Subtracting, substituting, adding

Remember, we are working toward building an understandable picture of non-3D life, proceeding by a process of subtraction from what was familiar, interspersed with substitution compensating for what was lost, and additions beyond that. That’s how life works, when you think of it – subtracting, substituting, adding.

The ex-3D soul had its losses, and experienced them fully. For a while, it may have clung to the sliding board, saying “not yet!” the way some say “not yet!” to death. But sooner or later, it said its goodbyes to Earth and all it had known. From its point of view, it lost everything but its memories, and even these, though not lost, were changed. After that, everything was substitution and addition.

At some point regaining the ability to experience and interact with 3D, I take it.

We’ll get to that. We haven’t yet finished with the additions represented by the ex-3D soul’s realizations of how much farther it extended than it had ever realized. One set of extensions expresses the soul’s own level; the other, the next layer up.

At one’s own level are the non-human intelligences with which the ex-3D interacted during the human life, largely beyond the range of consciousness. These non-human intelligences deserve a word.

Perhaps you can see that the very distinction between human and non-human is an artificial one, an approximation, and sometimes a useful one. Not so useful – and not maintainable – once you have left 3D, though, because the barrier between human and non-human dissolves (or is seen to have been only illusory) as soon as you leave the conditions that sustained it.

Some of those non-human forms of consciousness inhabit the life of the other kingdoms, vegetable and mineral and the rest of the animal kingdom beyond human. Some are included within the human consciousness only because they appear to be within the human body – hence, the intelligence of cells and organs is not necessarily seen as mere extensions of the same intelligence that permeates animals, say. In 3D we were all full of germs, but we didn’t think germs part of being human. We all exchanged (shared) air and – at a remove – solid matter and liquid matter in the form of food, but we never thought of it that way. Human conditions encouraged us to think in terms of us and not-us, not reflecting that the components of either side of such an illusory boundary would be shifting at every moment.

I can put this in a nutshell: All 3D was formed of consciousness. If everything is formed of consciousness, everything is alive and by definition [is] self-aware, although this doesn’t mean that other forms of life experience other forms of life that way. The penguin doesn’t necessarily experience the consciousness of ice or rock or even fish. I could go on, but no need.

Once the soul is ex-3D, this is obvious, because the boundaries and the forces that (seemed to) support those boundaries vanish, and what is left is seamless.

But sometimes people get a glimmering of this, don’t they? Thoreau got in trouble with a magazine for a sentence that said perhaps the pine tree would go to a higher heaven, “there to tower above me still.” That was called pantheism but it was closer to what you are saying here than most people’s beliefs.

What I am saying goes beyond that, but yes, he had a glimmering, and more than a glimmering.

So the whole human / non-human thing is only a relative difference, not only in the case of ETs but of the very air we breathe in and out.

The ex-3D soul has no reason to – and no ability to – maintain the artificial divisions that seemed so natural and obvious in 3D. It knows (not necessarily immediately and not necessarily predictably) that at any level of 3D life, scaling meant that As Above So Below was an accurate judge; that before matter and energy is consciousness. So, when it regains its view on the 3D world, it sees with different eyes. But before that happens, another redefinition is likely to happen.

Just as cells combine to make molecules (if you wish to see it that way, and molecules make tissues, and tissues organs, and organs bodies – in other words just as the entire structure of reality consists of communities of individuals at one level (themselves communities consisting of individuals at a smaller level) creating or participating in another level of organization above them, so it is after the 3D is behind you. So, and more than so.

These successive redefinitions don’t leave the ex-3D soul’s self-definition unchanged. How could they? And that is all that goes on in the after-death process, the awakening from the 3D trance. The ex-3D soul wakens to its new condition and finds that what has changed is only that it is as it always was, but now it knows what it was (and is).

But this is always true, isn’t it?

It is always true that life is the process of assimilation and (therefore) change. It is true that change is the law of life not only in 3D, but in All-D. (How could one walled-off portion of the All That Is be the province of change, and all the rest not?) It is also true that change implies decomposition as well as synthesis. But that’s another story.



— Edited from Awakening From the 3D World, available from publisher Rainbow Ridge Books ( or from other booksellers.


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