Lost at sea

We left off with the soul realizing more what it really was and always had been.

It changes everything, you see. Nothing it was accustomed to remains to it, except – to the extent that it developed it in 3D life – the ability and habit of communicating freely with the rest of itself. If it had no such habit, it now has nothing whatever as a resource from its end of the polarity.

I think I know what that means, but just to be sure –

Everything we will ever examine will at the same time be a unit and a divisible collection, a single thing capable of being treated as if it were multiple. Definitions are relative. So, I say we’re going to examine a polarity between the larger being and the 3D individual, but neither is really a unit, and together they aren’t really a multiple. Single/not-single is a matter of how much stress we put on a given way of seeing it. There is no absolute difference between the larger beings and the various 3D beings each creates and incorporates, but it is not incorrect to examine them separately. Definitions are matters of convenience, in that sense.

Really, all we are saying is “Let’s look at them as if they were separate although we could equally accurately look at them as if they were parts of one thing.”

It isn’t exactly an “as if,” either. It is more a temporary focus on a thing’s separate-ness or community-ness.

To return to the original point: The ex-3D soul, considered as if individual, is, by itself, lost at sea. It has no means of communication, no means of perception, nothing by which to orient itself. A life spent gazing outward provides no resources when “outward” disappears and it is as if that soul were in silent darkness, with no memory of anything outside the 3D life just departed, and no ability to interact consciously with the only life it remembers. Without communication with its deeper self – the larger being – it would remain “stuck” indefinitely.

I get that we could think about ghosts in this context.

Many examples of non-3D spirits interacting in a not very conscious way with the 3D world could be investigated beginning with this description of their situation, and much would become clear, pretty quickly, that has eluded those trying to investigate from other points of view.

But we are following the ex-3D soul to see its possibilities and difficulties. The resolute non-believer is one extreme; at the other is the person who has achieved transparency in its relationship with the non-3D aspects of its being. Look what happens to such a person: It dies to the 3D, but it does not lose contact with that “inner” self, because that connection never depended upon sensory intermediation. It reviews its life, in a way, in that any restrictions on its span of consciousness are removed.  Although the “past life review” is not the sequential process it is often described to be, still the essence is the same. From being held in the present moment, it is now able to get the entire life in a true perspective, and that changes the ex-3D mind’s opinions and judgments retrospectively.

However – seeing one’s past life while being in conscious connection with the larger being makes that experience radically different from what it is when one experiences oneself to be alone. The stages of self-condemnation, etc. are fleeting or non-existent, because one’s basis for discernment is so much more solid and reliable. One has a vastly larger perspective, within which the “sins” and shortcomings of the individual are seen as “just one of those things” that accompany life in the 3D. The awakening to All-D existence of the newly ex-3D soul that has lived its life in close connection with its non-3D component is the other end of the polarity from the soul that experiences a lack of everything it knew.

And everybody fits somewhere in the bell curve between the two extremes.

Set out the extremes and you have delineated the field, and pretty much set out all the possibilities.

So – leaving aside any ex-3D souls that may be considered “stuck” because they have not yet gained the ability to perceive and interact with their new surroundings – we see that the ex-3D soul is in a new condition, but not an uncomfortable one. You have died to the 3D, losing all access as you lose your senses with the death of the only thing [the body] that anchored you to the continually-moving present. You have seen your self-definition change repeatedly, as you became consciously aware of how far you extend among your contemporaries, and how far you extend backward and forward in time. And, most radically, you are introduced to being a small part of a larger functioning being, rather than an independent or at least autonomous unit.

By the way, your new expanded realizations include that you were (hence, are) a community at a lower level of organization, as well. The subordinate consciousnesses that contributed to the 3D individual’s life are just as valid as any other. You know of different intelligences working the body for you – “processing sugars,” as you always say. But is it not clear that your intelligence also has other levels, other components that might be examined as if separate?

So, the first stage of entering upon non-3D life is total redefinition. Everything you thought you knew is seen in so different a context as to be seen only as a special way of seeing things. Even if you are very connected to your non-3D component during life, you’re in for surprises. But they aren’t necessarily unpleasant ones, so don’t concern yourself too much about it. You couldn’t tell a child about the preoccupations and satisfactions of life as an adult, so don’t expect that you as a 3D being can understand All-D life now in the way you will then. Timing is everything.

Remember, the 3D is the natural, unavoidable center of your interest while you are there, but it is not necessarily the center thereafter. So don’t let yourself unconsciously assume that it will be. This is attempting to give you a window to a world that may not concern itself too much with the room you’re living in.


— Edited from Awakening From the 3D World, available from publisher Rainbow Ridge Books (https://www.rainbowridgebooks.com) or from other booksellers.


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