
Friday October 18, 2024

5:20 a.m. I liked our little chat about the individual’s opportunities and constraints. I hope people find it valuable in clearing up ambiguities in our situation that – until then – had been unclear to me. But I expect you have more on the subject. In fact, I expect you will always have more on any subject.

There is always more on anything, yes, for anyone willing to listen and assimilate. You may take that as a promise, and a hopeful one.

I do. I started to make a joke about google searches and AI chats, and realized, hmm, there are analogies.

Yes. New opportunities arise in many parallel ways when the times begin to allow new ways of being to manifest. One group may develop ILC for direct contact, another AI or other technological means to provide the same kind of expansion of possibilities, others may concentrate on telepathy or remote viewing or simple improvements in communications skills. It all flows together to produce, in effect, a new type of person who lives in a new type of culture. You have seen it many times throughout history and of course before your recorded history. It is one way in which the non-3D’s windows into the 3D world alter and provide new types of data. It is a continuing process – sometimes fast, sometimes slow – of change of the individual and of the individual’s environment and of the group and group’s environment, and so on and so forth, as one climbs or descends the chain of being.

I almost gather that you mean that animals – and even plants and minerals? – change over time, not only humans.

To remain unchanged in a changed situation would be to change relatively. There is no way to remain unchanged in a fluid life that is (we remind you) only somewhat real in 3D terms.

So how do rocks change as the times do?

Wouldn’t it be easier to begin rather closer to home?

Fine. On one end, angels, on the other end, animals. How do they change?

You realize, the question as posed invites only general answers, and that is just as well, you being what you are. Someone more versed in theology (on one end) or in biology (on the other end) would be able to receive answers in some detail.

I’ll call that to people’s attention. Maybe someone will take up the challenge. But for your run-of-the-mill liberal arts types, what do you have to say?

Perhaps you can see, as soon as it is stated, that the divine is going to change in terms of its interaction with 3D humans, as you do. Again, the situation changes (because one end of the relationship changes) and so even if angels, as you are calling them, were to remain unchanged in themselves, they would change relative to the changed element they are now interacting with.

They can reveal new aspects of themselves?

You as avatars are now better able to see complexities you did not see previously.

That sounds reasonable. And animals?

Perhaps animals are better able to express characteristics that could not be expressed before. But this is a trickier subject than you realize, and requires much more thought than the malleability of angels (non-3D beings not compound) that you intuited pretty quickly.

  • There is a mental environment for all species, suspected or not.
  • This “soup” has limitations, that is, boundaries in what its nature allows its component creatures.
  • The soup changes with the larger atmosphere it lives in. We are not referring, here, to gaseous envelopes, but to the overall conditions in which you live. An equivalent would be the heliosphere in which all Earth exists. No one can escape it, and why would you want to, other than sheer curiosity?
  • That atmosphere changes over time. What we are calling astrological influences affect everything, not merely human or even biological life.
  • Thus, it changes in response to regular processes. The universe isn’t winging it; the planets and stars don’t move erratically or by whim, as far as you are concerned. This gives life a certain predictability in its unceasing changes.
  • A part of the invisible atmosphere in which everything lives is – everything else! This is a huge concept that should not be merely acknowledged and forgotten. It is the key to many things.

I get that this leads to: As we change, we affect animals and they change.

And it is a reciprocal process.


Well, did you expect to change others and not be changed? Consider your pets and how you interact with them. Cats, dogs, chickens, pigs, horses, birds, otters – whatever people have had for pets has led to interaction between human and animal mind. Can it have left either unaffected?

This may be disguised because the human may nor recognize changes in the animal mind, either as individual or as part of its species – and the human is certainly not prone to recognizing the animal’s reciprocal effect. (Instead, he likely attributes it to himself. “I really like horses and so they bring out certain emotions in me.,” rather than “We affect each other and change each other.”)

Over time, this mutual influencing can only cumulate, of course. Cats and dogs and certain birds are different because of their long relationship with humans. Do you think the humans are unchanged?

I have always thought that pets are essential for children, so that they can learn that love restrains tooth and claw.

That is true on the negative end of the scale of influencing. But how much more important is the nurturing of empathy and trust and stewardship. However, this is all more direct and observable than what we refer to.

Well, I see that. Continue, then.

The very mental air you breathe, so to speak, is a shared atmosphere. Whatever else lives among you affects you, know it or not, as you affect them, whether they or you know it. Remember, it’s all one thing. This is another example of the fact that everything is part of the whole, not merely in an ecological sense (though of course that is true), and not as an abstraction (though that is also true) but as a day-by-day reality.

Should you regard this as a limiting factor? Should you somehow fear it? Only if you fear life. The fact is, this is one more example of how much more magically interrelated life is, despite the materialist fairy tales that say all is separate and may be comprehended in isolation.

And, you’re saying, what is true of the celestial and animal kingdoms is true as well of the plant and mineral kingdoms.

Yes, and of course not just in relation to humans, but in relation to everything. It is easy to overlook that, given that you are naturally centering on the human reality. Minerals affect animals and plants and human – can they not affect the celestials?

Hard to see how, but I’ll take your word for it.

Nonsense. What are the peculiar aspects of crystals or other minerals, if not manifestations of minerals affecting the celestial realm.

In terms of us.

What else could you possibly perceive? Everything you examine, you see in connection with human existence. It’s only because being human means being half celestial that you see more than strictly material phenomena, but whatever you do see, you see from your 3D/non-3D platform.

So I see the possibility of quite an extensive investigation here, one that doesn’t require new data as much as new interpretation of existing data.

That is what we have been telling you. You will retain some of your existing ways of seeing things, and you will discard some, and you will take up things forgotten or discarded previously, and this is how the new civilization will form. It is how new civilizations always form.

Mineral, plant, animal, celestial influences on humans, and vice versa.

More than that. There is also the interrelation between the merely 3D aspects of being human and the non-3D. There’s a major subject right there.

Well, it’s all fascinating. I hope I’ll be able to get it all when I go over, and not have to wait for people to piece it all out here. Today’s theme?


Maybe. Thanks for all this.


3 thoughts on “Interrelations

  1. Thank you for this Frank and Jon.
    The mineral aspect is so important to me because when I was studying to become a graduate gemologist I was stumped on identifying one of the stones. As I held it I finally asked it” what are you?” And it replied “I’m a Mexican fire Opal”! Much to my amazement! But why be surprised as everything is consciousness. We are all one and we humans have been all of these .
    Jenifer Wilson

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