Friday, August 30, 2019
A reasonable night’s sleep, courtesy of the nebulizer and a good deal of foresight. But what’s this all about really, guys? Is it really just weather all the time?.
You live in 3D, you can’t expect to be unaffected by 3D.
And I am also a creature of non-3D, and ought to have some immunity from 3D.
Do you think so?
I do. I can’t imagine that our 3D limitations are absolute in the way they seem to be. I guess that’s way I always believed in psychic abilities: I sensed that what we see is not what we get.
Oh, but it is, if you will examine the statement carefully.
Yes, I get it. What we see is what we get. As we see more, there is more to see.
More to get.
Your depth of connection determines the rules of the world you live in. Change the depth of connection, and you change the rules in effect for you.
As Thoreau said in Walden. It seems to me you told me that our health could also be read as an indicator of where we are, like a barometer.
We said that if good behavior guaranteed good health, the 3D would be much better behaved. But, within limits, there is truth to the statement. Only, measure within yourself, not against others.
For some, physical health is a given; for some, an impossible dream; for some, a position between the extremes. (Just as health varies among people, so do other factors. Intelligence. Emotional stability. External good fortune. Luck, so called. Vitality. Not all pf life’s prizes, nor pains, are given to any one person.) The fluctuations of your barometer that can serve as indicators for you, no one else’s.
I have assumed that good and bad that happen to us don’t happen at random.
In the first place, how do you know the good from the bad? Is it “good” that lighting strikes, or rain falls, or the sun shines, or that temperature rises or falls? Is it “bad”?
It’s just life.
Yes – but what is life? Life is non-3D beings, experiencing 3D constrictions to focus perceptions and shape choices in the process of self-creation, and doing so in the presence of other non-3D beings undergoing the same process.
Somebody must be calling the tune.
Or maybe the tune is being simultaneously and competitively created as you go along. Just because we call them vast impersonal forces doesn’t mean they are vast autonomous forces, but they are impersonal relative to any given 3D individual or the larger non-3D being of which it is a part.
And do those non-3D beings together determine our weather here?
We should have to think how to answer that question, it has so many unconscious assumptions, some of which are right. We are a long way even from making a fair start on the relations between 3D lives and the greater world they are usually only vaguely aware of.
Tell me more about what changed when I was ten, and again at twelve when I didn’t quite drown.
And, you might add, the time you fainted in church and came back – just before you would have lost consciousness completely – when the ushers got you to the front door, thus allowing you to remember the event if with no sense of its meaning. Three events. And there could be others added. Anyone’s life is fuller and stranger than is realized from inside or from outside – that is, by self or others.
The incident at ten influenced my whole life and I always knew it, but I didn’t really conceptualize it until much later. Yet now we work on the assumption that a message from my future shaped it.
The message reshaped its importance. It reconfigured your second- and third-tier reactions to life, you might say. So this version that you live is more magical and open than the ones in which the message was not received and the encouragement was not taken to heart. Notice that the message and the response were below the threshold of your consciousness. It nearly always is; that allows essence to bypass personality.
The incident at age 12, like the fainting-spell in church, allowed a brief bridging of worlds with conscious observation. Because you did not quite lose consciousness, but came so close, in circumstances that had your attention, you got a glimpse of the existence of more than the sensory world. It came without conceptualization, so could not be rationalized away, even if you had so wished. You passed on to other things and didn’t obsess over what had happened.
I get the sense of our lives being repeatedly tweaked.
Remember that what you experience as external events are in reality dramatizations of what you are and where you are trending at the moment. No two people experience the same event or series of events or background conditions identically.