Why each soul is unique (from “Life More Abundantly”)

Just as the seed is a dead predecessor to the plant, so various aspects of what it is to be a soul cannot be understood if examined strictly from a vantage point that assumes that any one level of reality is the only level operating.

A soul is a spirit intertwined with 3D conditions so as to appear separate and limited.

  • There is a “you” before you are a soul.
  • You live a life in 3D, and the soul is seen.
  • You experience physical death, and the soul disappears from view in 3D.

A visual analogy might be to envision a daffodil.

  • Beneath ground is the bulb, level 1.
  • Above ground is the stalk, level 2.
  • Above the stalk is the flower itself, level 3.

If you attempt to understand daffodils by examining only level 2, not suspecting the existence of levels 1 and 3, or, regarding them as unprovable, how well are you going to be able to understand daffodils? You might be able to describe the stalk in exquisite detail, but your very precision is going to further distort your understanding of levels 1 and 3, because of their obscurity and seeming abstract theoretical nature. No one can understand flowers without understanding pollination, nutrition from the soil, photosynthesis, etc., etc. So with souls.

We look at people’s lives and measure the stalk, guess at the bulb, see the flower in this 3D world. I am beginning to see how everything I know, which of course includes everything I think about, makes any message I bring forth unique. It really is true that nobody could do exactly what I can do; and of course, that goes for everybody else, a good reason to encourage others to do the same.

Your accustomed joke which tells truth: You’re special, just like everybody else.


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