Individual and collective progress

Thursday, October 17, 2024

12:50 a.m. So now you have had an experience with how quickly and easily a new technique will be adopted when people are ready for it.

Yes. I was surprised how well it was accepted in yesterday’s meeting. I was not surprised so much by success in the small group on Tuesday, but I thought there might be resistance or – oh, I don’t know, call it a lack of resonance – in the larger group. But there wasn’t.

You and others have noted the fact, but it may be worth repeating here: You couldn’t have done this if you hadn’t been working together for so long. Some things don’t required long lead-times, but some do. The gradual coming together of an accustomed group mind brought you to mutual trust, expectation of success, and experience of new ways of being.

It is a far cry from the gloom-and-doom about contemporary politics and society.

Actually, there is a linkage, though it is not obvious.

Pray tell.

The fall of Rome took a long, long time, and every day of that slow decline provided implicit encouragement for people to readjust their ideas about what was important, what was meaningful. Bad times often deepen people, individually and, sometimes, in large numbers, though to use the word “collectively” would be misleading.

In that. awakening is never a collective process.

That’s right. It may happen in large numbers sometimes, but it can only be an individual process. Except –

Yes, the same thought came to me. I guess that’s today’s theme, assuming I don’t run out of gas?

Well, it could be. It’s worth pursuing.

Oddly, as soon as I say “assuming I don’t run out of gas,” I feel tired. Perhaps the prospect of so much work – an hour’s connecting and thinking – daunts?

Quite possibly. No reason you can’t sketch the problem (so you won’t forget it later) and defer attacking it.

There is an interaction between “individual” and “collective” mental activity, rooted in the fact that we are only somewhat individual and only somewhat all one mind. It may be that the differences in manifestation are dependent upon the difference in conceptualizing what and who we are.

And I think I will defer making the effort to expound until later, as I can see I will need a certain amount of energy to actually think along with you.

Later is fine.

6:55 a.m. To resume. Awakening is always an individual thing, and yet, it isn’t immune from “outside” influences. There is a lot involved here. You take it? With bullets, perhaps?

Bullets are always a convenient way to pick off aspects one by one without needing to restate them logically. That can always be done later, though sometimes the mere process of enumerating will make relationships obvious.

  • In any aspect of life, what we are calling astrological aspects are involved, because the nature of a given time bounds and limits the kind of energies that can manifest, and somewhat shapes how they can manifest. This is not determinant, but it does set limits to possibilities.
  • This applies to physical manifestations such as earthquakes, but it also applies to other kinds of physical manifestations (not always thought of as physical) such as brainstorms, or prevalent manias, or widespread or individual ways of seeing things.
  • You as individual increase your personal scope of action and manifestation chiefly by deciding which “you” you care to manifest at any given moment. Different aspects of “you” will mesh with different aspects of what seems to you “external” reality.
  • In a sense, “You create your own reality.” This does not mean, you shape the world others will experience. It means, you choose indirectly what you will be able to experience.
  • But clearly, this is not true in itself without modification by other things that are also true. Just as necessity and free will balance each other, so “you” and “not-you.”

I take that to mean, simply, we are not omnipotent any more than omniscient; we are the center of our world but not of other people’s world; we are part of the 3D world, not all of it. Obvious facts, all of them, but needing to be kept in mind.

Yes, but there are other equally central truths:

  • It’s all one thing. 3D life is only somewhat real. It is always now. This has consequences:
    • There is no truly separate “you,” only a relatively separate you.
    • Life is not mechanistic and as determined by physical laws as it appears to be.
    • There is no dead (fixed) past any more than there is dead (fixed) matter, despite appearances.
  • In short, in important ways, everything is always in flux, and you all (and for that matter, obviously, we all) continually interact at many levels.
  • Therefore – can you see why “therefore”? – your possibilities for self-transcendence are continual, and are dependent upon your own intent, and yet find less or more favorable times to manifest. In short, some times are propitious for growth, other times, less so.
  • Another therefore: You are each dependent upon no one for your growth, and yet you each may help others and may be helped.

And this is all you need, but it needs mulling over. It won’t all come clear in an instant, even though at first reading, many will think they got it. Some thought at different levels (what you would call conscious or unconscious) will reveal unexpected connections which will be different for each, because each is embedded in a different mental matrix.

Call it, “Individual and collective progress,” perhaps.

Thanks as ever.



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