35. Clarifying 3D and non-3D

Friday May 31, 2024

4:15 am.. let’s go to town. How we get to turn 3D conditions to advantage?

A little more than that: how you get to live as the creator gods you are. It isn’t about making the most (or the best) of 3D. it is about letting 3D make the most – the best – of you.

Turning it on its head, moving the center from 3D life to the greater life of which it is a part.

Not quite. That isn’t wrong, but the emphasis is wrongly placed. Just as “Man was not created for the Sabbath, but the Sabbath for man,” so man wasn’t created for the 3D, but the 3D for man.

Boot camp. Or a gymnasium, so to speak.

No, no, wrong idea still.

Well, we’re open to instruction.

You will remember that Jung came to realize that in centering yourselves on your ego-awareness (that is, what you are conscious of), you were making a mistake, that your true center is the Self, the total being, not the localized part of it. Well, similarly, we have been showing you that the same “centering in ego” could be described as “centering in 3D,” and is as off-center that way: You are 3D and non-3D beings. But once you have been created into 3D, it is as wrong to think of yourselves as non-3D-beings-only as to think of yourselves as 3D-beings-only. So to call 3D boot camp is to think of it as a transient experience a 3D being must go through on its way home to non-3D.

You never stop surprising me. That is pretty much how I do think of it.

And that is a 3D perspective speaking, you see.

I didn’t, but I do now. Only by identifying with the 3D personality could we think of it as “being created, living in 3D, then dying and being set free to live in non-3D again.”

Exactly. Where is the movement coming from? Think about the non-3D part of that proposed scenario. It would be living in non-3D, cut off or connected or semi-connected to the part of it that was in 3D, then reconnected to the formerly separated part. But think, now. The 3D individual is made up of many strands. All those strands: Did they necessarily come from the same larger being, as you are conceiving it? If –

No, we need to regroup. This is a vert fruitful subject, and needs to be taken carefully.

I could feel myself getting in the way, involuntarily trying to reason it out.

And that’s what we want all of you to learn to do routinely, to reason rather than merely accept – but the reasoning must be deferred until after the receiving, if the process is to be able to continue. First perceive, then analyze.

I know that, of course. The reasoning in this case was sort of involuntary. I was trying to see how to make sense of what you were giving us.

Let this stand when you transcribe. Rather than an interruption to the argument, it may serve as example that your minds work on more levels than one, and sometimes you have to consciously suspend peripheral operations if you wish to focus tightly on things. That is what hypnosis does, sedates all but one level of operation, only in that case it is bypassing the will and in this case we wish the will to be engaged, and the reasoning faculty, but in smooth coordination with the perception-enhanced channel.

Well, try again and I’ll try to let it come through unfiltered. To me, it always feels like I have to be willing to write nonsense, which is why sometimes the reasoner comes in uninvited. But I do know enough to try again.

We can always discuss and you can edit. Very well, we were saying, you in 3D are combinations of strands. New combinations; that’s the point. Hence you did not exist in non-3D in your present form, and now you do. If you try to keep this straight while thinking of yourselves as individuals, you won’t be able to do it, for you will be silently mixing categories. But to think of it from an all-inclusive viewpoint won’t be easy for you. You probably will have to settle for a vague sense of it, rather than any image as definite as “going back to the non-3D like a homecoming.”

Begin not with 3D but non-3D. It isn’t one unit (so called) that contributes strands, because we don’t exist in units in the same way you do as separate bodies having separate experiences. We are more like sentient clouds, not differentiated but able to be considered separately. And of course, therefore so are you.

If you will think of us in non-3D as all one thing, instead of thinking of us (as your 3D analogies continually tempt you into doing) as bodiless individuals, you will begin to see the difficulties in your thought this causes. Logic says A and B and C contribute to form D in 3D, and D when it leaves 3D rejoins – what? A? B? C? Two or more of them? It could present a tangle of theoretical possibilities, but it’s all wrong because the assumption of non-3D individuals is wrong..

It is hard for you to keep in mind unconsciously as well as (occasionally) consciously, but in non-3D as in 3D, all is one. This doesn’t mean everything is homogenous; it means there are no absolute boundaries nor fixed positions, just as is so for you mentally (because, of course, your “mental” is your non-3D component).

It is as misleading to think of us as absolutely separate, though we may be relatively separate, as to label clouds A, B, C, etc. They can be perceived as separate and you could perhaps even say they sometimes function separately – some bearing rain, some providing shade, some appearing as a mere haze – but in nature they are the same, and should they drift into each other, the mixing is seamless and subtle, and, really, meaningless, for the only difference among them was one of temporary appearance and perhaps immediate function.

Did we not tell you, early on, that when you talk to non-3D, different voices fade in and fade out, usually without your noticing?

I begin to see that ex-3D souls may function as focusing devices.

Very good! Very good. Indeed you do, and that’s one of the functions of 3D, to provide training for just that focus, for what is focus but self-identification?

I can’t hold in mind the journey we have made here today. The best I can do is remind us that you said you were going to discuss us as creator gods.

Don’t you think it might be helpful for you to begin with the right idea of who you and we are? The primary reason it is so hard to get through these concepts is that there is so much background to explain, and so few people (relatively) who are willing to take the time. It doesn’t lend itself to bumper-sticker slogans, and when it does, the slogans tend to be true but misleading, or true but opaque.

“All is one. All is well.”

Not to mention your one-time favorite whipping boy, “On the other side, there is no time.” Now, you need to be able to put these things into short pithy statements. “God is love.” “Love is all there is.” But what is meaningful to one who has gone through the explanatory process and come to it as a boiled-down precis is not necessarily meaningful to one who comes to it cold. Worse, it may convey entirely incorrect meanings because of 3D reasoning about what it seems to say, and therefore probably must mean.

For us to discuss you as creator gods, we need to have you bear in mind so many things, now reducible to shorthand, but how much exposition was required to reduce misunderstanding? We won’t list them, and your difficulty in enumerating them ought to tell you that our “get smart slowly” program has its reason behind it. You can’t remember all these things. You must have come to embody them, for them to guide you.


So, for now, concentrate on thinking about your situation. You are made up of strands of ex-3D beings; these provide you the specific points of focus that are shaped by your time and place of birth and are affected by your early upbringing.

When your 3D existence ends (seen from a 3D time perspective), you yourself are ex-3D. like other ex-3Ds, you recognize that you are:

  • what you were “separately” before 3D (the strands haven’t gone anywhere; they still have their relatively separate existence), plus
  • what you became (that is, the 3D person you just shaped), and
  • the extension of the non-3D that you never ceased being.

If we in non-3D are not what you might imagine, well, neither are you. For one thing, you are one of us. For another, you still do not quite understand what you’re doing while in 3D, nor what more you might do.


We’re out of time. I take it we will resume here?

Probably. Let’s see how the moment feels.

Very well. Our thanks as always.


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