Mind on mind

From The Sea Priestess, pp. 296-8:

And in the dusk, when the moonlight fell on the wood-smoke, we saw, or thought we saw, the shadowy figure formulating; we built it out of our imagination in the shadows as one sees faces in the fire, as Morgan had taught, and to our eyes it took on life and spoke, for we were not imaging a phantasy, but the shadow of the real, and the real came down and ensouled it. Thus, I think, have the gods always manifested to their worshippers

…and though we knew his form was such stuff as dreams are made of, there came through that form the touch of mind on mind and that was the thing that counted, and no one who felt it could think that he was hallucinated.

… As for me, I would sooner have that sense of the touch of mind on mind, with its tremendously stimulating influence, than any amount of objective evidence.


3 thoughts on “Mind on mind

  1. LOVE This what is told here by you Frank:…..”As for me, I would sooner have that sense of the touch of mind on mind,with its tremendously stimulating influence,than any amount of objective evidence”…
    Truly, Inger Lise.

      1. Yes, thank you asking Frank. I`m with several Seth groupings at Facebook nowadays. But keeping in mind all to have learned by Charles and all yours thou..
        And never forgetting the years study the Edgar Cayce Readings with many friends online and the International meetings (in the physical life). Very nice remembrances all of it within a lifetime.
        As always, your friend in the northren hemisphere, Inger Lise.

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