“Just be that way!”

Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. (EdgarCayce.org) sends out a Thought for the Day for those who wish. (It’s a free daily mailing from Cayce’s readings.) Today, as so many days, i see so close a similarity to the basic attitude and orientation that the guys have displayed, ever since I came into contact with them, that they might be ghost-writing each other. The way the guys would put this would be something like, “You don’t need to change who you are. You need change only which parts of yourself you express. You lay down some threads and pick up others.”

From Edgar Cayce reading 911-3:

“(Q) How can I be less sensitive and more adaptable?

“(A) Just be that way! That is, as this: Do not worry self over the fact, or conditions that have so long existed where the body-physical and mental has depended upon outside influences for the abilities of activity.”

Cayce’s admonitions were always meant to encourage, to empower, to clarify one’s situation. Wonderful man.

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