Things that interest us

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

4:25 a.m. Okay, let’s see if we can have an actual session. Yesterday’s drumming in the engineers’ group centered on the question, “Why do the things that spark my interest do so?”

Your answer was: “This is worth a full conversation when you are up to it. The question as posed assumes motion and intention, but it would be more accurate to say that the person and the interest are both points within a circle, and the question is more, what connects them. We realize this sounds like the same thing. It will take a while to express, so let’s wait for a quiet morning.”

So, “Why do the things that spark my interest do so?”


That says a lot that has been going through my mind since I got the answer to the question in yesterday’s drumming.

It isn’t that the concept is difficult, nor complicated. It is more that we felt the need to separate and combine a few idea-threads:

  • You don’t change who you are, in the course of your 3D life, as we have said previously. You may change emphasis on which aspects you favor or present to the world and to yourself.
  • “Who you are” always consists of vastly more than can be expressed. Herein is your freedom, for if you decide you want less of this, more of that, you don’t have to change what you are, you change what you express, that is, what you approve or disapprove among your innate totality of qualities.
  • In effect, as we have said many times – in effect, there is no “external,” no “other.” Yet always it will seem so while you are in 3D. Indeed, that is the reason for space/time compression into “here, now.” Dividing yourself into “self” and “other” gives you a way of standing outside yourself, in a way.
  • Considering these points, can you see that anything you long for, love, are interested in, admire, hate, fear – all of it is part of you, because you are only sort of individual. You are much closer to being a relationship of qualities held arbitrarily in a given moment of constricted consciousness, the crucible that is here/now.
  • Within this unified way of experiencing the world, experiencing life, you see that everything is meaningful, necessarily. There can be nothing disconnected or accidental. Again, this doesn’t predetermine anything: It is there for your decision. “How will I respond to this yearning, this aversion, this abstract curiosity?”

How such attractions manifest is sometimes important, sometimes not, but it is never random.

I take that to mean, major landmarks in our life may be placed there in a way that we can scarcely avoid them, while other things may be left strewn around for us to deal with or not depending upon remote consequences of choices made for quite other reasons.

That makes it sound like littering, but, a reasonable view. Yes, your lives have major vectors predetermined by what you are. As Emerson put it, character is fate. But you aren’t walking a path so much as following an internal homing device.

Ah! And our homing devices may have to accommodate various strands within us, some of which conflict.

Again, opportunities for freedom. The very things that give you problems are the things that give you possibilities.

The analogy that comes to mind is an absurd one. We don’t spend a lot of time wondering whether to use both our arms, nor whether to have the pancreas function. But we may have to fight to control our temper, or our lusts, and we may have to decide whether to invest time and energy in picking up a new skill.

There you are. But the leap you just made may not be obvious to others, nor to you when not intuitively linked.

If we are led toward a new interest, presumably there is a reason for it to be found in our constitution. We recognize at some level (conscious or otherwise) that this new interest would fulfill an incompletion. That’s the light side. But, like “the force,” it has a dark side.. Compulsions.

Well, temptations, anyway. Yes. As we occasionally point out, you are not nearly the rational beings you think yourselves, nor the unvarying uninterrupted awarenesses that you sometimes imagine yourselves to be.

I was thinking about the seven deadly sins the other day, for the first time in a while, remembering that you described the sins as tendencies and the virtues as decisions.

We didn’t put it quite that way, but that’s true enough. A sin is something you fall into. A virtue is something you struggle to live. And you see the important thing.

Oh yes. It is a matter of awareness. A lowered level of consciousness easily falls into habits. It requires conscious awareness to live a decision. Much easier to smoke cigarettes (if you are in that habit) than to cease to do so.

Habits make excellent servants, and terrible masters. Perhaps you could more overtly draw the connection in your mind at the moment between sin and what we have been discussing.

Defining sin as “missing the mark,” and not as some blot on the copybook that is going to be condemned by some God-the-judge-and-jury, it is clear to me (at the moment, anyway) that sin is a “going with the flow” that doesn’t conduce to our benefit because it isn’t our agenda, but the agenda of habit, or robot, or lowered level of consciousness.

I remember the sins by my acronym LEG CAPS or LEG CAPE, standing for Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Covetousness, Anger, Pride, and either Sloth or Ennui depending on which you cite. It is clear that even at their most intense – and of course they can have overwhelming intensity, leaving us all but helpless – they are not the result of any conscious decision, but are always something welling up from below.

And thus churches had good reason to condemn them in people.

Well – I’m not sure it is ever productive to condemn others. And I don’t like the whole God-as-judge-and-jury thing. But as a practical matter, I can see that these are obstacles that need to be fought. Only, fighting things for the wrong reasons may cause more problems than it solves.

Yes indeed. Why else are we spending this time suggesting other ways for you to see things? The older ways have had their possibilities tried and exhausted, and the time is ripe for new approaches based in a new overall understanding.

There is much more to be said about sin and the struggle within yourself to express your values. In a sense it could be said that sin, like evil, like pain and suffering, presents opportunity.

Yes, I see that. And if one is concentrating on the world as if it were the important, the real, thing, one sees pain and suffering and says, “Something is broken.” Otherwise,  we see that all is well even when all is not good.

And enough for now.

First session in a while. Feels good. Thanks.


A process of inadvertent modification

[Rita:] I’m hesitating at the brink, to find the pathway via your mind, to get where I want us to go. Anything coming in by non-sensory means is still subject to interpretation by the mind of the person in 3D, no less than if the person were interpreting (making sense of) sensory data. So the same information given to more than one person will take on not only a different “flavor” for each, but will be allowed in, or excluded in part, or will be combined with other data, in a preferential manner that amounts to individual “uniqueness,” or even “bias.” The very transmission of data through a given person flavors the information inevitably. It cannot come through in a theoretically pure fashion. I structure it on my end, you structure it on your end, the readers in turn structure it on their end, and, if they set out to convey to another their understanding of it, those they convey it to structure it in their turn.

So that transmission is a process of inadvertent modification.

It is, and that may be looked at as beneficial or harmful, and is of course both, as usual. If you are looking here for scripture, you are going to be disappointed, yet if you are looking for Divine Inspiration you cannot fail to find it.

I hear you saying, “the word kills, but the spirit gives life.” I don’t know that I’ve ever thought to apply the scripture in that sense.

What other sense is there? Didn’t the guys tell us that they didn’t want us treating their words as scripture? They meant, use the words to come to an understanding as best we could, but don’t petrify them, thinking they could have any particular meaning or any given number of meanings. Transmission always involves interpretation at the unconscious level, because the nature of those involved cannot be excluded from the process, but is the process.

So in seeking a strategy of explanation, I must consider my own bias (to the extent that I am aware of it) and yours, and that of the probable readers to follow. As you can see, it cannot be an exact science! I sit here, so to speak, in my newfound freedom from physical limitation, and I am only all the more aware of the limitations of individuality. So – I in turn hand over to the middle term of my Rita / TGU / All-That-Is equation, to try to get a yet broader perspective and have it to hand on to you. Thus – hesitation.

A lot there to think about. Presumably whatever your TGU level is, it has its own TGU level, and so on and so forth.

Precisely. And perhaps all we are doing, really, is seeing the expression of All-That-Is as it is filtered through various levels of interpretation.


— From Awakening From the 3D World, available from publisher Rainbow Ridge Books ( or from ot

Some things can’t be said, though they are known

[Rita:] Let’s look at reality as it appears from a higher level, a more inclusive level, than the so-called individual.

I have been at some pains to reinforce what the guys told us [in our sessions in 2001-2002], that life is a series of monads in which aggregations of smaller-scale communities function as individuals within larger communities, each of which communities function as individuals at a higher level. By now that concept should be very familiar.

But of course in any model, looking through the opposite end of the microscope or telescope or binoculars, the same reality is going to present itself in very different aspect. What looks like communities of individuals seen one way looks like subdivisions of a great unity, seen another way. So, let’s look at things that other way.  And perhaps later we will look at things yet another way, for of course there are always more ways to see anything. It isn’t just looking up or looking down, so to speak.

Start with the idea of everything being part of one complete indivisible thing. I can’t describe All-That-Is, because I am not big enough to encompass it, any more than you are. But we are part of it. It is within us, as we are within it. So, you might say, it can recognize itself. We may not be able to describe or analyze it, but we know it. Some things can’t be said although they are so well known.

Is it like this? We experience the physical world, but how poorly we can describe it. The taste of seaside air, the sound of early morning stillness – well, you get the idea. There is a lot of life that can only be alluded to, and if you haven’t experienced it, you don’t really know it from hearing of it.

That’s a good way to put it. We always know more than we can say, and for that matter we always know more than we know we know.


— From Awakening From the 3D World, available from publisher Rainbow Ridge Books ( or from other booksellers.


A matter of scale

[Rita:] I said we want to re-cover the ground covered last year. So let us begin. You will recall, I began by insisting on the unity of all things. Separations are merely relative separations, separations of function perhaps, or even what we might call separations of convenience. Sometimes the only way to look at a thing is to look at any one (or more) separable part of it, in order to bring it into range. You cannot study the world’s oceans all in one place or time, but you can study a drop of seawater in a microscope, or a species of fish in isolation from other aspects of the total “ocean” experience, or the effects on ocean of atmosphere, or any of many other specialized studies. You see? This is what science does – it says, the whole cannot be studied; let us examine it in pieces.

Now, in examining any phenomenon or situation, we may begin from the familiar or the unfamiliar, from the closest or the most remote, from the most similar or the least. Also, we may move into analysis of ever-smaller subdivisions, or analysis (though it will seem to you synthesis) of ever-larger interconnections, larger systems. Ultimately you wind up hedging your inquiry in some way or another – if not by design, then by default, because of constrictions on your time.

You can’t examine everything and so you are forced to choose.

However – and here is the nub of what I want to get across this morning, a simple point that will be obvious to some but a new realization to others – what you examine need not be pieces. You may, if you wish to, examine the whole of reality, and although this means ignoring vast amount of detail, it may be done and done productively.

I think you are saying what we examine is a matter of scale, and we can examine things at a smaller or larger or in-between scale, and whichever way we examine things, we will see only things at that level, because the whole thing would be too much to hold.

Your understanding is correct, because passed mind to mind, but I can not be sure that the understanding has been passed merely by words [in the absence of direct mind-to-mind communication]. It will be worthwhile for you to restate that in different words, just to be sure.

I got an image of a microscope – and I suppose a telescope would be an equally illustrative metaphor. If you look at reality at any given focus level, what you will see will be whatever is in focus at that level, by definition. But that also means, that is all that you will see. Whatever is larger or smaller or farther away in any sense will be as if it did not exist, or existed only as a blur or as a distorting side-effect.

Yes, and so anything you study will exaggerate itself in importance. It is natural for you – for anyone – to tend to lose sight of all of reality outside the area of concentration. It’s just natural – and for that reason, it must be guarded against, for it is not a conscious but an unconscious choosing, hence beyond conscious control.

But, given that you cannot hold the whole in your mind at any one time, and given that anything sufficiently far from your experience will probably be invisible to eyes not expecting to see it, how are you to proceed?

Dropping the body does not thereby allow you to see and understand the entirety of 3D creation, let alone the entirety of All-That-Is. So don’t get your hopes up (and don’t fear) that your curiosity will be satisfied merely by waiting until you are safely dis-incarnated.  The part never understands the whole from its own point of view. That’s what a point of view is, a perspective, a place from which to observe everything else from an assumed stable platform.

And so you may ask, in that case, what’s the use of the inquiry?

We cannot see things except from our own point of view. So to look at Rita / TGU / All-That-Is, each layer has its own’ appropriate scale of examination, and each is constricted to that scale – but – at the same time we are intimately connected to the other levels, in the same way a body is intimately connected to trillions of individual cells.

And information and insights may be passed directly between levels, which is a definition of the reason guidance is available and — looked at another way — a definition of the function of humans in 3D.


— From Awakening From the 3D World, available from publisher Rainbow Ridge Books ( or from other booksellers.

One thing, three aspects

[Rita:] You were awakened with a realization that the spatial analogy has snuck in to distort – or anyway to shape – your understanding of the nature of the individual mind and the joint mind and the larger being, etc.

And I get strongly that this is why I was led to pick up my copy of Isaac Asimov’s Foundation and Earth. I put it down as contrived and wordy and uninteresting – but only after his use of “I/we/Gaia” had registered.

Describe it in a few words.

His postulate was an entire planet that was one united, interconnected consciousness rather like our concept of the underlying unity of all mind except in his case the humans were fully aware of it and lived in an unbroken sense of their individuality as part of their belonging to a larger consciousness.

While I was in body I was “I (Rita) / TGU / All-That-Is.”

Hmm, I see it. A sort of expansion of Asimov’s concept beyond the physical.

That’s right. His thinking was always materialistic but didn’t quite appear so because of people’s habit of configuring life as physical versus non-physical (“the other side”) rather than individual pole / group pole – and of course that isn’t the end of it.

There is “I,” and that is Rita as I experienced and created her, an individual in the world, living a life of mixed continual consciousness, unconsciousness, and, eventually, what we might call a consciousness of self as well as of the external world. (This is going to take a lot of explanation!)

There is “TGU”, which is how you and I learned to think of it, but which I experienced long before as Guidance. That is, perception and guidance from outside or beyond the conscious self that propelled me through the everyday.

And there is “All That Is”, which some might think of as the living equivalent of the Akashic Record, or others as the Heavens culminating in God, or, well – everything.

We in bodies are those three things because they are not three things individually but one thing in three aspects. But they aren’t always equally noticeable, put it that way.

We have devoted quite a bit of time [in past sessions] to explain that the individual isn’t a unit at all, but is a community and part of larger and smaller communities. This has been a good way to loosen the constricting idea that is always seeming to force conflict between self and other, or between self as experienced in one lifetime, and its predecessor or successor life, as if it continues as a unit. (In one sense, by the way, it does, but we are a way from explaining that yet.)

We are now beginning another model, going over the same terrain – your experience of life (physical, emotional, mental) as it may be alternately understood in order to shed light by implicit comparison. This model does not begin with the individual even as so modified in concept, but with the totality of being.

You can see that beginning there might easily have left us in Cloud Cuckoo-Land or at best in ungrounded speculation. But as an alternative model – which means, keeping other, previous modes in mind — it will be quite helpful.

— From Awakening From the 3D World, available from publisher Rainbow Ridge Books ( or from other booksellers.


Experiencing the color orange

[Me:] We’re not there yet, in terms of putting this clearly, are we? Is that because I’m out of practice?

[Rita:} It is because you are out of your accustomed comfort zone, intellectually. This is always going to be a problem, for anybody except trance mediums. To move into new territory, you must somewhat suspend what you think you know, and, especially, what models you have found useful to that point. But you can’t (and therefore shouldn’t try to) discard everything, because that is what brought you to the new threshold. You have to hold it lightly, and the balance is going to be delicate. So your first new steps are usually, if not always, going to be halting and contradictory, and sometimes seemingly nonsensical and even meaningless, and all you can do is persevere and see if it winds up making sense.

Until you experience the reality of the color orange – if all you know is red and yellow – you may be unable to comprehend orange as a concept. How can a color be red and yet not red; yellow but also not-yellow? It won’t make sense, and your initial experience of orange may appear to be a distortion of red or yellow. You may chalk it off as distortion, bad perception, cloudiness. That’s why it is always important to give these things time to prove themselves one way or the other.

— From Awakening From the 3D World, available from publisher Rainbow Ridge Books ( or from other booksellers.


[Rita:] One thing interruptions do is sever the day-to-day connection of thought. There is value and disadvantage, both, to continuity and to discontinuity, as to everything else in life. Between the lines, your own individual part of the enterprise tends to take over and say, “Okay, I’ve got this, I’ll drive, I know what I’m doing now.” And in some circumstances that is good, and helpful, and in some, not. It isn’t so good for changing direction unexpectedly or for exploring new terrain in new ways.

I suppose it’s the thing about beginner’s mind, being empty, as opposed to expert’s mind, being too full to easily change course.

You are on the right track. The division of labor between the two makes for flexibility and also for persistence. Imbalance tends to make things harder to accomplish. Of course at any given moment, one or the other tendency will predominate, but that is not imbalance, but alternation.

– From Awakening From the 3D World, available from publisher Rainbow Ridge Books ( or from other booksellers.