A drumming on getting our emotions to serve us better

Yesterday’s drumming

Our small group did a five-minute journey on the question, “How can we learn to use our emotions to serve us better?” What I got follows:

“You are all on the same track, and it is the right track: Observe. Even when you find that you have gotten caught up again, go back to observing. The remembering, that you are 3D and non-3D both, will help you see how the “outside world,” so called, is useful in challenging you. These challenges are vital. They give point to your lives. They provide the opportunity for great growth. And remember, positive emotions are just as strong, just as useful, as negative. A parent dealing with his or her cherished newborn is a beautiful thing to see. Is that not emotion? Does that not offer clues toward growing to be more what one wants to be, and less what one regrets being?

“In learning distance from drama (not distance from emotion) you learn advanced control and it extends to other parts of your life. The objective is not this or that state of being (calm or tumultuous, for example) but greater control – less forgetting who and what you are. Life more abundantly.”


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