe in the desert somewhere in the southwestern United States or northern Mexico, “always going off by yourself on vision quests.” And during a course at The Monroe Institute, I had had a vision of myself as a shaman in that same desert. I won’t swear that either vision is accurate, but it would explain something that pleased and puzzled me during that mescaline trip. I always instinctively knew what I was doing. Despite having no intellectual preparation  or experience, I continually “stumbled” into knowings. I was right at home, even while being amazed at myself.

Auras, for instance. As soon as I realized that we live in the middle of an energy sheath, I knew several things without knowing how I knew:

  • The energy field would still be there to be sensed when I was no longer influenced by the drug. It wasn’t an illusion.
  • As I moved my hands across someone’s aura, I could feel a gentle friction, and I knew that this was what Friedrich Mesmer was doing with his “mesmerizing” passes in the 1700s. He was aligning the energy somehow.
  • I brought my hands near the temples of a friend who had not taken the drug, and knew that somehow this would enable or assist telepathic communication between us. (And this was before Star Trek I didn’t get the idea from Spock.)

But drugs were illegal, and therefore unregulated, hence there was no telling what you were going to get. And worse, they wore off. The mescaline trip was a wake-up call, a glimpse, not a permanent gain. What was I to do after the drug wore off?


Braiding (3) A Novel

One night late in February 1970, very shortly before I got a call from Dave’s father saying Dave was dying, I was in a drugstore checkout line when a strong impulse led me to pick up a paperback book off the rack. (Oddly, for some reason the thought came to me that I might steal it. I still don’t know why that thought came across, unless merely to underline for me the importance of that book.) It was a science-fiction novel called The Mind Parasites, by an author I’d never heard of named Colin Wilson. I bought it, and that was one more moment that turned my life.

The plot was simple enough. Two scientists at the end of the twentieth century (then thirty years in the future) discover that we are all the unsuspecting hosts to creatures that sap our vitality and our sense of purpose. After sundry adventures, the scientists learn to defeat the parasites, and for the first time begin to take possession of humanity’s unsuspected abilities, including a host of powers then usually called occult.

When I read that book, I was seized with the conviction that the author was telling the truth, that we do have such powers, and they are inexplicably beyond our grasp. What is more, it was clear to me that the author believed it too. The strength of his conviction ran like a strong current beneath the surface of the story, and was spelled out clearly in his preface.

In all his works, as I was to learn over the years, the same underlying message comes through. There is something wrong with life. The unsatisfactory way we live isn’t the way it should be or has to be. We possess vast unsuspected powers and abilities of which we are slowly becoming half-aware. It is our task to exert the intelligently directed will to learn to develop and use these powers.

The message came through to me that night, and filled me with excitement. Something within me went click! and said, “This is how it is.” For a while I pressed this book on all my friends, and was disappointed and puzzled that it didn’t turn their lives as it had mine. But it had turned mine because it was the right book for the right person.

I had read Jess Stearn’s Edgar Cayce—the Sleeping Prophet, and Ruth Montgomery’s A Gift of Prophecy, but not much else that could be called parapsychology or occult. My mental world was filled with history, biography, politics, current affairs. After all, I was going to be a statesman!

The only thing in my life touching on the paranormal was the fact that in college I had hypnotized a couple of my fraternity brothers, eliciting stories that purported to be past lives of theirs. As to drugs, George Washington University was a very conservative school, slow to catch up with the times, and I was a very conservative person—and a timid one—who had his future political career to consider. I graduated without having tried any drug stronger than alcohol and tobacco.

But now this book, that would open so many doors by reinforcing a certain mental bent, had come to me by what people thoughtlessly call “coincidence.”

I no longer believe in coincidence. Instead, I see opportunity and choice. Our Upstairs (non-3D) component nudges our lives to make available to us certain possibilities. We in turn (the Downstairs crew in the 3D) choose. We say yes or no, right or left, up or down, and whatever we choose leads to other choices. That is what we are here for, to choose. And, as I see it now, nudging is what was going on when I picked up Colin Wilson’s book that night, shortly before Dave Schlachter’s father called.