Voices and questions

[Excerpts from conversations between Rita Warren and “the guys upstairs,” in the years 2001 and 2002, edited from The Sphere and the Hologram.]

Voices and questions

R: All right, now I want to clear something up. You’ve indicated – you, Frank – that essentially I’m not directly speaking with the guys upstairs, and, whoever I’m talking to, you are answering me.

[As Frank]: Mm-hmm. I’m never out of the picture. I can hear it, let’s put it that way. Go ahead.

R: You’re hearing it. The voice that’s coming through is the voice that I heard when you wrote in your book that it was the guys upstairs speaking.

Frank: Hmm. Okay. So you can hear a difference in voice, huh?

R: My assumption has been that I’ve asked you to move your energy slightly aside so that it can be as direct as possible, and I thought maybe tonight you were saying that that really wasn’t possible. That it’s all coming –

[Back in the altered state, letting the words flow through as TGU]: No, that’s not quite what’s meant. There’s an extreme, which is the trance medium, who will be asleep and won’t know anything that comes, because literally their consciousness will be elsewhere. The consciousness will not be participating.

The other extreme is an everyday consciousness with no intuitive input, strictly rational thinking, aware on a conscious level. In between is this vaguer area, and Frank lives in that area normally. Just as Edgar Cayce’s talent was to be able to put his personality aside and bring it through, Frank’s talent [laughs] – talent or predicament – is to be here and there, to be every day in a conscious level at some point functioning instinctively rather than rationally. There’s not a word for it. Well, if there is I don’t know what it is. [Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) was, of course, the famous psychic known as “The Sleeping Prophet.”]

R: It’s constantly a communication that’s coming out of you and Frank together.

TGU: Yes. To a varying degree. And when he speaks, as usually, without first knowing what he’s going to say, that is very much close to what’s going on here. And that is rather unusual in our experience. People usually stop and decide what they’re going to say, and say it. They decide what image they want to project. We don’t mean that as a criticism. There’s an interposition of their personality that will shape it, whereas with him it just comes. Usually. That’s what’s going on here. That’s why the difference is less than you might expect, and it’s why he’s easily able to go in and out, but it’s also why he didn’t recognize it for all those years. It was so normal that he was looking for something that would be unnormal! He was looking for trance mediumship.

R: I think that’s all I had for tonight. Unless you have something useful to add to this?

TGU: Yes, there is, actually. Your input you undervalue. And we’ll try to give you a sense of the input from the outside, to give you something to chew on intellectually. From outside, it would look like a person with acknowledged and undoubted intellectual ability, and emotional trustworthiness and rational trustworthiness. In other words, smart enough to know what to do, good enough to do what’s in everyone’s best interest. Frank was a reporter professionally and can use those reporting techniques. You use the academic techniques. The professional thinker. And by so doing you can bring better answers out of us because you ask better questions.

If someone asks a vague question about good or evil, they might get better than a vague answer, but the chances are much better if you ask a sculpted, or a crafted, or a thought-out question, and follow it through. The differences between the two of you set up a helpful polarity. If too much were understood already, there would be no need to articulate it, and you can’t learn as well. So actually two people who don’t understand each other intellectually can learn better than two people who do!

This pulling-out process, the teasing-out of the implication of things, will make the product for the end reader. So, we just want to give you that kind of reassurance, because a) it’s not necessarily your idea [laugh] and b), you’re not scunching on other people’s time or interests. And we’ll leave it at that.

R: That was a statement that I really appreciate. And I appreciate the whole session tonight and I am full of gratitude.

TGU: Well, if you can realize it, so are we. It isn’t everybody who can do this, or will do this, for us. With us. Against us. Whatever.

Frank: [stretching] Oh, if they think I’m going to talk about gratitude to them, they’re wrong. [We laugh]


 The Sphere and the Hologram, 15th anniversary edition, published by SNN / TGU Books, is available as print or eBook from Amazon and other booksellers.


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