28. Addendum: Revolution

Thursday, May 23, 2024

9:50 a.m. As I sat quietly pondering, I realized, what you’re doing is a quiet revolution that has nothing to do with overthrowing anything, but merely seeing them in different contexts – which is the most thorough-going revolution possible.

This is not really a new idea to you. It is perhaps the first time it has come front and center.

I would say so.

You might spell it out, lest it become less clear to you later.

It isn’t hard. All those self-help books people put out, all those confident formulas for success in one guise or another, every worked-out system of philosophy or religion or whatever attempting to explain the world and our place in it – all the things people have ever taught or believed – they aren’t wrong, but they are limited. We aren’t saying, “We’re right and you’re wrong”; we’re saying, “You are right as far as you go, as far as your axioms and definitions will take you – but if you will look at the world our way, you’ll see it all differently.”

Still think you wasted your life? Or met with insufficient success?

It’s breathtaking. That’s a cliché, but warranted. (And serious business, for an asthmatic! 😊) I could never believe that everybody else was wrong and we were right. “Everybody’s out of step but my Johnny.” But this, I can believe. What was true is no longer the ultimate in truth. The way things were seen is not the way they will be seen. And it will change everything and nothing.

Nor will it be the final word, of course, only a new way opening.

The teachings of the Buddha, and the Tao, and Jesus and life more abundantly: It is all the same and it is all different because seen from a new place.

Nor are the social sciences nor even the physical sciences unaffected. Nor psychology, nor anything anyone puts mind to. Christianity revolutionized the Western world, and is still revolutionizing parts of the world beyond, by seeing man’s relation to the divine differently. Actually, any religion, even those that exaggerate the distance between the human and the divine, see the relationship differently: That difference is what is at the root of their gift.

I will send this out, hoping it doesn’t sound like psychic inflation. (And hoping it isn’t!)

Remember that there is no ownership of ideas. Any way of seeing is open to any who are capable of adopting it.

And I will rely on it to make its own way, without the help of Madison Avenue.


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