
[Excerpts from conversations between Rita Warren and “the guys upstairs,” in the years 2001 and 2002, edited from The Sphere and the Hologram.]


R: I want to move to the idea of distant healing, the idea of our trying to use ourselves as a beacon to send healing energy to someone at a distance. How can one best use one’s self here, with a purpose of healing someone who is not present?

TGU: The simplest thing is to overcome the illusion of distance. That’s really all you need to do. You and the other person are part of one thing, literally. Not metaphorically, but literally, there is no distance between you in another dimension, no matter what there is physically. The idea of distance that’s in your mind because of physical bodies tends to unconsciously make you think you have to overcome the distance. But you don’t. All you need to do is remember that there is no difference, and it’s an easy, simple thing to then just be at a level of being that is healing, and resonate with the person so that they can rev themselves up to that level again. That’s really all they need to do. You’re acting as a tuning fork for them, so to speak.

R: So we don’t need to make the distinction between the distance healing or side-by-side healing.

TGU: There isn’t a distinction. It appears to be, because you’re in bodies, but there’s no distinction, it’s the same thing.

R: Okay, well how does one best direct this being-ness to be helpful in some way to someone else?

TGU: Your easiest way is to look at your religious traditions. They show you a very good way to do it. They would not put it this way, but they’re saying, “My personal power, brought up to a higher power, and brought down again to the other power, to the other person.” And so you might think in these terms: You, at all levels, in contact with the other person at all of their levels, and helping them. Assuming that they want the help. (Assuming that you’re not actually interfering with them. That’s an important thing. It gets overlooked.)

That’s really all that needs to be done. To the degree that you can remember how great you are, and not think of yourself as a limited physical body, then you’ll know that you have all you need. And they have all that they need to be able to receive. It’s really just strictly a matter of love. That’s all there really is. Lots of complicated techniques are invented, and these things really are belief crutches. And if they work, that’s fine. But they’re not needed. Jesus was not a Reiki master.

R: I can see that the belief systems tie up with particular techniques or strategies for doing this.

TGU: And to the degree that they work for the people, well and good, but they’re not necessary – unless they’re necessary for that person.

R: When you say that the healer is trying to connect with a higher power –

TGU: That is to say, other levels of themselves. It’s not a different person.

R: Yes. Higher self, or whatever language one uses. Bringing forth energy through the person, or sending it directly, would seem to be the only difference between distant healing and –

TGU: It seems to you that you’re sending the energy, and there’s nothing wrong with that seeming. But really what’s happening is, you are resonating at a state of health, like a tuning fork, and the other person is being able to lean on that resonance in order to get back up to speed. However, we recognize that for people in general it looks like sending healing. And there’s nothing wrong with that; it works. We’re just stating that’s not really what’s happening. Not from our point of view, anyway.

R: Well, I guess another way of going at that is, when one is aiming to do a healing with another person in one’s presence, and has a sense of energy flowing through them, say into their hands or through their hands to another person, is this imagery that we use? Is it unnecessary to use the imagery that way?

TGU: [pause] Well, we’re tempted to say that people don’t do things that aren’t necessary. As your world changes, the experiences that you have change. You’ll notice that in the healing that you’re doing back and forth [i.e., Frank and Rita], the experience changes unpredictably. Neither of you know what’s going to happen, necessarily, until it does. That’s a pretty good sign that neither of you is intending it, you are just removing the barriers from it. Which is fine. You know, the intending is that help shall be given and received. But neither of you could do it in the way that you could write your name, or do any skill that you perform. It’s not so much a skill, it’s a being. So sometimes you’ll perceive it as tingling, sometimes as heat, sometimes as transfer of energy, sometimes as something else.

The experience is more a function of your concepts than it is of what’s really happening. So if you have a concept of putting energy in, and having the energy come in and rearrange things, there’s nothing wrong with that, and it works. Someone else with a different concept would heal in a totally different way and it would work. Neither one is invalid, neither one is imagination, it’s just that the phenomena are the product of your states of being, really. A good Catholic at Lourdes might have a broken arm instantly restored, and that would follow a certain unconscious expectation. If you were in another context, it might be a slower process, like the laying down of new nerves and things. The healing will manifest as a result of the belief systems. But it’s only a manifestation, it’s not the actual thing.

The Sphere and the Hologram, 15th anniversary edition, published by SNN / TGU Books, is available as print or eBook from Amazon and other booksellers.

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