
[Excerpts from conversations between Rita Warren and “the guys upstairs,” in the years 2001 and 2002, edited from The Sphere and the Hologram.]


R: Recently Frank has talked as though he understands that there are many levels. Many levels of what I’m not quite sure, but a suggestion would be that because he’s in a physical body, he’s in a certain level. At another level you might be viewing things from a different perspective. Is this an appropriate way to think of him?

TGU: [pause] Well, we’re not sure what you mean by those things. Do you mean levels of being, or levels of – ?

R: Well, to the extent that Frank’s on one level and you’re on the next level, my next question would be, is there another level beyond that, and beyond that, and – ?

TGU: No, no. We even said specifically in Muddy Tracks that the difference between us and you is much more a difference of the turf that we’re on than of any other thing. You in our place would be like us. And we in your place would be like you. And what we didn’t say but could have, is that it isn’t that it would be that way, it is that way. The part of “The One Thing That Is Us” that is in time-space functions as you do because you’re in time-space. The part of “The One Thing That Is Us” that is not in time-space functions as we do because we’re not in time-space. But there’s no difference between you on your end and us on our end other than just where we are.

Now, if you’re talking about the difference in levels of being, that’s a different thing, but if you’re talking about you on your level and us on our level, you all tend to put us up on a pedestal, and it’s a mistake, because it not only removes us from you conceptually, but also under-rates what you’re doing. What you’re doing is difficult, and requires skill, and is valuable, and requires courage. So we respect it highly. At the same time – it’s us! You see? In all of these things, the way your language is structured – and you do hear the word “your” [chuckles] – the way your language is structured continually, quietly, between the lines, emphasizes divisions that are not real divisions. They’re circumstantial divisions. There is no “you” and “us”; it’s an “all-us” kind of thing. But there’s almost no way to speak without using such language, because the language was developed in your circumstances.

R: I think that Frank’s notion of levels has to do with the suggestion that there are a series of levels that each have a larger perspective than the previous level. Is there a series of these that you’re aware of, and are you aware specifically of a level just beyond your own?

TGU: [pause] A spatial analogy might be that of climbing a mountain, where each new level gives you a broader view, at the price of reducing your grasp of detail. You can see more, but you can see less detail. We would say that’s the major difference in terms of difference of level.

That’s if you look at it one way. Now we’ll take it all back and look at it another way, and say that if you were to imagine yourself as “an individual” – which we know is the way you see it – if you look at yourself as if you really were an individual, there’s a part of you in time-space and another part of you outside of time-space. We would say this is illusory, because there’s only one thing. But take it that way. If, then, you said that one percent of you is in time-space and 99 percent of you is outside of time-space, then the first step would be to increase your awareness of what is beyond time-space. Maybe you could double your level of being; you could be a broader, deeper person with more resources and more awareness. There would always be more and more and more until you were the absolute maximum person that you could be.

That would involve many different lifetimes. But we want you to remember, we’re trying to cram all this into this time-space analogy. To say it closer to right we would have to say something like, “All of your lives at the times they’re there, and the time between times at the times that we’re here in non-time . . .” [laughs] It’s very clumsy. And it’s misleading. But you see the idea. We think.

We would go further than that and say that since we’re all intimately, literally connected, we can’t conceive of any end to the level, because we can’t conceive of anyone being able as an individual to extend to all that is. On the other hand, just as in that movie The Global Brain, Peter Russell speculated that 10 billion things make a new level of complexity, we suspect that when x number of us come to know what we are – if all of us come into our full flower – we will probably realize that we are part of something bigger, starting all over again. Just as the cells in your body are part of a larger being and some know it and some don’t, and you are part of a larger being, and some of you know it and some don’t, we are part of a larger being and some of us know it and some don’t. It goes on forever. We don’t know the ultimate, any more than you do, either ultimate small or ultimate large.

The Sphere and the Hologram, 15th anniversary edition, published by SNN / TGU Books, is available as print or eBook from Amazon and other booksellers.


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