
Remember, as we proceed, what our goal is. Ultimately we want to convey a sense of “everyday” life in the non-3D, as part of the All-D, and in order to get a standpoint to do that, we are lightly describing the experiences of the soul as it leaves the 3D element in which it was created, successively stripping off illusions and distortions caused by life under 3D conditions. It is by this process of subtraction that we hope to move from the familiar to the less familiar without taking great leaps that may leave people gasping for breath, or disoriented by having lost their grounding.

The soul loses sensory access, and so turns its unbroken attention on to itself. It goes through shame, remorse, vain regrets, etc., and comes to acceptance because after all, “what’s done is done,” and at some point it becomes “where do we go from here.” This wouldn’t necessarily happen if the soul were on its own. It’s important to realize that, and why it is true, and what it means. But before we delve into this subject, a few more orienting words.

The soul, examining itself, begins to realize that in one sense, it was never an individual at all. Instead it perceived itself as individual, mainly because it was unable to perceive all the ties linking it in three different ways. First, by relationship. Second, across time. Third, within.

  • Relationship – there was always someone else balancing anything that ever happened in 3D life, and that was never a coincidence. The soul itself was composed of threads, which extended in all directions. In a very real sense, that soul was connected to everything that existed, because the fibers that ran through its being were common to the rest of creation, just as the atoms of air that the body breathed were not unique but were part of a common heritage shared by all.
  • Across time – those threads extend to “past lives” and “future lives” because, of course, they are not confined to any one moment. They do not come into being with a given present moment and cease to exist with another. They are part and parcel of the being; they exist. And in extending along the timeline of one given life, they connect it to all other times they share being in. so that is a second way the soul realized that it was more than it knew itself to be.
  • And the third, the most profound connection of the three, perhaps, is the soul’s connection not within the context of 3D only (as connections in time and space might be said to be) but with the non-3D, hence with All-D.

As I said earlier, if the soul were on its own, it wouldn’t necessarily be able to move from its isolated sense of itself as it had been, when it experienced itself as bounded by 3D restrictions and conditions. But it is never alone. There are no absolute separations in the universe. Not only was it always connected via its threads to (essentially) everything and everybody else, it was always connected to the larger being from which it was created, whether it knew it or not. It experienced that connection in various ways – as instinct, hunches, intuitions, “luck,” feelings – and it conceptualized it in various ways, mostly culturally influenced. God, the unconscious, the larger being, All That Is, “the universe,” fate, destiny, karma, Blind Chance (this one is a particularly comic way of transposing guidance into a form acceptable to an outlook that does not include the possibility of guidance), and so forth. If the cultural conditioning exists and is strong enough to predominate, the soul may even come to have a strong need to assert that any connection it may feel is only illusion, delusion, superstition, in short, unreal, hence not needing to be further considered.

This is the third profound way the soul is led to redefine itself. It realizes first-hand its identity with the larger being from which it was created. And that gives it an entirely new view of its own existence, purpose, and prospects. It’s simply a matter of reorientation, but not necessarily simply explained.

We have been showing that at any level what looks like units are actually communities at a smaller level and part of an organism at a larger level. An individual human being is a community of trillions of cells and millions of threads, but is only a part of the larger being of humanity, even considered only in physical terms, without considering its connections across time and space. It is that quality of being at once a community of units at a smaller level and a part of a vastly larger organism at a larger scale that I call, for convenience, monad.

Once a soul realizes that it was never individual in the way it thought (or feared), everything changes, both retrospectively and, at least equally importantly, prospectively. Instead of having nothing to do because it could no longer exist in 3D, and instead of having as prospect only, at best, returning to 3D life as part of a new being, suddenly it realizes, 3D isn’t the only game in town, and, as part of something so much larger and more extensive, it doesn’t need to play only in one place and time, so to speak.


— Edited from Awakening From the 3D World, available from publisher Rainbow Ridge Books ( or from other booksellers.


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