On July 18 and 19, 2005. a few months before I retired from Hampton Roads Publishing Company, we sponsored an “Exploring the Afterlife” workshop by Bruce Moen. He set out to teach, in two days, how to explore the afterlife, contact people who are deceased, and bring back verifiable details to demonstrate that the contact was not just fantasy. Big ambition! And he succeeded, as I’ll show. This report is an edited version of what I wrote up at the time.
We were a small group, probably all in our forties and above. We got comfortable with each other, mostly ate meals together, started joking and teasing, and it all helped. So did Bruce’s relaxed, informal delivery. He proceeded methodically, alternating between lecturing and guiding exercises. He is unhurried, not concerned lest his listeners may get impatient; his material is very well thought out. By the time we go to actually try connecting – it works. (The material and techniques Bruce uses in his workshops is all included in his Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook, which I edited and we published. I’m pretty sure that if you’re willing to practice, the method will work for you as it did for us, even without the advantage of group energy.
Monday July 18
“Trust is always the first issue,” Bruce says. The second key issue is remembering. He talks about state-specific memory and areas of consciousness.
Exercise 1 is Relaxation. Bruce discusses relaxation as a specific area of consciousness.
Exercise 2 is Energy Gathering From Below.
Exercise 3 Energy Gathering From Below again, adding cascades to increase the amount of energy. There is so much energy, I am nearly spacing out, and at the end I have an energy buzz.
Bruce talks about Affirmations and Placing Intent, reminding us to use clear, positive wording and present tense.
Exercise 4 is Placing Intent. Using the example of waiting for a red light to change to green. What Bruce calls his Silly Little Finger Bending Exercise, trying to detect that moment of intent just before something actually moves.
After lunch, he talks about the interpreter and the perceiver. He says he got so good at not talking to himself during exercises that he could feel when he was about to talk and could then not-do it. He talks about the interpreter finding the “nearest similar thing” and the language barrier. Perceiver to perceiver, and interpreter translates. Bruce says if you think you’re awake, imagine you are somewhere else (somewhere specific) and if you are there—you were in Focus 10! Deep relaxing breaths will help relax away too much thought.
Beliefs, Identity and Perception. “My beliefs define my identity.” Depression, disorientation, disassociation. “Don’t know who I am.” Might die, or should die soon. Belief system crash.
Exercise 5 Energy Gathering From Above. Whew! Strong energy and a lot of visuals, mostly forgotten. Half an inch from clicking out. Brought in energy from the top and bottom at the same time. To describe the gathering from above and below, I would describe a translucent shimmering sheath. Pulsed above and below alternately, and sometimes simultaneously. Tried swirling the energy in figure eights.
Exercise 6 Feeling Love. If you can’t remember when you were feeling love or loved, remember when you were doing something you loved doing.
Exercise 7 Projecting Love to specific individuals. I send to those who seem to be the ones who need it most. Sent twice to each. Feel full of energy, abuzz from too much, in fact.
“Heart Intelligence.” Ask a question, focus attention at top of breastbone more or less, and listen. Anything that happens may be an answer in some way. If you don’t immediately understand, say “I am willing to be receiving more.”
Tuesday July 19
Methods for Afterlife Exploration. “Afterlife” a misnomer; there’s just life. Same techniques can explore any reality. Other methods include dreaming, lucid dreaming, OBEs.
Bruce’s method of focused attention: Areas of consciousness, imagination v. fantasy, imagination as a means of perception. fantasy <– (grey area) –> real.
Unexpected events? Play along.
Exercise 8 Priming the Pump. Remembering specific things from the past. Using non-physical senses
knowing <—> like reality
** Image quality does not correlate with the degree of reality of the image **
Areas of consciousness. Monroe-derived map: Focus 23, stuck and isolated; Focus 24-26, stuck with beliefs. (Group-held beliefs create non-physical realities.) Focus 27, not stuck, in free association with others.
You can always ask the helpers to guide you to explore anything you want to explore.