Saturday, September 7, 2019
Yesterday’s wonderful conversation demonstrates what you said so many years ago, how we in 3D live our life in time-slices. After I gradually changed, I forgot how I had been, so entirely that I was puzzled how people could be the way I myself had been!
As we said then, the 3D world is designed to let you live in a pressure-chamber of now. This is what gives you the possibility of choice and change, far more so than the non-3D condition alone could provide.
I hear the words “hyperbaric chamber.”
A reasonable analogy. Such a chamber employs high pressure in an external atmosphere to force life-giving oxygen into tissues that need it.
I don’t know, though. Doesn’t 3D also force negative energies into us as well?
It may look that way, but that is mostly because 3D conditions produce the sensation of “external” forces, rather than forces that are part of you but are experienced as external.