A joint exercise on energy

The following short transcript (very slightly edited, for smoothness) deserves a word of explanation.

Five of us met via Zoom, talked about the subject of how we as 3D individuals deal with the energy that pours into the system moment by moment, then we each did a short shamanic journey, to the background of drumming, and compared notes.

the format sort of evolved itself, but the result seems to me to be a very good tool for exploration, combining discussion,  journeying, and comparing notes.  if we were doing it in person, or had more time, there is no reason we couldn’t go through the cycle a second time, or even a third, if interest and stamina persisted.

What we call the Engineers’ Small Group discussed this issue on June 11: “With the waves of energy entering, what is the purpose? How do we discern the purpose and learn? How do we better react to the waves of energy entering the earth plane?”

when we returned from our journeys, Dirk asked, Who’d like to go first?

Peter: Well, I might go first, because  I’m not completely sure I understood the topic at all. And I think they got that. I just wrote down joyride on waves of energy entering this Earth plane. And how do we discern?  Just when it started drumming, I said, discern what?  And then I just started to write, and I got, “As you seem completely lost on where this topic is going, relax. There are, indeed, waves of energy entering the earth at various frequencies all the time. Think of how behaviors are influenced by full moons or orbits. sunspots or flares or climate changes, storms, and more. Humans do react to these. You can see a connection when you find yourself in a particular mood, for no apparent reason. Learn how to flow with it. Bring yourself back by simply allowing the feeling without judgment or emotional response. Breathe easy.

Frank:  “How do we better react to the waves of energy entering the earth? And how do we discern purpose and learn? “Openness, receptivity is all you need to ride the waves. But where you ride them is a combination of where they want to go and where you want to go, like surfing. Your choices are constricted, but they do exist, and this is the interaction of character and fate. Discernment relies upon receptivity and subsequent analysis. Self examination. The neutrality of entering energy is accurate, but for each given individual, it will not seem neutral, for it will be an interaction through the invisible filters of the individual’s habits, tastes, values, is character. Much more to be explained here, and we encourage you all to do so.

Bill: “How do we best react to the energies that flow through the universe?”

The energies are effectively neutral. How you react to them and what decisions you make based on your reaction is what determine the result. The decisions you make determine what happens next. There is no best reaction, it is your reaction that counts for you. Each decision results in another perception, which again leads to a decision. Each decision is up to you, there is no better or worse.

Jane: Answer – stop for a moment. Go neutral. What would it be like if your default position was, “All is well. . .” and you ran any event through that, any event, and trusted that this was so? What if that could become your default position, rather than, “It hurts, it’s bad”? To get there, you have to practice. Go into meditation. Create the lucid dream where something unfun happens. (Aargh, language!) See what happens when you look at it and react from, “All is well. . . ” Practice on the holodeck of your mind. Consciously rewire yourselves. You can do this. You have the tools.

Dirk: Mine went in a slightly different direction and actually echoed back Frank to some earlier things you had.

We would suggest you consider this differently. The waves of energies you feel don’t so much come from beyond (what ever you imagine that to be), as they do from the reactions of and between yourselves.

Think of it akin to the function of a transistor as an amplifier. The source energy (and earth energy) are always available to you. Your collective and individual responses act like the control signal on an amplifier, turning that up or down.  It is more complex though than that. You might think of it like a sound board of transistors each involving a single or suite of energies from source, from earth and from each of you. This is where Frank’s guys ideas about emotions being the interface comes into play. And it is how they come into play.

Most often, though by no means always, the emotions come into play with this interface augmenting, or tempering the incoming energy. When this is done in such a way that the energy turns inward, mania, depression and worse can manifest. When it is outward, all manner of group things may happen. This is what you see involved at sporting events, riots, wars, love-ins, and all manner of other mass events. And these can be concentrated, or disperse.

They had much more to say, but the drumming ended.


2 thoughts on “A joint exercise on energy

  1. This worked really well, Frank. Thanks for bringing the seed question to the engineers group. And thanks for putting this together as a post. It forms a cogent whole, and I can feel more insight tickling the edges of my consciousness.

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