Tuesday, December 31. 2024
6:45 a.m. This is surely the first time I have tried talking to the guys while using the nebulizer! But, let’s see how it goes. The insight I got seems important. In fact, it seems like it may be the most important one I have had. It feels as though everything I have been given these past 30 years or so led to this.
Please help me spell it out and clarify my misunderstandings, and spell out connections I haven’t made yet.
First, damp your excitement.
Yes, I see that. Turning off the nebulizer (and breathing easily) helped. So, I’m calm. Let’s proceed.
There is only the eternal now. All seeming division into past, present, future, is the result of 3D conditions designed to confine attention, to focus choice, to enable permanent creation. But just as there are no absolute divisions in any other form in reality, so in time. There is only now. This has ramifications.
All limitations are mental.
That is true, but misleading as stated.
I got that all our limitations are the result of our own mental conditioning, hence may be removed by our action, in fact by our decision.
Life more abundantly follows the removal of such self-imposed limitations. The teachings of the masters – Gautama and Jesus in particular – are designed as a “how-to.” Do this, refrain from doing that, and you will remove the obstacles. It has nothing to do with crime and punishment. Rather, error and correction.
There is still so much swirling around my head. Bullets?
Not needed. It is simple at the core, and sometimes it is a mistake to explore the periphery, if it will distract from the core.
Here is the point, the entire point, all you or anyone need. And of course it is found in many forms, many contexts. If you’re going to scatter clues, scatter them as widely as possible, in as many forms as possible. What appeals to one may leave another cold. What suits you may be opaque to your neighbor. What phrasing one time – one culture – can identify with, another will be puzzled by.
Life is the art of going into 3D conditions, using those conditions to get what you cannot get otherwise, and then learning to stretch to encompass non-3D awareness while still within 3D conditions. If you will examine this very abstract statement in light of different contexts, you will see it applies.
Religion would say it is living in the present of God, in the awareness of that presence.
Psychology would say it is the healing of internal divisions and the growth into one’s full potential.
Same thing.
And it could be extended, but no need. Every science ultimately wishes to pull things together. This is the center everything is seeking.
Not sure how that would apply to physics, say, or chemistry, or any of the hard sciences.
Considered separately, it wouldn’t. but the whole point is, “separately” is only an interim stage. Science as one is the question of what is. The answer is, a 3D experience generated from, and contained within, an All-D experience, which may be experienced, lived, realized. Only, you have to go about it in the right way, like anything else.
This started with my trying to remember what my friend Frank Pasciuti told me yesterday. I couldn’t remember a specific. I thought, the memory exists, find it. In trying to recapture it – in trying to send my mind back to our conversation – I somehow was led to the realization that every moment being now means that I don’t need to go anywhere, I just needed to remove the barriers to connection to it. And that generalized; I realized, my whole life is barriers between now and all other time. How can you expect to remember past lives if you can’t remember last Tuesday? Yet it is the same process.
And one thing led to another. You saw how the sins – “missing the mark” – interfere with the process of removing barriers. You saw how memories tend to clump by moods or emotions or by logical or other common denominators. You saw that the real key is openness in all directions.
And I get a sense of how hard it can be to open in all directions. I wonder, can anyone do it. Or, I suppose that is what characterized Jesus, Gautama, and others known or unknown that we would call spiritual leaders.
There is nothing more deadly to spiritual advancement than secrets and false agendas, and self-division. If you want to advance, you have to put certain bad habits behind you.
Is it my restlessness, or should we end this session after only half an hour?
End here for the moment.
Thank you for your assistance over many years.
As we have always said, you are thanking yourself, for you are always interacting with yourself, whether your interlocutor is in or out of a 3D body.
Thanks in any case.
What a Brilliant way to end this year! Surely we are moving into 2025 with greater clarity and hopefully greater skills and dexterity at removing our mental barriers. Happy New Year 2025. Many Thanks Frank and the Guys
And thank you, Louisa, as well as all our fellow explorers, for the support provided me by your sharing in the journey.