
Monday, September 23, 2024

7:05 a.m. Okay, Jon, shall we dance? Do you have a preferred topic?

You aren’t sharing everything that happens.

Should I?

No, just put it on the record [that I don’t post everything]. If people feel left out, they know what they can do. Everyone has access, it’s just a matter of doing the work and not pre-judging the result.

Some people say they can’t.

And you don’t believe them, rightly so. But if they don’t think they can’t, they can’t until they decide they can.

I am tempted to put in my brief exchange with JFK, that was spurred by my thinking again about rewriting Eddie’s book.

There is no “should” either way.

Looking back, Friday’s session seemed to end abruptly.

I advised you to think – alone and with your friends – about your situation in 3D, limited yet remembering that the limits weren’t absolutes. And have you done the thinking?

Not thinking, but feeling, anyway. The other day there was a moment when I remembered. But I couldn’t do anything with it and I couldn’t prolong it.

Then let’s think together.

Yes, that seems to work best for me.

First, remember that nothing in your life can be chance, no matter how it goes, no matter how it feels. That is not the same as saying “preordained.” It means, everything is connected in the world, and the world at large, “out there,” is as real as you are in this context. And although you at this moment understand what this means, you should spell it out to keep it, or you will find that it becomes cryptic as you lose the key.

I take it to mean that I as a 3D person born when I was born, born where I was born, of my particular biological parentage, etc., etc., am not the real me, but a construct, a sort of icon that represents me in the 3D game. Mostly during the game we identify with our icons, but we have the ability to both identify with it and transform it. As it transforms, we continue to identify with it and we continue to transform it.

Very good. That “icon” metaphor will serve you well, going along. So you see, “you” as you appear in 3D are, like everybody else, “somewhat real.” You have a deeper reality that 3D life cannot touch, though it can influence it. And how [can it influence it]?

Because our reactions to what happen to us lead us to change. I hadn’t quite put that together. I am a certain way: My icon is, I mean. Things happen via the world. The icon reacts, either automatically or consciously, and every such interaction presents the possibility of change. But it is a matter of the icon’s choice, because change is a matter of what we will, not what is forced upon us. Yes, if we allow ourselves to be shaped by events, in effect we are shaped by something outside ourselves (outside our icon’s self). But in fact really this means only that we chose not to choose.

There you go. So you see – once again, but you keep forgetting it – the way you think is via pen and paper. Others may think via other ways. But everybody can think productively on these things. The question is, will they?

It’ striking. A lot of progress in a few minutes.

Now, not to beat a dead horse, but that is the value of intuitive linked communication as opposed to passive reception of messages, much less trance channeling. ILC is designed – was given to you – to help you think. It involves the left brain with the right brain, or, you could as easily say, it lets you put words to intuition, or, it lets your 3D component communicate consciously with your non-3D component. Or, it lets your icon talk to the shades of other icons. When you get good enough at it, it will restore people’s ability to talk icon to icon abstractly rather than by using the senses. In other words, telepathy.

Now, this is good progress, but think some more, alone and with friends.

I’m feeing impelled to record the brief conversation I had.

As I said, no reason you have to, no reason you shouldn’t. Up to you.

It feels like I’m being nudged, though, and also like I’m reluctant for the usual reasons.

Then think about that. In fact, that’s a good rule of thumb: When you notice something going on “within” you, think about it. Feel for it, examine. If you learn nothing, what have you lost? But maybe you will learn something.

Yes, I see that. I suppose the nudge may come from more “me” and the resistance from the icon. (I can see how useful that metaphor may become.)

You generally defer to your upper self, except when the icon’s emotional resistances are too great. Others might defer to the self’s impulses only very occasionally. It is a matter of style, as much as anything.

Interesting. All right, I’ll think about all this. Maybe I’ll call the one “Thinking.” Thanks, Jon, and till next time.


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