Your 3D consciousness considered by itself has room to grow. What you are aware of can expand, depending upon willingness and circumstance.
Doesn’t it amount to saying, we can become aware of more of the content of our entire mind, rather than only the 3D-specific parts of it that we always have?
In a sense, yes. But there is more to it than that: willingness, circumstance. Willingness means you have to be able to deal with it, and you have to be able to do the dealing. Circumstance means, not all times are equally propitious. Carpe diem. Those who are willing to expand their everyday-life consciousness will find the propitious circumstances. Your greater mind, your All-D mind, call it, will always bring you what you need when you are able to make use of it. But not every opportunity is taken. You can lead a 3D mind to water, but you can’t make it drink. Nothing tragic about that, it’s just the way things are in 3D.
However, the counterbalancing factor is propitious times. Sometimes you have to wait. That’s a reason to use your opportunities when they become obvious to you, lest you miss the opportune moment and are forced by circumstance to wait. Again, it isn’t a tragedy, but it can be inconvenient. The world will bring you what you want, and you can choose the reality you want to experience, but the 3D reality of the lives you are all living at the moment ought to tell you that it isn’t that simple.
As always, you can’t get anything from the material (or from anything, really) if you merely accept it but don’t relate it to what you know by living it. So don’t just say, “Oh, yeah, create your own reality, I know all that, I don’t have any problem with this” – apply it! Ask yourselves, if it is true, why does my life contain what I don’t want as well as what I do? If it is true, how can what I live be true as well? And don’t settle for an evasion, an easy answer that answers only by explaining things away, but wrestle with it.
If you find it easy, you aren’t wrestling with it. That’s a pretty flat statement, but we’ll stand by it at least for now. You have to really look, to really see what it is you believe, and if you find that you believe two things that seem to contradict each other, you need to see if you can work out a sense in which they do not. The more sincere effort you expend, naturally the better the prospects for a worthwhile outcome.
This is an edited excerpt from “Only Somewhat Real,” not yet published.