I found this via Wikipedia, of all places, which referenced, in an article about Bruce Moen, this write-up of Bruce’s afterlife knowledge workshop that I had placed in the Hampton Roads blog.
July 21, 2005: Exploring the Afterlife – Successfully!
By Frank DeMarco, Editor-in-chief
Bruce Moen‘s “Exploring the Afterlife” workshop, the second in our series of Applied Learning Series workshops, was held in Charlottesville on July 18 and 19th. I was one of those attending, and the workshop demonstrated what I’ve always thought, that Bruce would be a great teacher.
Starting with 10 people he didn’t know, and me (I’ve known Bruce for nearly 10 years, and edited three of his five books) he set out to teach us, in two days, how to explore the afterlife, contact people who are deceased, and bring back verifiable details to demonstrate that the contact was not just fantasy.
Big ambition! And he succeeded, as I’ll show.
The actual process of learning was fun. You know how it is in a small group. We got comfortable with each other, mostly ate meals together, started joking and teasing, and it all helped. So did Bruce’s relaxed, informal delivery. Besides the three of us from Virginia, and Bruce himself (from Colorado), participants came from Arkansas, Florida, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, South Carolina, and Washington, D.C. I’m not going to guess ages, but I’d say we were all in our 40s and above.
Bruce was promising that we’d learn how to contact people on the other side – and have evidence that we’d done it – before the second day was over. We were willing to believe that it was possible – but believing is not the same thing as knowing from first-hand evidence.
Now, I had an unfair advantage over the others, in that, like Bruce, I had learned how to make such contacts years ago in the Monroe Institute’s Lifeline course. I knew it could be done. More than that, I had edited Bruce’s Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook, which is a printed version of the same thing he was teaching. So I had a pretty good idea of how each piece fitted together as we went along.
It was very interesting. Bruce, a recovering engineer, proceeded methodically, alternating between lecturing and guiding exercises. He taught a simple relaxation method. Then he showed how to gather energy, how to place intent and how to remember, feel and send love energy. This took one and a half days of the two-day workshop, and I was wondering whether we would still have time enough to make verifiable contact!
Big surprise, Bruce knew what he was doing. He had so thoroughly grounded us in the essentials that when the time came – it worked. I’m going to reproduce the notes I brought back from my own exploration, so you can judge for yourself.
The whole point of the final exercise was for us to bring back information that could be validated right there. Bruce accomplished this by having us each write on a slip of paper the name of someone we knew who was deceased. We then each drew a slip and went to visit that person. While we did this, Bruce, in the background, gave us questions to ask and suggestions as to what kinds of distinctions to look for.
At the end of the exercise, when we each in turn reported what we got, we did not tell the name until after Bruce asked, “does that sound familiar to anybody?” And almost all the participants got enough detail for the submitter to identify the contact. In a couple of cases, the amount of details reported was striking.
Here’s a brief summary of the kinds of things I reported:
“Immediate impression of some kind of city. Tall red brick buildings. Some kind of arch.” We are standing in the street. We shake hands. He is young – 30s? – vigorous, very defnite. Strong, like a working-man. Very direct person, humorous, matter-of-fact. Sort of easy-going, not temperamental. Casually dressed. Twinkling eyes. Healthy.
He knows he is dead, and it’s okay. He was older when he died, but he likes this age. “He died worn out somehow, like a long sickness but not quite. Worn out. His heart gave out.”
(Bruce asked us to get some memory that the submitter of the name would remember.)
Outdoors, backpacking. Riding horses? Person is younger, related.
(A favorite thing he liked to do?) Growing things. Flower window pots.
(A lifetime scene the submitter was in and would remember?) lake, trees, mountains, horses. Campfire? Sleeping bags?
Et cetera. As you can see, these were very definite impressions, that could very easily have been wrong. When Bruce asked if the description were familiar to anyone, a participant said it was his brother, and listed the reasons why. And indeed, that was the name I had drawn. He was very pleased, and so was I.
As I said, the material and techniques Bruce uses in his workshops is all included in his Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook: A Manual for the Art of Retrieval and Afterlife Exploration. If you can’t make one of his workshops, it’s a very good substitute. I’m pretty sure that if you’re willing to practice, the method will work for you as it did for us. True, you won’t have group energy working for you, but on the other hand, the book will always be there while all workshops, alas, come to an end.