Fears and consciousness

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

7:50 a.m. Suppose we make an attempt?

Prudence and providence. Let’s look at that Freudian slip [from the 20th]. You were thinking of your undetermined future, and how to live in faith without being foolish about it. You heard “providence,” knew it wasn’t right, then heard “prudence.” But as I pointed out, there is a place for both.

It can be hard to find the line.

It is a matter of attitude, more than action. If you approach your everyday life in confidence, you can approach the unseen the same way. If you feel you need to protect yourself in one, you will feel it in the other. Confusion comes when you are confident by day and cautions or fearful by night.

Like the African natives Carl Jung observed.

Exactly. So it resolves into the same old problem of consciousness. If you are conscious, these contradictions won’t sneak up on you. Or, if they do, you can leverage them for more consciousness.


One thought on “Fears and consciousness

  1. This session makes me think of TGU’s discussion of spirituality as the biggest challenge facing us. This conversation seems to be at the core of it–“how to live in faith without being foolish,” or “it can be hard to find the line,” or “confusion comes when you are confident by day and cautious or fearful by night.” Thanks, Frank.

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