Vengeance and choice

[Excerpts from conversations between Rita Warren and “the guys upstairs,” in the years 2001 and 2002, edited from The Sphere and the Hologram.]

Vengeance and choice

R: I’ve been listening in to people’s reaction to [the Sept. 11 event], on the issue of striking back against what’s perceived as the evil forces of Osama bin Laden. And it’s presented often in terms of “This is what we need to do to balance things out.” And I’m asking about this issue of balancing things out in a worldwide sense. You’ve talked about the fact that you see this without the slices of time. You’re looking at the totality, and in the totality everything is balanced out eventually. And the “eventually” means – ?

TGU: A long time. [laughs]

R: So I’m –

TGU: You’re asking, are they right in any sense?

R: I guess.

TGU: Well, if the world had been created the day before yesterday, maybe. But given the history of the planet in any given reality you choose to investigate, once you look at it carefully – even consciously at all! – it becomes obvious there’s no way to balance it out, because every society on the face of your planet is the result of some past aggression somewhere. Everyone has or could have grievances. Everyone wants to get one last blow in and that’ll make them even.

But the people who are saying that aren’t very good at mathematics. The entire point of breaking the cycle of vengeance is that the cycle cannot be completed; it can only be broken. It can’t be completed because every new retaliation creates the seeds of new retaliation in the future, because it can never balance out. It’s foolish talk. Besides, that’s not what they mean. What they mean is, they don’t want to feel that they have been weak, that they have been taken advantage of. That’s all that really amounts to.

R: We talked about our being a certain way as a way of dealing with this kind of thing. Is there more that we could do? For example you said one of the factors in understanding this process is people’s inability to see or integrate their own shadow sides. It’s hard for me to think about how we would go out on a campaign of teaching people to see their shadow sides or to integrate their shadow sides. [chuckles] Is there something in that kind of a realm that we could be doing?

TGU: Well, each will be impelled to do the work that’s proper to each. You will know; you’ll meet the opportunities that come to you. And some people will be called upon to teach, and some to organize and some to stand silently and protest, and some to fly warplanes. There are millions of roles and everyone will know the role that’s there that’s available to them. However – [pause]

Frank: That’s funny, that doesn’t happen often. I know there was something else coming, but it just went away. Wait a minute. [pause] Hmm. I’m going to re-say what they were saying and then maybe it’ll come out again. It just disappeared. I know what they were saying was everybody will have their own thing to do – and that’s obvious. Well, there was another point that wasn’t like that, but…What was the other part of your question?

R: The question had to do with, is there something more that we can do besides try to be the best of ourselves, so to speak. Is there something we can do in this world where everyone is worried about –

Frank: Oh now I know what it was. The other thing that came was that, yes there is a campaign to have people recognize their shadow selves, and that campaign is being orchestrated on their side, not on our side. [laughs] That’s what they’re saying.

R: Okay.

[Resuming as TGU]: The impact of events is a bigger teacher to you than anything that one of you could say to another, and so you are a different country today than you were last month. The difference has been created by your reaction to the events. We can create the events and we can lead you toward – but it’s up to you to choose the lessons to be learned from events, and the ways to change from the events. Because the airplanes hit the buildings, there are people who are a little more chastened and a little more self-reflective and sober today than they were before. There are others who are totally lost in rage, and there are some who are lost in fear. You see? Millions of reactions. And you needn’t worry too much about that, we will provide the opportunities. You can each spread the word, first and foremost by living it, because you’ll spread it on the internal internet, so to speak. First and foremost by living it. There are many people preaching it and if some of them would do less preaching and more living of it, they would be more effective.

But having said that, there are specific things that some of you can do, and you’ll know it. And there are specific things all of you can do and you’ll know it, but some of those may not be external things. They may seemingly be tending your garden in peace, so to speak.

R: What did you mean by a campaign on the other side to orchestrate –

TGU: Well, we’re orchestrating the opportunities, you know.

R: Specifically having to do with people becoming aware of their shadow side?

TGU: Specifically creating situations that allow the opportunity for some people to wake up in response to the situation. So when we create what you are all fond of calling a disaster, it has impact around the world in the unpredictable way that Princess Diana’s sudden death had, or the killing of the Kennedys. Those orchestrated incidents, shall we say – and we remind you that those who participated in those incidents were volunteers – those orchestrated incidents couldn’t have specific effects because the specific effects are more the result of people’s conscious choices, which are free by design. But they set up the circumstances in which people could make the choices. It sort of stressed them toward it, it biased the –

Frank: It’s a visual of pushing on a screen, you know, to push it sideways. I don’t know how to translate that.

TGU: Your choices are always free, as individuals and therefore entirely. All that we can do is set up circumstances and give you opportunities, and it’s up to you to take them. And when you take them or don’t take them, then we scramble with Plan B, you know? [chuckles] We’re always on Plan B.

R: Well as I’m hearing this, I’m wondering, what’s the advantage to free will.

TGU: Because free will is what allows you to create. Free will gives you the opportunity to choose what you will be, what kind of flower you’re going to present to us.

R: But you’re doing so much of the creation on the other side –

TGU: We’re creating the matrix for the free will. [stutters several times]

You’re saying to yourself, “That isn’t quite fair, we have free will but you’re pushing us in certain directions,” and that’s true if you look at it in any one reality. But you need to remember, if you can, that it’s happening in all realities, and you can move to the reality you want to move to. [pause] Well, theoretically.

R: But it seems like since you have preferences about how we choose and how we move, that you’re creating the situations… What is this process all about?

TGU: Let’s make a theoretical example. Supposing you as an organism came into this world intending to get a little experience with selfishness. Both the satisfying of it and the overcoming of it. We and you – but you will no longer remember, because you’re down here in it – we and you set up an endless series of obstacle courses that present you with those situations in which you will choose about selfishness. And choose and choose and choose and choose and choose. Now your choices might cancel out! Or they might radically alter you, or they might leave you the way you were. Don’t forget, you’re in on this process, it isn’t us doing it to you except that in any moment of time, it’s us doing it to you because you’re functioning in the moment of time, and so we’re the ones holding the score, so to speak, or holding the –

R: A plan that we’ve agreed to.

TGU: But you know what? “We’ve agreed to” isn’t quite right, it’s “We are agreeing to” continually, because you’re continually up there with us as we’re modifying into Plan B. But you Downstairs – some of you do and some of you don’t connect Upstairs to be part of that planning. There are actually people who remember the planning, moment by moment. And you could too. It’s a matter of requesting access and getting it. You might find that an interesting process. Takes a lot of the blame away, though. [laughs]

R: I’m just really asking myself “how’d we start on this process anyway, and in the larger sense what is this all about?” Why are we doing this?

TGU: We remind you that you don’t like being bored.

R: Oh. [they laugh]

TGU: You are seeing calculus that was invented because people mastered the times tables. And as we master calculus, then we’ll move on to other games. They’re not meaningless games, but they are games. They’re games in the sense of stretching our abilities, of enjoying it, of playing it, you know. They’re not games in the sense of one wins and one loses, but they’re entertainment. They’re engaging, let’s put it that way. Remember that the next time you get bad news on the television set, it’s better than being bored. [they laugh]

The Sphere and the Hologram, 15th anniversary edition, published by SNN / TGU Books, is available as print or eBook from Amazon and other booksellers.


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